A Supplementary Ugaritic Word List for J. Tropper’s Kleines Wörterbuch des Ugaritischen (2008) Issam K. H. Halayqa, Birzeit List I : Ugaritic lexemes not mentioned in KWU .................................................... 264 List II : Disputed Ugaritic lexemes between DUL and KWU.................................. 290 Abbreviations .......................................................................................................... 296 The purpose of this work is to gather all the Ugaritic lexemes that are included in the Dictionary of the Ugaritic Language in the Alphabetic Traditions (= DUL), 2nd edition, 2004 , and not mentioned in J. Tropper’s Kleines Wörterbüch des Ugaritischen (= KWU), 2008; and ordering them in two lists. The first list is a supplementary Ugaritic word list for KWU and consists of 219 lexemes, the second list contains 31 disputed Ugaritc lexemes in terms of etymology, interpretation and from that have controversially been treated in DUL and KWU. The production of these lists was made after private communications with Professor J. Tropper and the intent was for educational purposes to be used mainly by students of Ugaritic studies. All the Ugaritic lexemes gathered here are directly taken from DUL, but I went one step further and searched out their cognates, their meanings, and their etymologies in Semitic and non-Semitic languages. These cognates have been execrated from lexica and dictionaries whether in Semitic like in the most important Semitic language like Akkadian, Northwest Semitic (Canaanite and Aramaic), Arabic, Old South Arabic and Ethiopian or (sometimes) from nonSemitic Egyptian, Hittite and Hurrian languages. I presented the alphabetic Ugaritc examples sometimes followed by syllabic Ugaritic examples. Each lexeme whether alphabetic or syllabic is followed by some attestations in which it appears, supposed etymology, and exact or closed Semitic and non-Semitic cognates. The given data regarding the etymologies, forms, and meanings of the lexemes by DUL were not enough to assert the exact interpretations of these lemexes, accordingly I went through the given literature in DUL and brought the cognates, etymologies and meanings and the of the Ugaritic lexemes. 264 I. K. H. Halayqa [UF 41 List I: Ugaritic lexemes not mentioned in KWU ý ýby ýdm2 ýdr2 ýdr3 ýdr4 ý/þŸl ýŸzr ýŸzt ýkl3 ýklt1 adj. m. ›ancestral(?)‹, pl. ýbym, 1.22 I 27 (→ ¬b); cf. Obermann, HDBS, 14, (DUL 14). adj. m. ›obtained, acquired‹, 2.39,33; → OAss. ad°mum; for other interpretations cf. Watson, AuOr 10, 1992, 228 no. 38 (DUL 18); Akk. ad°mum “to own a share in a common fund” (CAD A/1, 95f.); “beschafen” (AHw 10). n. m. ›granary‹, 4.195,5 ; → Akk. adru (DUL 21); Akk. adru “threshing floor” (CAD A/1 129f.); “Tenne, Scheune” (AHw 18); OffAram. ¬dr3 n. m. sg., ¬dr “threshing floor”, MAI xiv /2, 66,13, pl. ¬drn, KAI 235 ver. 5 (= AECT 48) (DNSI 18). n. m. ›avariety of tree “poplar”(?)‹, 4.158,8; cf. Sum. adar x “a variety of poplar”, Lieberman, SLOBA 136 ; Akk. ad°ru (DUL 21); Akk. ad°ru “an indigenous tree” (CAD A/1, 102f.); adaru I “ein Baum (Zitronenbaum(?))” (AHw 11). n. m. ›fibula‹, pl. ýdrm, 4.4,5 ; cf. Akk. ed±ru; diff. Baldacci, BiOr 46, 1989, 119, “mighty”; Cecchini, SEL 1, 1984, 47 “battente” → Akk. an-du-ru-ú “door”1 (DUL 22); Akk. ed±ru “to embrace, hug” (CAD E, 29f.); “umfassen, umarmen” (AHw 186). n. m. ›emancipated (slave)(?)‹, 2.62,11 ; → Hurro-Akk. e`elena; but cf. Sanmartín, SEL 5, 1988, 175, “Befreite” → Hurr. e`(e)li “Rettung, retten” (DUL 29); Hurr. e`elena “Classe sociale à Alala`” (GLH 75f.); cf. Akk. e`elena “social class holding e`elli-fiefs” (CAD E, 51). n. m. ›title of nobility, courier(?)‹, in brk. ctx. 2.73,13 with unc. meaning (¬qtl pattern → *Ÿzr); diff. Caquot, Ug 7, 132, “PN”; Cunchillos, TOu 2, 418 no. 219, “PN” or v. Ÿzr (DUL 31). n. f. ›wedding, betrothal‹, 1.24,3 (|| qÝ); → Hurr.