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Most Active Penny Stocks on 3/30/11

On March 30, 2011, in Daily Watchlist, by PennyStockRumors.net

Hot Penny Stocks

Mammoth Energy Group, Inc closed at $0.0032 representing a percentage change of -15.79% from the previous close. There were 249.307M shares traded. MMTE saw slight volatility as the day low was 0.0031 and the day high was 0.0042. Mammoth Energy Group, Inc has a 52 week low of 0.0002, and a 52 week high of 0.0111 which it hit on 1/12/2011. According to Scottrade.com, MMTE has 2.46B shares outstanding.The latest news from MMTE, titled “Mammoth Energy Group to Complete Capital Raise” was released on March 11, 2011.Read the full press release here: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/mammoth-energy-group-to-complete-capital-raise-2011-03-30

Guard Dog, Inc. closed at $0.0016 representing a percentage change of -44.83% from the previous close. There were 51.719M shares traded. GRDO saw slight volatility as the day low was 0.0014 and the day high was 0.0032. Guard Dog, Inc. has a 52 week low of 0.0011, and a 52 week high of 0.0140 which it hit on 7/14/2010. According to Scottrade.com, GRDO has 0 shares outstanding.The latest news from GRDO, titled “Guard Dog Inc Announces Signed LOI For Merger” was released on March 1, 2011.

QSGI, Inc. closed at $0.262 representing a percentage change of 1.16% from the previous close. There were 662,887 shares traded. QSGIQ saw slight volatility as the day low was 0.2380 and the day high was 0.3100. QSGI, Inc. has a 52 week low of 0.0001, and a 52 week high of 0.5800 which it hit on 3/21/2011. According to Scottrade.com, QSGIQ has 46M shares outstanding.The latest news from QSGIQ, titled “QSGI Emerging From Chapter 11 Reorganization” was released on March 24, 2011.Read the full press release here: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/qsgi-emerging-from-chapter-11-reorganization-2011-03-24

Global Aircraft Solutions closed at $0.007 representing a percentage change of 40.00% from the previous close. There were 21.393M shares traded. GACFQ saw slight volatility as the day low was 0.0025 and the day high was 0.0080. Global Aircraft Solutions has a 52 week low of 0.0006, and a 52 week high of 0.0104 which it hit on 9/15/2010. According to Scottrade.com, GACFQ has 40M shares outstanding.

InterDigital Communications closed at $47.97 representing a percentage change of 10.25% from the previous close. There were 3,521,878 shares traded. IDCC saw slight volatility as the day low was 43.79 and the day high was 48.07. InterDigital Communications has a 52 week low of 22.30, and a 52 week high of 58.64 which it hit on 2/16/2011. According to Scottrade.com, IDCC has 45M shares outstanding.The latest news from IDCC, titled “InterDigital Announces Pricing of Private Offering of $200 Million of 2.50% Senior Convertible Notes” was released on March 28, 2011.

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