Recommended Interesting Articles

Just for fun

The 2003 Iditarod: The Last Great Race

Battling through high winds and poor trails, Norwegian Robert Sorlie won the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. The 45-year-old firefighter completed the 1,100-mile course in 9 days, 15 hours, 47 minutes. Sorlie didn't break any records, but this year is notable for several reasons. First, he is the second non-Alaskan to win the Iditarod (and this is the second time he has completed the entire Iditarod).
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Pet care

Why is Water Important for Cats

“Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.” W. H. Auden As Auden alluded, water is the basic stuff of life. Living creatures, like young kittens, may go for some considerable time between meals, but not between drinks. Like us, their bodies comprise mainly of water, perhaps as much as 75% water, for an 8-week old kitten.
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Pet care

Tip on Avoiding Warm weather woes for pet owners

Here is a tip from one of our users: It's that great time of year now, to get outside and enjoy the incredibly nice days ahead. My first concern is the chemicals that people treat their lawns with. Without realizing it, they are jeopardizing their pets health as well as their own. The chemicals get on our pets feet and on our shoes, which is then brought into the home.
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