(?) → Akk. a`$zatu/a`uzzatu ; diff. Herrmann, YN, 3, “Herbst”, season of raiding parties → Ar. Ÿaz°2 (DUL 31); Akk. a`$zatu/a`uzzatu “wedding gift, a marriage-like relationship of dependency and protection between unprotected female and the head of the householed” (CAD A/1, 217); “Heirat, Ehe” (AHw 23); cf. De Moor, ULm, 92 no. 1 ; ARTU, 142, no 7, a term donating “marriage-protection” → Ar. Ÿazza/Ÿaza “to will, desire”, VIII stem ¬iŸtaz°hu “He had such a one peculiarly to himself from among his companions” (Lane 2257). n. m. ›swallowing‹, 1.6 V 24–25 (cf.possibly → kly “to finish”) (DUL 44, 442). adj./n. f. ›devouring‹, said of goddess Anat 1.108,9 (→ m. ýkl I and → ¬kl) (DUL 45). 1 CAD A / 2, 116 ; cf. “eine Art Tür” (AHw 51). 2 Cf. Lane 2257. 2009] ýl`n1 ýnn` ýphm ýqšr ý/þrŸn ýrkd ýš®t ý©`lm ý©r1 ýwl A Supplementary Ugaritic Word List for J. Tropper’s KWU 265 n. m. ›quartermaster‹ → “miller”, pl. ýl`nm, 4.392,4 (DUL 55–56); syll. Ug. a-la-`i-ni “PN/miller” PRU 6 70,11 (Huehnergard, UV, 107); cf. Akk. ala``inu “an administrative offical” (CAD A/1, 294ff.); “Müller” (AHw 31); Nuzi Akk. a-la-a`-`e-en-ni “Müller” (Mayer, Nuzi 1, 177). n. m. ›mint(?)‹, 1.23,14 (|| gd); cf. Akk. anani`u; diff. Virolleuad, Syria 14, 1933, 140 ; Gray, LC, 97 no. 2, “young, young animal”3 (DUL 81); Akk. anani`u “a garden plant” (CAD A/2, 111); “eine Pflanze” (AHw 50); Sy. n°nƒ° “mint” (SD 34). adv. ›immediately, afterwards, next‹, 1.2 I 13 (→ ýp I + hm); cf. Aartun PU 2 89f.; cf. Ug. ýp II; diff. De Moor, UF 12, 1980, 431 “his fury” (DUL 89–90). adj. m. ›sloughing, which sloughs its skin‹, said of snakes, 1.100,12 ; 1.82,20; → Ar. ¬aqšar; diff. De Moor, UF 9, 1977, 367 no. 5, “slippery” → Ar. ¬aqšar (DUL 94); Ar. ¬aqšar “a thing having its peel, rind, bark pared off” (Lane 2525). n. m. ›a substance (“unripe date”)‹, used in pharmacopoeia, 1.85, 17.28 passim; cf. Akk. ar`°nû ; cf. Pardee TH 61f.; Watson, NUS 35, 1986, 11 ; diff. Cohen /Sivan, UHT, 3; Cohen, UF 28, 1996, 131f., “fennel(?) → Akk. ur°nu “fennel as a plant and as a drug”4 (DUL 101); Akk. ar`°nû adj. “a designation of a certain stage of growth of date palm” (CAD A/2, 255); ar`°nû “unreife Falldattel” (AHw 67). n. m. ›of a projectile(?)‹, 4.277,9 ; cf. Akk. ariktu; cf. Dietrich/Loretz, UF 10, 1978, 429 ; cf. Römer, AfO 40 /41, 1993/1994, 24ff. (DUL 103); cf. Akk. ariktu A “spear” (CAD A /2, 267); “eine Art Lanze” (AHw 68). n. f. ›measure of capacity‹, 4.247,22 (unc. etym.); cf. RS Akk. ša-itum for oil) Ug 5, 99,10 (DUL 116). n. m. ›a type of ritual‹, in the Hurritc texts: 1.110,1 ; 1.111,8, passim; → Hurr. aš`-ul (DUL 124–125); Hurr. aš`-ul “sacrifice” (GLH 60); cf. Neu, Das Hurr., 1988, 15 no. 35. n. m./adj. m. ›the following‹, pl. ý©rm, 1.45,7–8 (→ part. G of ¬©r); cf. Dietrich/Loretz, UF 16, 1984, 58 (DUL 126). n. m. ›priority, supremacy‹, 1.12 II 56 (|| ttkn); cf. Ar. ¬awwal; diff. Gaster, Thespis 1, 451; Gray, JNES 10, 1951, 151 no. 60, ¬°lu “family” or broken pl. from waliya “to be near, act as patron”; Gray, UF 3, 1971, 67 and no. 53, “to obtain help” → Ar. waliya; cf. Gray, LC, 79, no. 3 ; cf. Aartun, WO 4, 1967/1968, 289, “hilflos, ratlos, närrisch” → 3 For other etymologies espcially Ar. cf. Renfroe, AULS, 81, “suckling, young animal” → Ar. nu``atu ; cf. also Hitt. annanu``a- adj. “zahm, gezähmt”, “trained” said of animals (HEG 27). 4 “Fenchel als Gemüse, als Droge” (AHw 1430). 266 ýz þ þdy þnd þrp þrš þzr ÿ ÿbdþt ÿbdy ÿpdt 5 HAL 21. 6 Lane 38. 7 Lane 4f. I. K. H. Halayqa [UF 41 BH. ¬æw÷l “foolish, fool, idiot”5 (DUL 131–132); cf. Ar. ¬awwal “the first, preceding” (Lane 126). n. m. ›a textile, fabric(?)‹, 4.205,6; cf. Ribichini/Xella, Tessili, 27, Hurr. aššianni “sorte de broderie”; Heltzer, UF 19, 1987, 447, Myc. aze(-ti-ri-ya) “a fabric, wool”; cf. Watson, UF 31, 1999, 785 and no. 5, “felt”, ©n mrdt ýz “two carpets (made of) felt” → Hurr. zian°tu “felt” (DUL 136). adv. of time ›already‹, 1.82,2 (þd + y); diff. Van Zijl, JNSL 2, 1972, 74f., “waterflood” → BH. ¬ed “final disaster” (HAL 39); De Moor, UF 11, 1979, 650, “to fulfil” → Ar. ¬ad° “to perform, fulfill, accomplish”6 (DUL 23-24). neg.par. ›not at all, no-one‹, RSOu 14, 53 (KTU 9.432), 42 (composed of þn + -d) (DUL 78). n. m. ›a vessel or container‹, made of cedar wood, du. þrpm, 4.123,20 ; cf. Hurro-Hitt. eripi-; cf. Watson, UF 32, 2000, 568, “(wine) container” (DUL 105); Hurro-Hitt. eripi- “(ein Gerät aus) Zedernholz” (HEG 109). n. m. ›demand, scarcity‹ 1.163,10 (→ ¬rš); cf. Dietrich/Loretz, MU, 186, qitl pattern (→ ¬rš “Wunsch, Bitte” (DUL 108). n. m. ›investiture‹ 