Recommended Interesting Articles


Fertilizing in the soil of the land

Methods of fertilizing the soil Fertilizing the soil is one of the most important steps to a full and rich crop of plants that you plant in the country. The nutrients necessary for development can help not only quickly form a healthy plant and provide you with fruits, but also strengthen the culture, say, for its wintering in the garden or in the garden.
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Chickens Wyandotte: photo and description, reviews

One of the most beautiful breeds with striking plumage is the Wyandotte chickens. The breed is named after one of the North American Indian tribes. Although it is not clear what the Indian tribes have to do with it. The breed was bred not by the Indians by the method of folk selection, but by American breeders by complex crossing 6 breeds of chickens at once.
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The healing properties of common pumpkin

This garden beauty is on the site of almost every summer resident. Orange, yellow, green and colorful, small and huge, its fruits are the decoration of the garden. Many have tried tasty and healthy dishes from this berry (yes, yes - the botanists have pumpkin fruits as berries), but not everyone knows about its medicinal properties.
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Questions and answers

Go out on the lawn

Hello everybody! Bought a plot. There is a house on it. In the area there is garbage and in some places sawdust from building a house (up to 5-10 cm). All this in the summer in the dense green grass and grass. 🙂 Water is not standing, although close. The texture is uneven, natural - the former edge of the forest. Walking is planned only on paths. How to get out on a level lawn?
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Chemalskaya plum

Chemalskaya plum is appreciated by gardeners for its high yield, unpretentiousness, resistance to low temperatures, beautiful appearance and taste characteristics. Its tantalizing aroma and original taste will not leave anyone indifferent. History of variety breeding Scientists have made great strides in creating new winter-hardy plum varieties.
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Apple-trees of the Aport variety: description and features of cultivation

Recent genetic studies of the Aport cultivar have been conducted by British pomologists. Based on the data obtained, it was possible to establish that representatives of this variety are descendants of the wild Sivers apple tree. Variety of apple trees "Aport" is the oldest in the world. However, the history of the development of the variety and its origin still cause a huge amount of controversy.
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