Study Title: Exploring the effects of training contexts on adolescent swimmers' sport experiences

Research Investigator:
Heather Larson

Dr. Wendy Rodgers


My name is Heather Larson and I am a PhD student in the Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation at the University of Alberta. I study sport and exercise psychology, with a special interest in swimming. I have been involved in competitive swimming for many years, both as a masters athlete, and as an age-group coach.


The purpose of this study is to explore some of the ways that different swim training contexts lead to positive outcomes (e.g. sport enjoyment and commitment) and/or negative outcomes (e.g. stress and burnout) in adolescent athletes.

Study Procedures

If you and your child participate in this study, I will ask you each to complete one online survey. The parent/guardian survey will provide some background information on your child’s experiences in sport. It typically takes 20-25 minutes to complete. The swimmer survey asks about thoughts, feelings, and experiences in swimming and takes about 10-15 minutes to complete.

All surveys will take place online for your convenience and privacy. I will also conduct a brief follow-up with you one year later. Your child’s coach may be asked for information about the training schedule and volume for your child’s group.


This research will help us to better understand how to create positive youth sport experiences that will result in continued enjoyment and participation in sport, even as adults.


There are no known risks linked to being in my research study. If we learn anything during the research that may affect your willingness to allow your child to continue being in my study, we will tell you right away. My research study will be conducted as approved by the University of Alberta’s Research Ethics Board.

Voluntary Participation

Participation in my research study is free and voluntary. You and your child are not obligated to participate. Even if you agree to allow your child to be in my study, your child may withdraw from it at any time, until data collection is complete. Once data collection is complete, it would not be possible to identify your child’s data in order to remove it. If you consent to participate in this study, you may also withdraw from it at any time, until data collection is complete.


Data will be kept confidential. The only people with access to the data will be Dr. Rodgers and myself. Paper documents will be stored in a locked office and electronic files will be password protected and encrypted during the course of the study and after completion of the study for a five-year period. After the five-year period deemed appropriate by the Research Ethics Board, consent forms and any other data identifying study information (i.e., questionnaires) will be shredded through a confidential shredding service, and electronic data will be deleted.

The results from my study will be used for my PhD dissertation. I hope to publish academic articles and give some presentations on my research. However, your identity or your child’s identity will not be shared at any time. If you or your child are interested in the results of my study, you can email me for information.

Further Information

Thank you for considering this request. If you have any questions about my study, please feel free to contact me or my supervisor, Dr. Wendy Rodgers. The plan for this study has been reviewed for its adherence to ethical guidelines by a Research Ethics Board at the University of Alberta. For questions regarding participant rights and ethical conduct of research, contact the Research Ethics Office at (780) 492-2615.

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