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BELL - Surname Meaning and Family History

The Bell surname may derive from the French "bel," meaning fair , beautiful, or handsome. Since the derivation is descriptive, common ancestry cannot be assumed for all those bearing the surname. The name was sometimes taken from the sign of an inn or shop. The sign of a bell was frequently used - "John at the Bell" became "John Bell.
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Arab League formed

Representatives from Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Transjordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Yemen meet in Cairo to establish the Arab League, a regional organization of Arab states. Formed to foster economic growth in the region, resolve disputes between its members, and coordinate political aims, members of the Arab League formed a council, with each state receiving one vote.
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Life of Squanto, the Native American Who Guided the Pilgrims

Tisquantum, better known by his nickname Squanto, was a member of the Patuxet band of the Wampanoag tribe. The exact date of his birth is unknown, but historians estimate that he was born around 1580. Squanto is best known for his work as a guide and interpreter for early settlers in Southern New England.
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PKa Definition in Chemistry

If you're working with acids and bases, two familiar values are pH and pKa. Here is the definition of pKa and a look at how it relates to acid strength. pKa Definition pK a is the negative base-10 logarithm of the acid dissociation constant (K a ) of a solution. pKa = -log 10 K a The lower the pK a value, the stronger the acid .
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Coarse vs. Course: How to Choose the Right Word

The words "coarse" and "course" are homophones: They sound alike but have different meanings. Originally, "coarse" and "course" were the same word, but in the 18th century, the differences in spelling and meaning emerged, and the words have long since gone their separate ways, explains Bryan Garner in "Garner's Modern American Usage.
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The Assassination of Malcolm X

After spending a year as a hunted man, Malcolm X was shot and killed during a meeting of the Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU) at the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem, New York, on February 21, 1965. The assailants, at least three in number, were members of the black Muslim group the Nation of Islam, the group with which Malcolm X had been a prominent minister for ten years before he split with them in March 1964.
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