1.91,8 (cf. ¬zr, ÿzr); cf. Xella, TRU, 342; diff. De Tarragon, TOu 2, 175, 108, “tissu”; Dietrich/Loretz, TUAT 2, 322, “ein Ochse” (DUL 137). n. f. ›share-cropping, tenancy, leasing system‹, 4.12,14 (→ ÿbdy); cf. Heltzer, IOKU, 34, “service connected with land” → Hitt. uppa(ubba); cf. Heltzer, JNSL 9, 1982, 71–74 (DUL 6). n. m. ›land, plot, farming‹, in a taxed leasing system, 4.103,1 ; 4.309,1 passim; → Luw. stem ubadi(d) (ú-pa-ti-to); diff. Gray, ZAW 64, 1952, 18 no. 717, “perpetual grant” → Ar. ¬abad÷ “perpetual”7 (DUL 7); cf. Starke, WO 24, 1993, 21, “Territorium” ˃ Grundbesitz, Domäne”; cf. Hitt. up(p)ati-, Kronasser, EHS 1, 165, “eine Fronleistung(?)” → (?) up(p)a “(her)schicken” > OAss. ubadinnum; cf. Akk. upatinnu “ein Lehen” (AHw 1423). n. f. ›share-cropping (plot)‹, 4.264,1 (→ ÿbdy); cf. Akk. upatinnu; Hitt. upatija (DUL 89). Akk. upatinnu, Hitt. upatija “ein Lehen” (AHw 1423). 2009] ÿ¦r1 ÿgr1 ÿryn ® ®bb ®bk ®db ®pr2 ®q ®qq A Supplementary Ugaritic Word List for J. Tropper’s KWU 267 n. m. ›courier, express messenger‹, 2.33,20 ; → Hurr. i-zu-ri; diff. De Moor, UF 17, 1985, 219, “promised tribute” → *nd/¦r (DUL 24); Hurr. i-zu-ri “coureur” (GLH 130). n. m. ›field, soil‹, 1.12 I 25 (|| ®pr); → Akk. ug°ru “Feldflur, Ackerland”, AHw, 1402f.; cf. RS Akk. A+GÀR., A.ŠÀ.A.GÀR. MEŠ; diff. Schloen, JNES 52, 1993, 216 and no. 48, “hireling” → ¬gr and → Akk. ag°ru “to hire, rent”;8 Ar. ¬a¢¢ar “to pay hire”; ¬a¢÷r “a hired man, a hireling”9 (DUL 27). n. m. ›Hittite official‹, 4.12,8 ; 4.309,8 ; → Hitt. ura(/i)yanni-; cf. RS Akk. ú-ri-ia-an-nu PRU, 4, 77 (RS 17.368) rev. 5 (DUL 112); Hitt. ura(/i)yanni- “Priester(?)” (HW 235). n. m. ›greedy, glutton, guzzler‹, in brk. and unc. ctx. 1.92,14 ; cf. Ar. ®abba; cf. De Moor, UF 17, 1985, 226f. “drinking”10 → Ar. ®ab°b (DUL 139); Ar. ®abba “to drink water without taking breath”, “gulping, swallowing down” (Lane 1931). n. m. ›a plant‹, used in pharmacopoeia, 1.85,26 ; cf. Akk. abukkat(t)u; cf. Dietrich/Loretz/Sanmartín, UF 6, 1974, 44 (DUL 145); Akk. abukkat(t)u “a plant” (CAD A/1, 81f.); “eine Binsenart (Scammonia)” (AHw 8). adj. m. ›available, ready, prepared‹, 4.631,14.1 9 (→ part. m. G of ®db); cf. Dietrich/Loretz/Sanmartín, UF 5, 1973, 94f., “arrangiert” (DUL 149). n. m. ›a social group, “foreigners, strangers, refugees”‹, pl. ®prm, 4.752,1; 2.47,7 (→ ®br); cf. Akk. `ab/piru; RS Akk. SA.GAZ, PRU 3, 213, 233 passim; cf. Huehnergard, AkkUg, 364 (DUL 174); syll. Ug. `a-pí-ri “a social class”, PRU 6, 112,5 (Huehnergard, UV, 161); Akk. `ab/piru “a social class” (CAD …, 84f.); “Fremdling (als Klasse)” (AHw, 322); cf. BH. ®ibr÷ “Hebrew man or woman” (HAL 782f.). n. m. ›pupil‹, 1.14 III 43 (|| ®p®p) (unc. etym.); cf. Ar. ®aqq; diff. Tsumura, UF 6, 1974, 411 no. 38, “eyebrow”; Pedersen, KL 101, “diadem” → Akk. agû A “crown”;11 cf. Renfroe, AULS, 88f. (DUL 176); Ar. ®aqq “a deep excavation, furrow, hole, hollow, cavity” and ®aq÷q “a kind of precious stone, carnelian” (Lane 2096). n. m. ›destructive (one), a divine epithet‹, 1.12 I 27,37 (|| ýklm) (→ part. m. G of ®qq) cf. Ar. ®aqqa; diff. Watson, NUS 30, 1983, 12, “de- 8 CAD A/1, 146. 9 Lane 23f. 10 Lane 1932. 11 CAD A/1, 153ff. 268 ®rb2 ®rgz1 ®rm1 ®rp ®rp1 ®šd ®tgr I. K. H. Halayqa [UF 41 formed” → Akk. eq±qu, uqququ “to be heavy, tied (said of tongue)”12 (DUL 177); Ar. ®aqqa “to split, slit, ripe, cut off” (Lane 2095ff.). n. m. ›officiant‹, pl. ®rbm, 1.23,12 .26 (→ part. G of ®rb) cf. Akk. ±rib b÷ti (DUL 181); Akk. ±rib b÷ti “a person admitted to all parts of the temple, a kind of priests” (CAD E, 290ff.); “Tempelbetreter” (AHw 240); cf. OSA ®rb G “to offer a sacrifice, dedicate” (DOSA 381f.). n. m. ›an aromatic and medical substance “juniper berries”‹, 1.24.43 (|| zt dm); in hippiatric texts: 1.71,10 ; 1.85,10 passim (unc. etym.); cf. Del Olmo, MLC, 604 → Ar. ®ar¢$du “an aromatic and medical plant”; Cohen/Sivan, UHT, 19f. “a tree or plant used as a drug to facilitate childbirth and to cure the ailments of sick horses”; Pardee, TH, 53f. “noix”; Dietrich/Loretz, UF 18, 1986, 118ff., “Nuß” → BH. ¬æg#z “walnut, nut tree”13 (DUL 182); JBA ¬ameg#z° “walnut” (DJBA 138); Sy. gauz° “nut tree and fruit, walnut” (SD 62); Ar. ¢auz “walnut” (Lane 485f.). n. m. ›a