Chris Coons Believes That The Constitution Is Just A Suggestion

  The latest demonstration by Mr. Coons, who is the Democrat candidate for the U.S. Senate from the state of Delaware, proves that he either has no understanding of constitutional governance, or no respect for it.

  I am inclined to believe it is the latter after his latest gaffe in a debate with his Republican opponent  Christine O’Donnell. I use the word gaff only because I believe he would rather no one would have picked up on it, not that he doesn’t believe it.

  In the debate Mr. Coons hurled what he believed to be some sort of insult or accusation. He basically said that ” Christine believes that you can govern by the Constitution alone”.  So one has to wonder what Mr. Coons would use as the guiding influence if he were elected.

  The World Book Encyclopedia Dictionary defines constitution as : the fundamental principles according to which a nation, state, or group is governed.

  The World Book Dictionary then defines, the Constitution as: the written set of fundamental principles by which the United States is governed.

  I suppose that it is the idea of guiding principle that may be giving Mr. Coons a problem since he doesn’t seem to have any. His constant flip-flopping on whether he would repeal or extend the Bush tax cuts shows that he will tell anybody, anything, to get elected.

  But truly his disregard for the founding principles of this nation should trouble every freedom loving American. One has to wonder, is Mr. Coons another of these, one world neophytes, that believe we should surrender our sovereignty to the U.N., that we should drop our borders to allow any and all to just walk in? Would a  Senator Coons look to European law for governing guidance as some Sumpreme Court Justices have suggested? Is this the litmus test Mr. Coons would use for confirming justices? Would a Senator Coons confirm Sumpreme Court Justices that have as little respect for the Constitution as he does?

  I think from his statements about the First Amendment being the definition of separation of church and state, and now this statement about the Constitution not being the last word in governing the nation, clearly defines Mr. Coons as just another leftist who would dismantle our individual Liberties. Liberties that are the basis of our national freedoms, which the Constitution enumerates and guarantees.

  We as Delaware voters cannot allow this man to be elected to such a high office as U.S. Senator, when he obviously holds such distain for our founding principles.

 On November 2nd we must send Christine O’Donnell to the U.S. Senate, a person who understands the Constitution and who holds it in the high regard that it deserves.

3 Responses to “Chris Coons Believes That The Constitution Is Just A Suggestion”

  1. Bill Says:

    You know Frank? To me extending the Bush tax cuts is a NO BRAINER and those that wish to let them expire ought “expire” themselves from their political seat be it the Senate or the House.
    I know you and countless others have no more money to give and after receiving my health enrollment package yesterday, 20Oct10, shows an increase of $30 per month. In addition doesn’t Obama want to take away our health insurance pre-tax deduction?
    What’s so wrong about giving tax cuts to the rich? I mean aren’t these the ones that supply the jobs to boost our economy? I don’t claim to be the brightest person but simple economics would show that businesses will reign in their own capital outlays for fear the government will confiscate more of what they earn? I have made a similar point like this in a previous post but one sometimes has to “smack” another in the face to make it known that higher taxes DON’T WORK!
    Mr Coons is one those tax and spend liberals and will “rubber stamp” all of the Obama agenda.
    I had the pleasure of hearing Chrisitne O’Donnell last evening at the Delaware 9-12 Patriots meeting at the Millsboro Fire Hall. She was gracious as ever and was fantastic in her speech.
    I was not surprised to see the hall was packed and just about standing room only.
    I had never heard Glen Urquhart speak live and he was absolutely terrific.
    So to everyone that may read this, GET OUT AND VOTE Nov 2!!!!!!!

  2. Tweets that mention Chris Coons Believes That The Constitution Is Just A Suggestion « Politically Frank -- Says:

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Bryan McCarthy, Keith Goody. Keith Goody said: RT @outofstyle: Apparently Chris Coons Believes That The Constitution Is Just A Suggestion: #desen #wdel #netde #tcot … […]

  3. frankknotts Says:

    Bill when we tie the Bush tax cuts being allowed to expire and the cost of cap and trade along with the rising cost of health care due to Obama care, this President will be responsible for the highest tax increase in our history. Chris Coons has already signed on to this agenda. When you factor in the cost of the stimulus, the bailouts and the takeovers, this President will be responsible for the highest deficit ever, again an agenda that Chris Coons has supported

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