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Kubernetes 101 & Workshop

These demo docs at

Session slides at

Video at


Run Kubernetes locally with Docker Desktop or kind, or use a playground like Play with Kubernetes or Katacoda.

Clone this repo & switch to the resources:

git clone --depth 1

cd presentations/linuxing-in-london/202005-kubernetes-101/

Demo 1 - Sleep

Walk through sleep.yaml.

Simple Pod:

kubectl apply -f sleep.yaml

kubectl get pods --show-labels

kubectl describe pod -l app=sleep

kubectl exec deploy/sleep -- hostname

Pod restart:

kubectl exec deploy/sleep -- killall5

kubectl get pods

Pod replacement:

kubectl delete pods -l app=sleep

kubectl get pods

Demo 2 - Web

Walk through bb-web-service.yaml and bb-web.yaml.

Deploy all:

kubectl apply -f web/

kubectl get svc

Check status:

kubectl get pods -l app=bb-web

kubectl logs -l app=bb-web

Check network:

kubectl get svc bb-web

kubectl exec deploy/sleep -- nslookup bb-web

kubectl exec deploy/sleep -- curl http://bb-web:8080

Demo 3 - Database

Walk through bb-db-service.yaml, bb-db.yaml and bb-db-secret.yaml.

Deploy all:

kubectl apply -f db/

kubectl get svc

kubectl get pods -l app=bb-db

kubectl logs -l app=bb-db

Check app status:

kubectl get pods -l app=bb-web

Get URL & browse:

kubectl get svc bb-web -o jsonpath='http://{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].*}:8080'

Scale up:

kubectl scale deploy/bb-web --replicas=3

kubectl get pods -l app=bb-web

kubectl get endpoints bb-web

Browse and refresh lots

Check load balancing:

kubectl logs -l app=bb-web --tail 1


All the objects are labelled with demo=kube101, so we can delete them all using a label selector.

kubectl get all -l demo=kube101

kubectl delete all -l demo=kube101