cloak/blanket‹, 1.169,13 (|| lbš); cf. Akk. (`)ar°mu, ermu (DUL 183); Akk. (`)ar°mu” to stretch, place (a membrane or a layer of metal)” (CAD A/2, 228ff.); `ar°mu “bedecken” (AHw 323); cf. also Akk. ermu “cover, wrap, sheath” (CAD E, 302); “Bedeckung” (AHw 242). G/D ›to cover, darken‹, ›to make it pour down‹, 1.83,6 (unc. etym. and rdg. → ®rp II(?)); cf. BH. ®rp; Akk. er±pu; diff. rdg. Tropper, UG, 165, ©rp “peitschen” → Ar. ©fr 14 (DUL 183–184); cf. BH. ®rp I G “to drip” (HAL 887); Akk. er±pu “to become dark, dusky” (CAD E, 279f.); “sich umwölken” (AHw 238). n. m. ›a kind of garment “with a hood”‹, pl. ®rpm, 4.721,2.13 ; cf. Watson, NABU 1998, 83 ; UF 31, 1999, 790, → Eg. ®rp “Beutel, Säckchen”;15 diff. Dietrich/Loretz/Sanmartín, UF 7, 1975, 165, adj. “(dunklen), schwarzen Farbton” → Akk. er±pu; Ribichini/Xella, Tessili, 45, “oscuro, negro” → Akk. er±pu “to become dark, dusky”16 (DUL 184). n. m. ›a substance “perfume or edible substance” (?)‹, pl. ®šdm, 4.269, 27; 4.786,11 (unc. eytm.) (DUL 188). adj. m. ›expropriated, excluded, held‹, pl. ®tgrm, 4.420,7 ; in brk. ctx. 4.420,12 (→ ®gr); cf. OSA ƒgr, ®gr (DUL 191); OSA ƒgr G “to enclose, set apart”, ®gr n. m. “harm, an assault” (DOSA 166, 352); Ar. 12 CAD E, 249. 13 HAL 10. 14 “To tie, bend, fasten upon” said of a beast, horse or camel, “to impose, stuck” (Lane 339f.). 15 GHw 150. 16 CAD E, 279f. ; AHw 238. 2009] ®tk2 ®ƒp ®©rb b b®r bl3 bl`dr bnn1 bnt2 A Supplementary Ugaritic Word List for J. Tropper’s KWU 269 ƒ¢r “to prevent, withhold, restrain” and ®gr “to bind, twist” (Lane 516f., 1958f.); cf. Akk. eg±ru “to twist, be/becoame twisted, to preserve, hobble, stumble” (CAD E, 41f.); “hindern, den Weg verlegen” (AHw 190); Sy. ƒgar “to halt, limp, be lame”, ƒg÷r/ƒg÷r° “halt, lame, crippled” (SD 126); BH. *ƒag#r “girded” (HAL 290). adj. m. ›anchored, moored‹, said of ships, pl. ®tkm, 4.421,4–5 ; cf. OSA ®tk prep. “(in) the direction of”17(DUL 191). G ›to be weak‹, 1.103+,2; → BH. ®˜p, Ar. ®a˜afa (DUL 192); BH. ®˜p II G “to be/become weak, be without strength” (HAL 814f.); Ar. ®a˜afa “to incline, become favourably inclined” (Lane 2079ff.). n. m. ›an ingredient or medicine‹, in hippiatric texts: 1.97,12 ; 1.85,24 (unc. etym.); cf. Pardee, TH, 65, “arbrisseau semblable au grenadier” → Ar. ®u©rubun; Cohen, UF 28, 1996, 140f., “(remedy component) tree, plant name” → Akk. azup÷ru “a garden plant used as a spice or for medicinal purposes”18 (DUL 193). adj. m. ›burnt, singed‹, pl. b®rm, 4.338,16 (→ b®r I) ; cf. Márquez Rowe, AuOr 11, 1993, 105 and no. 105 pl. part. pass. “to burn” → b®r (DUL 212). n. m. ›a kind o f beer‹, 1.169,7 ; cf. MA and Nuzi Akk. billu; diff. Watson, UF 24, 1992, 369f., “without” → bl II) (DUL 222); MA and Nuzi Akk. billu “type of beer” (CAD B, 228f.); “Mischbier” (AHw 126). n. m. ›piece of cloth or garment‹, 4.4,6; → Hurr. ˃ *pila`(a)=t=are; cf. Sanmartín, UF 12, 1980, 335, “ein Tuch, Kleidungsstück” → Hurr. ˃ pila`(a) + are (DUL 222); cf. Nuzi Akk. pila`°¬u;19 cf. pila`°¬u, a variant of pilakku “Spindle”20 (Mayer, Nuzi 1, 36 no. 1). n. m. ›a luxury item‹, gold or bronze appliqué or decoration in form of a button, 4.247,27 (unc. etym.); cf. Akk. pinnu; diff. De Moor, UF 28, 1996, 157, “carp” → Ar. bunn÷y “a species of fish”;21 Watson, UF 32, 2000, 568, “bead, luxury item” → Eg. bnn/bí-ni-n¯i² (DUL 229); cf. Eg. bnn “Kügelchen, Kleine Perle” (GHw 254); Akk. pinnu “bead or ornament” (CAD P, 384); “ein Knopf” (AHw 864); JAram. bnyyth sg.f. “plaited object” (DJPA 106). n. f. a. ›produce‹, 1.12 II 43 ; b. ›creature‹ 1.82,18 (→ bny); → Akk. binûtu (DUL 232); Akk. binûtu “make-up, creature, product” (CAD 17 DOSA 388. 18 CAD A/2, 530f. 19 AHw 863 ; CAD P, 371. 20 Cf. Akk. pilakk/qqu “Stilett, Spindel” (AHw 863). 21 Lane 258. 