Recommended Interesting Articles


What Do I Do if My Dog Has a Low Temperature?

While most dog owners worry when their dog has a fever, a low temperature can be just as worrisome, unless of course, your female dog is expecting a litter. Anything below this normal range can signify hypothermia or impending labor.More Than Just a ChillHypothermia is a condition where your dog’s temperature drops below the normal range.
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Do Dogs' Teeth Fall Out When They Are Puppies?

Puppies are known for being voracious chewers. This is an uncomfortable process, during which your puppy may have tender, swollen gums, a slight fever and a decreased appetite.TeethingWhen your puppy is around 3 months old, he will start losing his puppy teeth or deciduous teeth. These temporary teeth fall out just as the adult or permanent teeth begin to grow into place.
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Humane Ways to Control Alarmed & Territorial Dog Barking

Although barking is a natural behavior for dogs, incessant barking due to outside stimuli can present a problem, from creating a disruptive home to hostile situations outside of the home. Through the use of consistent and humane methods of removing the cause of barking and gentle yet firm training, it’s possible to create an ideal environment where a dog no longer barks because of alarmed or territorial behavior.
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