Recommended Interesting Articles


Reading habits in children from 0 to 3 years old

It seems incredible that a child of 1, 2 or 3 years old likes to read. A baby of these ages can enjoy reading and become fond of reading. And even to take an exaggerated attachment to a specific story and ask it again and again, to the despair of the adult.To create reading habits in children from 0 to 3 years, you have to repeat the act of reading: only with repetition can habit.
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How is the compatibility of Capricorn mothers and Leo daughters

This is a very good relationship, despite the opposite of their characters. The calm Capricorn mother raises her hands every time she sees her fiery daughter Leo act on impulse, yet she is proud of her bravery and that, without knowing how, everything always turns out well for her. about how is the relationship of the Capricorn mother with her daughter Leo.
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Recipes and meals for a celiac child

If it is difficult for an adult to eat a gluten-free diet, imagine what it means for a child to stop eating foods without flour, such as cookies, pasta or battered foods. Thinking this way, anyone gets discouraged, but there is no reason to despair. There are battered foods, cookies and pasta, specially prepared without gluten.
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Everything that grandparents bring to children

What have your grandparents taught you? What do you think your parents teach your children? They say that grandparents are children disguised as old people. That is why they get along so well with their grandchildren. Grandparents play with children, they make them have fun, but they also contribute and transmit experiences, values ​​and part of a family history that is passed from generation to generation.
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Creams and pur u00e9s

Cauliflower cream. Puree recipe for babies and children

Cauliflower is a vegetable that brings many benefits to the diet of children and the whole family.In addition to the large amount of fiber that helps fight constipation, cauliflower is anti-inflammatory and rich in antioxidants and vitamins. And the best part: cauliflower is very low in calories, making it ideal for children who are obese or have a tendency to obesity.
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Infant alcoholic

Until what age do you have to remove the gases from the baby

In my pediatric consultation, I can say that every day when a newborn arrives for control, an obligatory question of parents is & 39; how can I remove the baby's gas, doctor? & 39; and, immediately afterwards, & 39; until when do you have to remove the gases from the baby? And the doubts regarding the blessed gases of the little one are infinite, something that obsesses and anguishes parents due to the consequences it can have on their children: colicky abdominal pain with uncontrollable crying of the little one, which requires seeking prompt help in clinic emergencies, or others such as restlessness, cold sweating, paleness, distended abdomen and tympanic (sounds like a drum).
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