270 bql br1 b©t2 b©y d dŸ dn3 dny dpr dqt2 22 I. K. H. Halayqa [UF 41 B, 243f.); “Geschöpf, Produkt” (AHw 127). n. m. ›malt‹, 1.71,25; 1.85,32; → Akk. buqlu; Ebla buqlum (DUL 235); Akk. buqlu “malt, green/dried malt” (CAD B, 323ff.); “Grütze” (AHw 139); Ebla buqlum, VE, 856; Krebernik, ZA 73, 1983, 33 “Malz”; Sy. b$ql° “baculum, cudgel, germ before the seed has sprouted” (SD 53); Ar. baql “plant, herb” (Lane 236); Eth. baqwl “plant, herb, vegetation” (CDG 100f.). n. m. ›a type of barge‹, 4.81,2–19 ; 4.421,3 ; also in brk.ctxs. 4.647,1.4 .6; cf. Eg. b¬(y)¬r/bí-r22 (DUL 236); BH. *bar VI (cj.) “cargo ship” (HAL 153). n. f. ›evildoing woman, witch‹, 1.96,6 .12–13 (|| b©y) (→ b©y) (DUL 252). n. m. ›evildoer, wizard‹ 1.96,6 .11–12 (|| b©t) (→ b©y); cf. Akk. b÷šu; JAram. b÷š; diff. De Moor, UF 11, 1979, 647f., “flatterer” → Ar. b©y (DUL 252); Akk. b÷šu “malodorous, of bad quality” (CAD B, 270f.); “schlecht” (AHw 131); JAram. b÷š adj. m. “bad, evil”23 (DJPA 102); Sy. b÷š° “bad, evil” (SD 43). n. m. ›residue/refuse of sesame or of grapes/olives after pressing‹, pl. dŸm, 4.284,7; in brk.ctx. 7.99,3; → Sum.-Akk. du`/tu``u; cf. RS Akk. DU… tu-u`-`u, Ug 5, 137, III 3 (DUL 268); Sum.-Akk. du` /tu``u “Abfall, Rückstände” (AHw 1366). n. m. ›strength, potency‹, 1.16 I 30 (→ dnn); cf. Akk. dunnu ; Ebla dannum, VE, 825 (DUL 276); Akk. dunnu A “power, (physical) strength” (CAD D, 184); “Stärke” (AHw 177). G ›to approach, reach‹, 1.126,23 ; → OSA dny, Ar. dan° (DUL 277); OSA dny/w G “to draw near, approach” (DOSA 83f.); Ar. dan° “to approach, become near” (Lane 920ff.). G ›to exude a strong smell‹, 1.22 I 16; → Ar. dafira; diff. rdg. De Moor, ATRU, 272; ZAW 88, 1976, 332, d!pr “among the fruit”; Ribichini/Xella, RSF 7, 1979, 153 no. 42, “ginepro” → Akk. dapr°nu/dupr°nu “juniper”24 (DUL 277); Ar. dafira “to stink, smell bad” said of meat and food (Lane 890). n.f ›manufacture, moulding‹, 1.4 I 41 (→ dqq) (|| sknt); cf. Dietrich/ Loretz, UF 4, 1972, 31 ; Kottsieper, UF 18, 1986, 220, “Hämmerung”; diff. Emerton, JTS 16, 1965, 439f., d qt “the handle of which”; Caquot/Sznycer, TOu 1, 196, “dont l’anse”; Dietrich/Loretz, UF 10, 1978, 58, dqt, “Kleintier”; Margalit, MLD, 23, “thin, delicate” (DUL Cf. WäS 1, 465, GHw 256. 23 Cf. Aram. b÷š° “bad, wrong (persons and deeds)” (DTT 167) ; cf. JAram b¬š “to be bad, sick” (DJPA 83). 24 CAD D, 106 . 189. 2009] dr` ¦ ¦d3 g g`˜ grbz grn2 Ÿ Ÿn© A Supplementary Ugaritic Word List for J. Tropper’s KWU 279). n. m. ›chamois goat‹, 1.82,37 ; cf. Akk. tur°`u; diff. rdg. and meaning De Moor / Spronk, UF 16, 1984, 247f.; De Moor, ARTU, 180; CARTU, 169, h]lk d r`m [I will adopt the “be]haviour of a carrionvulture” → Ar. ra`am;25 BH. r°ƒ°m “vulture”26 (DUL 281); Akk. tur°`u “Bergziegenbock, Steinbock” (AHw 1372); Sy. tre`, tarra`° “fat, fat parts of an animal offered in sacrifice” (SD 619). n. m. ›flock, herd‹, 1.5 I 17 ; 1.133,8; cf. Ar. ¦awd; diff. rdg. Dietrich/Loretz, UF 23 1991 92ff. k¦d “hetzen” → *kšd; cf. Renfroe AULS 100f. rdg. kdd ˃ k¦d “to press hard” → Ar. kadda27 (DUL 285); Ar. ¦awd “a number of camels from three to ten” (Lane 987f.). G ›to cast out‹, 1.169,1–2 ; cf. Sy. g®a˜; cf. De Moor, UF 18, 1986, 255ff.; Dietrich/Loretz, TUAT 2, 335, “bannen” (DUL 296); Sy. g®a˜ “to be oppressed with grief, shun” (SD 76); JAram. geh/ƒa˜ “to polish over, erase” (DTT 215). n. m. ›helmet, cap, hood‹, 4.363,2 ; cf. Akk. g/qurpis(s)u ; cf. RS Akk. gur-BI-ZU.MEŠ “hauberk”, PRU 6, 132, rev. 5 ; cf. Huehnergard, UV, 117 (DUL 306–307); Akk. g/qurpis(s)u “leather hauberk covered with metal scales” (CAD G, 139); “ein Panzerüberwurf mit Nackenschutz für Menschen und Pferde” (AHw 929); Hitt. GUR-ZI/ŠI-IP < g/qurpis(s)u Akk. “ein Panzerüberwurf mit Nackenschutz für Menschen und Pferde” (HEG 653f.); Hurr. gurbiši “Pièce d’armure” (GLH 155). adj. m. ›current, of average quality‹ 1.71,11; 1.85,13 passim; cf. Akk. gurnu cf. Nuzi Akk. ma-ag-ra-at-ti, Wilhelm, AdS, 3, 108 (DUL 309); Akk. gurnu adj. “of average quality” said of copper, wool and oil (CAD G 139); “Durchschnittsqualität” (AHw 299). G ›to gulp down‹, part. G act. m., 1.108,11; → Ar. Ÿani©a; diff. De Moor, UF 1, 1969, 178, “to subdue” → Akk. `an°šu, kan°šu; Dietrich/Loretz, UF 12, 1980, 177, “sich unterwerfen, sich beugen” → Akk. kan°šu I, `an°šu A;28 Pardee, TPM, 109, “DN” …aniš (DUL 323); Ar. Ÿani©a “Boire respire à chaque trait”, “être dans le trouble, dans l’agitation” (Kazimirski, II, 510). 25 Lane 1059. 26 HAL 1217 ; cf. also MH. r°ƒ°m and Deir Alla rƒ[m]n. 27 “To toil, become vehement, severe” (Lane 2594f.) 28 271 Akk. kan°šu “to bow down, submit to an overloard” (CAD K, 144ff.), kan°šu I “sich beugen, sich unterwerfen” (AHw 435f.), `an°šu A “to submit” (CAD …, 78). 