## Included datasets ```{r function-commune_level_data, eval = FALSE} #' commune_level_data #' #' data in 'luHousePrices'. #' #' @format A data frame with 1171 rows and 5 variables: #' \describe{ #' \item{ year }{ 2010 to 2020 } #' \item{ locality }{ Communes of Luxembourg } #' \item{ n_offers }{ Total offers in that commune for that year } #' \item{ average_price_nominal_euros }{ Average selling price of houses in that commune for that year } #' \item{ average_price_m2_nominal_euros }{ Average selling price by m2 of houses in that commune for that year } #' } #' @source Observatoire de l'Habitat "commune_level_data" ``` ```{r function-country_level_data, eval = FALSE} #' country_level_data #' #' data in 'luHousePrices'. #' #' @format A data frame with 11 rows and 5 variables: #' \describe{ #' \item{ year }{ 2010 to 2020 } #' \item{ locality }{ For this dataset, only the country of Luxembourg } #' \item{ n_offers }{ Total offers in the country for that year } #' \item{ average_price_nominal_euros }{ Average selling price of houses in the commune for that year } #' \item{ average_price_m2_nominal_euros }{ Average selling price by m2 of houses in the commune for that year } #' } #' @source Observatoire de l'Habitat "country_level_data" ``` ```{r function-communes, eval = FALSE} #' communes #' #' data in 'luHousePrices'. #' #' @format A list of luxembourguish communes #' @source Observatoire de l'Habitat "communes" ```