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Lazy bear. Play to instill hygiene habits in children

Short plays are a great hobby to propose to boys and girls, but also a great way to teach them an important lesson. This time we have prepared a short script that talks about personal hygiene habits. Through theatrical performances, children will understand why it is important to follow basic hygiene rules on a daily basis and at the same time they will have a great time.
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Names of saints for boys and girls. A - D

Etymological meaning of the most common names of saints and their date of celebration. Choose your baby's name. Some parents are clear about it, but others have not made up their minds yet. can I help you? Well, here we have many proper names of people, with their respective origins and meanings, although their meanings vary according to the sources and interpretations.
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The surprising oil test to know if you are pregnant

We know that the most reliable test to detect a pregnancy is the confirmation of the doctor. And that the pregnancy test that measures the presence of the hormone chorionic gonadotropin (hGC or the pregnancy hormone) thanks to a reactive absorbent strip is also quite reliable. However, there are also a number of home tests (not so reliable) that they can make you suspicious of a possible pregnancy.
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Fables for children in pictures

Short stories with a moral See A farmer had a horse and a donkey. He had to carry two sacks of flour, and the donkey offered to share the load, but the horse refused. After two hours, the donkey collapsed and the horse had to carry the sacks and the donkey.A swarm of flies was flying when it found a pot of honey.
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Quick recipes to prepare in 10 minutes for children

Organizing the children's day-to-day is not an easy task, there are many tasks that we must do every day. One of the most important, and for which however there is less time, is cooking. Food is vital for the growth of children, so we must take maximum care of it.Thinking of working mothers and mamas who barely have time to cook, we have devised a menu of quick and easy recipes that are also very nutritious.
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Christmas angel. Popsicle stick craft

The time to decorate the Christmas tree is one of the most anticipated of Christmas. The illusion of children when filling the house with stars, tinsel, assembling the Nativity scene or the tree is indescribable, and they will surely like it even more if the decorations are homemade. To get a personalized decoration you only need cardboard, ice cream sticks and a little imagination.
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