272 Ÿprt Ÿr3 Ÿr5 h hwy ƒ ƒbr2 ƒ¦rt I. K. H. Halayqa [UF 41 n. f. ›a garment‹, pl. Ÿprt, 4.182,7.24 (unc. etym.); cf. Akk. epartu; cf. Greenfield, JCS 21, 1967, 90f., “wrap” → MH. ®apar, ma®aporet “short wrap, warp having a hood”;29 Dietrich/Loretz, WO 4, 1967/ 1968, 309, “Bezeichnung eines Gewandes, ein Gewand, das aus zottigem Haar hergestellt wird” → Akk. (`)apparrû;30 Heltzer, GPOTU, 46, “warp” (DUL 323); Akk. epartu “coat” (CAD E, 183); “ein Gewand” (AHw 222); Hitt. `up(a)ar(a)- “ein Gewebe oder Kleidungsstück, Gürtel” (HEG 293f.); JPA m®prh n. f. “type of cloak” (DJPA 323); Sy. ma®pr° “a cloak, hood” (SD 290); Ar. Ÿuff°rat “a cover, a thing with which another thing is covered”, Ÿif°rat “a piece of rag” (Lane 2274). n. m. ›total, sum‹, 4.27,12 ; 4.777,12 passim; → Hurr. `eyari (DUL 325); Hurr. `eyari “tout” (Lorache GLH 101); cf. Akk. `±ru “totality” (CAD …, 176); “Gesamtheit” (AHw 341). n. m. ›an installation used for a funerary cult‹, 1.41,22; 1.87,24 passim (unc. etym.); cf. Ug. Ÿr I; diff. Dietrich/Loretz, TUAT 2, 312, “beim Niederfallen” → Ÿwr (DUL 325). G ›to want‹, 1.5 I 15 ; 1.133,4 ; cf. Ar. hawiya (DUL 350); Ar. hawiya “to desire, intend, purpose” (Lane 2904); cf. BH. haw°h I “desire, capriciousness” (HAL 242). n. m. ›pot‹, 1.23,76 (|| lg); cf. Akk. `ub$r$ ; diff. De Moor, ARTU, 128, “companion” → Ug. ƒbr I (DUL 353); Akk. `ub$r$ “a large vat for beer” (CAD …, 220); “ein Bierkrug” (AHw 352). n. m. ›an ingredient‹, used in hippiatric pharmacopoeia, 1.71,12; 1.85, 14 (unc. etym.); cf. Pardee, TH, 60, “pommier” → Aram. ƒazzûr;31 Cohen/Sivan, UHT, 28f.; Cohen, UF 28, 1996, 129f., “lettuce-plant” → MH. ƒazæræt “(garden) / hill lettuce”;32 and semantically equivalent to Akk. `ass$; Sanmartín, AuOr 6, 1988, 234, “albaricoque” → Sum.-Akk. `aš`ur/`ašuru “apple tree, blossoms and foliage in pharmacopoeia”33 (DUL 357); JPA ƒzwr n. m. “apple, apple tree, bell” (DJPA 193). 29 MH. ®apar, ma®aporæt sg.f. “a travilling or a short cloak with hood, any garment for the protection of clothes” (DTT 819, 1100). 30 Adj. “having wiry hair” (CAD …, 85; A/2 179) “mit zottigem Haar” (AHw 59). 31 Cf. Aram. ƒazzûr° “Apfelbaum, Apfel” (ANH 141). 32 DTT 447. 33 CAD …, 139f. 2009] ƒkr ƒlt1 ƒlt2 ƒr1 ƒsk ƒ© ` `brtnr `lb1 `ndlt `ndr© A Supplementary Ugaritic Word List for J. Tropper’s KWU 273 G ›to knock down‹, 1.93,6 brk. ctx.; cf. Akk. `ak°ru; cf. Dietrich/ Loretz, BiOr 23, 1966, 129; diff. Aartun, UF 16, 1984, 17f., “Becher, Pokal, Trinkgefäß” → Ar. ƒu/akr34 (DUL 359); Akk. `ak°ru “zerschlagen”, “zerkleinern” (AHw 309, 1558); BH. ƒkr G “to harass somebody” (HAL 315). n. f. (?) ›MN “phoenix”‹, 4.219,13 ; 4.220,4 (unc. etym.); cf. Dahood, ArchEbla, 306, Ebla `a-li-tù (DUL 361); syll. Ug. `al-la-t[e(?)] “month name”, PRU 6, 101, 5 passim (Huehnergard, UV, 125). n. f. ›desacralization‹, 1.164,20 (→ ƒll); cf. Akk. ell$tu (DUL 362); Akk. ell$tu “purity” (CAD E, 106); “Reinheit” (AHw 205). n. m. ›intestine(s)‹, 1.103+,58; 1.174,7 ; → Akk. erru; diff. Pardee, AfO 33, 1986, 143f., “vulva” → Ar. ƒirr35 (DUL 367); Akk. erru III “Darm, Eingeweide”, err$ “Koloquinte” (AHw 244); irr$ “intestines” (CAD I/J 181f.). adj. m. ›awarded, assigned‹, 4.230,1; cf. Akk. es±ku (DUL 372–373); Akk. es±ku “zuweisen” (AHw 248); es±`u “to assign” (CAD E 327ff.). n. m. ›unleavened bread‹, du. ƒ©m, 1.41,22 ; cf. Ar. ƒu©©; for more cf. Watson, SEL 12, 1995, 223f. (DUL 377); Ar. ƒu©© “bread without any seasoning or condiment” (Lane 512); Akk. `aššu a descirption of “a dish of emmer or soup” (CAD …, 142f.); “eine Süßspeise” (AHw 334). n. m. ›a high Hittite dignitary‹, PRU 4, 44 (RS 17.347), 18 .19; 3.1,34,36 passim (unc. etym.); cf. Knoppers, BASOR 289, 1993, 89, `uburt=an=uri “chief steward, an administrative steward in charge with the vats or vessels” → Hitt. `uppar-; cf. RS Akk. `u-bur-ta-nuri, PRU 4, 47f. (RS 11.732) A5,6 passim; cf. Sivan, GAGI, 229 (DUL 384–385); RS Akk. `uburtanuru “a high ranking court offical” (CAD …, 220); “ein hoher Hofbeamter” (AHw 352). n. m. ›massif, promontory‹, 1.4 VIII 6 (|| Ÿr) 1.82,4 passim; cf. syll. Ug. `al-bi in TN, PRU 6, 18,4 passim; cf. Sivan, GAGI, 226 (DUL 390); cf. Akk. `albu “forest” (CAD …, 40f.); “Wald” (AHw 311). n. f. ›a type or colour of cloth‹, 4.182,17 (DUL 398); syll. Ug. `a-anda-la-ti “a type of coloured wool”, Ug 5, 48,9 (Van Soldt, UF 22, 1990, 340f.); cf. Lorache, Ug 5, 136, no. 1.; cf. Hitt. SÍG `a-an-ta-la “(Leinen) verband” (HEG 154). n. m. ›a name of fruit “apricot, apple tree”‹, sg. `ndr©, du. `ndr©m, 4.34,5,6 ; 1.85,7 passim; cf. Akk. `i/enz$ru ; cf. Mari Hurr. `i-in-zuru-uš, Thureau-Dangin, Syria 36, 1939, no. 67; diff. Hass/Thiel, UF 34 “What is withheld or collected of wheat” (Lane 615f.). 