I had a plan to travel to India’s north east to eat dog. The meat served in Ambattur, Chennai, mostly in cheap mutton briyani there may be dog meat, I had eaten it, but to get real taste of Dog, I always wanted to travel to India’s north east. China would have been better, but travel inside India would make good economics.

I had been chased by dogs when young, and even now stray and neighbors dogs wake me up by random barks when I am sleeping. It irritates me. I wanted to have my vengeance on canniness, may be I already had and do not know, but eating dogs meat and knowing it I ate it will give a soul satisfaction.

For those who are shrugging and feeling uncomfortable, think what you had been eating in last Ramzan or Eid? The price of goat had soared so much, the tender meat u had in briyani and the thing you had tasted in your haleem could be a cat meat mixed with goat. Nothing happened after eating that, it’s perfectly okay. In fact a good diet consists of variety.

What many remote communities still preserve, the diversity of food, we have lost. We just come to rely upon rice, wheat and chicken for all our main food. Pathetic are our lives. I live just somewhat 10 Kms from the Irular community who eat tasty roasted rats, but I find no shops here selling them. We have tricked ourselves into thinking rat meat is not fit for our culture, and worst we are poisoning their cuisine with our edible habits. One of their kid can have nice 10 roasted rats a day and feel filled with almost no cost, but we want to make him an idiot, and make him order food online, and he would spend about 500/- just to get his stomach half full during lunch. We call that civilized and development! And we feel superior about it!!

Coming back to Nagaland. I couldn’t believe they bowed into such a thing, and made themselves believe eating dog is wrong, when it’s perfectly okay to eat cow, goat, chicken and others. I simply don’t understand what’s special in dog. In fact dog is a highly dumbed and tamed version of wolf. Humans can’t tolerate a wolf because of it’s intelligence, just like most bosses can’t tolerate a intelligent and questioning employee, but are okay with goats. Pigs and cows are far intelligent than dogs, yet we eat them!

I wish food revolution takes place in India. We must consume variety of protein sources, be it dog, cow, kittens, bats, ant eater or what ever. Just limiting to few foods is not a healthy practice, and in times of crisis where one food gets almost wiped out, having limited sources of food will put country in strain.

I wish the world turns to eating insects as well. It’s far better for the health of this planet