35 “The vulva or pudendum of a woman” (Lane 539). 274 `pn `rp `rš` `ršn1 `˜ k kbm 36 I. K. H. Halayqa [UF 41 11, 1979, 351, “Apfelbaum, Apfel” → Hurr. `aš`uru; cf. Van Soldt, UF 29, 1997, 688, in hippiatric texts “a herb given as medicine to sick horses”; Cohen/Sivan, UHT, 22f., 49, 51, “grain as a kind of food for horses” nutritional remedy-components; Cohen, UF 28, 1996, 122f. → Indo-European xórdeos (DUL 398); Akk. `i/enz$ru “a fruit tree” (CAD …, 170); “Apfelbaum” (AHw 347). G/D ›to cover, protect, wrap up‹, in brk. ctx. 2.23,4; cf. Durand, MARI 6, 662, `pn “fait en lin et laine, il aurait un sens de “housse”, “couverture de chevaux”; Ribichini/Xella, Tessili, 39, no. 32 (DUL 400). n. m. ›mania‹, 1.82,18 (unc. etym.); cf. De Moor / Spronk, UF 16, 1984, 244, “insanity” → Ar. `araf (DUL 405); Ar. `araf “A corrupt, an unsound, a disordered state of intellect”, “dotage” (Lane 726). n. m. ›bowl for burning perfume‹, 4.341,19; ›large brazier‹, 1.125,14, 1.105,2 passim; → Hurr. a`ruš`i “encensoir”;36 De Moor, UF 2, 1970, 321, “basin filled with lard or oil in which pieces of bread are soaked”; Dietrich/Loretz/Sanmartin, UF 6, 1974, 28, “Gefäß, Schale”; Heltzer, GPOTU, 50, “vessel” > Hitt. a`ruš`i “Weihrauchgefäß”;37 < Hurr. a`ruš`i; cf. Watson, SEL 6, 1989, 48ff., “a clay earthen (ware vessel)” loan from Hurr. `awuruzigi “earthen”, `awur “earth” (DUL 408); Akk. a`ruš`u “a container” (CAD A/1, 194f.). n. m. a. ›(divine) mountain, dwelling place of the god El‹, 1.1 II 23 (|| Ÿr); cf. Belmonte, RGTC 12/2, 135, “Heiliger Berg, Wohnsitz des Gottes”; cf. Akk. `urš°nu; cf. Hitt. `uršana “TN”, Del Monte/Tischler, RGTC 6, 128 ; cf. RS Akk. d…UR.SAG `a-zi, Ug 5, 18,14 (DUL 408); cf. Akk. `urš°nu A “mountain (region)” (CAD …, 253ff.); `urš°nu I “Gebirge” loan from Sum. (AHw 360). G ›to wake up, come to‹, 1.14 III 50; cf. Akk. `i°˜u, `â˜/du; diff. Greenfield, BSOAS 57, 1994, 90 no. 23 “to see” → Akk. `â˜u (DUL 414); cf. Akk. `i°˜u, `â˜/du “to watch over, take care of, explore, penetrate, examine, search, trace” (CAD …, 159ff.); “überwachen, überprüfen” (AHw 343). n. m ›a cult installation‹, 1.106,15 ; Akk. kummu A;38 cf. Xella, TRU, 84; Del Olmo, SEL 3, 1986, 65f. no. 13 (DUL 428); Akk. kummu A “cella, private room (of a temple or palace)”, k$bu B “a chapel” (CAD K, 533ff. 488); k$b/pu “ein Gebäude” (AHw 498). GLH 38. 37 HW2 I, 46 ; HEG 5 ; cf. also Kammenhuber, Or 55, 1986, 105ff., a`ruš`u “Weihrauchgefäß” → Akk. a`ruš`u. 38 Cf. OSA kbyt n.f. “buring of incense” (DOSA 239). 2009] kdnt kdr kld kml kmlt knd knkt A Supplementary Ugaritic Word List for J. Tropper’s KWU 275 n. f. ›she mule‹, 5.23,8 sg./pl. kdnt; cf. OffAram., Palm. kwdn (DUL 431); OffAram. kwdn n. m. pl. kwdnn “mule” AG 90 ; Palm. kwdn n. m. kwdn[¬], CIS, ii, 3913 (DNSI 492); Aram. k$den° “working beast, mule” (DTT 617); cf. Akk. k$danu “a type of mule” (CAD K, 491ff.); “Maultier, Maulesel” (AHw 498f.); Ar. kawdan “né d’un étalon et d’une jument non-arabe”, “métis”, “cheval” (Kazimirski, II, 876). n. m. ›a type of trough‹, 4.275,8,11 ; 5.22,3 passim; cf. Nuzi Akk. kudurru; diff. Dijkstra, UF 18, 1986, 121, “ball, a kind of stone used as a hammer” → JAram. kdwr;39 MH. kaddûr “ball” (DUL 431–432); Nuzi Akk. kudurru B “basket, wooden container” (CAD K, 496); cf. kudurru I “Traggestell” (AHw 499). n. m. ›bow‹, 4.277,1 (Hurr. allomorph → qýlt → Ug. qšt, qašt); cf. Akk. qaštu; cf. Hurr. keltu`lu cf. Dietrich/Loretz, UF 10, 1978, 429 and no. 3 (DUL 439); Akk. qaštu “bow” (CAD Q, 147); “Bogen” (AHw 906); Hurr. keltu`lu “Bogenmacher” or “Bogenschützen” (Mayer Nuzi 1 186). G ›to become angry‹, 1.111,22; cf. Akk. kam°lu; diff. rdg. Del Olmo, CR, 202 no. 115, tkm l hy “may she unite with him” → *kwm (DUL 445); cf. Akk. kam°lu “to become angry” (CAD K, 109); “grollen, zürnen” (AHw 430). adj. f. ›anger‹, 1.111,19 (→ kml); cf. Akk. kimiltu; diff. Del Olmo, CR, 201 no. 201, “whole” → Ar. k°mil “complete”40 (DUL 445); cf. Akk. kimiltu “divine displeasure/wrath” (CAD K, 372f.); “Groll, Zorn” (AHw 478). n. m. ›a kind of garment or cloth‹, pl. kndwm, 4.4,2 (< knd ?);41 → Akk. kam/ndu, kimdu; Mari Akk. ki-im-di(-im), RA 64, 1970, 25,6 ; RS Akk. ki-im-da “type of garment”, PRU 3, 207 (RS 15.135),7 (DUL 449); Akk. kam/ndu, kimdu “cloth woven or prepared in a special way” (CAD K, 121.372); “eine Stoffart” (AHw 432.478). adj. f. ›sealed‹, used as a noun and said of coffin or of funerary urn, 1.19 III 41 ; cf. Akk. kan°ku, kaniktu and makna/°ku; diff. Poljakov, UF 14, 1982, 309f., “large clay jar (for wine or oil fixed in the ground of the cellar, probably used as coffins)” → Akk. kankannu; Aram. qanq°n “cylinderical vessel let into the ground of the celler”, qanqann° “vessel”;42 Hoftijzer, UF 4, 1972, 157 no. 17, “something to do with death, grave or burial” → *knkn Akk. kankannu; diff. rdg. De Moor, SP, 170, knkn “litation-pipe” → Akk. kankannu /gangannu 39 DJPA 251 ; DTT 613. 40 Lane 3003. 41 Huehnergard, UV 137. 42 DTT 1395f. 276 knt kp` kpsln krln l lbt ld ll` I. K. H. Halayqa “potstand, storeroom for beer”43 (DUL 450); Akk. kan°ku “to seal (a document)”, kaniktu “seal document/bag”, makna/°ku “seal”, “sealed container” (CAD K, 136ff., 150 ; CAD M/1, 137); kan°ku “(ver)schließen”, kaniktu “gesiegelte Urkunde”, makna/°ku “Siegel” (AHw 434f., 436f., 590). n. f. ›continuity/constancy‹, said of a kind of offering, 1.65,17 (→ kn I); cf. Akk. k÷nu (DUL 451); Akk. k÷nu adj. “true, just, honest, correct, firm”, k÷n$tu “loyality, reliability” (CAD K, 389ff., 396); “Treue” (AHw 482). n. m. ›a group social stratum “mitred ones”, “entrusted”‹, 4.387,18 ; cf. Hurro-Hitt. kupa`i (DUL 452); cf. Hurro-Hitt. kupa`i = kuwa`i “Bonnet, coiffure du dieu Tešub” (GLH 157); kupa`i “Art Kopfbedeckung bei der Einkleidung des Opferlammes getragen” (HEG 640f.). n. m. ›a container/measure for liquids‹, 4.274,1,6 (unc. etym.); cf. Hurr. kapp; cf. Wilhelm Or 61 1992 131 “füllen”; Haas, SMEA 29, 1992, 107, “ein Gefäß” → Akk. kappu B “bowl”44 (DUL 453); Hitt. DUG kappi- “ein Gefäß” (HEG 491). n. m. ›a container‹, 4.780,14 (unc. etym.); cf. Akk. kirlammu ; cf. RS Akk. ki-ra-li-nu “type of jar”, PRU 6, 158,6 ; cf. Huehnergard, UV, 191; cf. Watson UF 30 1998 754 (DUL 455); Akk. kirlammu “a kind of large vessel/container” (CAD K, 408); kerlammu “ein kleines Gefäß” (AHw 468). n. f. ›hoop/plate(?)‹, part of a chariot, pl. lbt, 4.392,3 ; 4.643,13; cf. Akk. liw/m÷tu; diff. rdg. Dietrich/Loretz, UF 11, 1979, 191, l bt “für das Haus” (DUL 493); Akk. liw/m÷tu “edge or rim of (objects), enclosure of a field”, CAD L, 191ff.; NA lib÷tu “Umfang” (AHw 558). n. f. ›goblet‹, 1.22 I 18; → Akk. lu˜˜u/luttu; diff. De Moor, ARTU, 272, “wine with no after-thrist” (DUL 493); Akk. lu˜˜u/luttu “a small bowl” (CAD L, 257); “Trinkgefäß” (AHw 565). n. m. ›part of a harness / of horse trappings‹, 4.363,5 ; cf. Hurr. lula``i Diakonoff, HU, 166; “Transposition mécanique” ® Sum. lúlàl (GLH 160); cf. Del Monte / Tischler, RGTC 6, 251, Hitt. luluwa = lullu “TN” in Zagrosgebiet; diff. Del Olmo, IMC, 200, “remaches(?)” → Akk. `ulu``u “eine helle Schmelzmasse”, lulutu “ein Stein oder Mineral”45 (DUL 498). 43 CAD G, 40. 44 CAD K, 188f. 45 [UF 41 Akk. `ulu``u loan from Sum. (AHw 354) ; lul$tu (AHw 563) ; cf. also lul$tu “one ryhton covered with gold” (CAD L, 244), `ulu``u “light-coloured frit” (CAD …, 232). 2009] m mý©r m®db m®k m®ms mdgt m¦nt m¦rŸl m¦rn mŸmŸ mƒ© m`‰2 A Supplementary Ugaritic Word List for J. Tropper’s KWU 277 n. m. ›controller, inspector‹, 6.66,7 (part. D of ¬©r); Ar. mu¬a©©ir; cf. Akk. °širu; diff. Tropper, UG, part. D pass. “hinterer Bereich” (DUL 519); Ar. mu¬a©©ir;46 cf. Akk. °širu “supervisor, helper” (CAD A/2, 440); “Betreuer” (AHw 80). n. m. ›fine, compensation‹, 4.573,1–3; cf. OSA ®¦b G “to repair, renew”;47 cf. Ar. ®¦b “to become sweet, easy and agreeable to drink”48 (DUL 520). n. m. ›crumb(s)‹, 1.16 IV 5 ; cf. Ar. ma®aka; diff. rdg. Del Olmo, MLC, 316, m®r “excitado” → ®r (DUL 520); cf. Ar. ma®aka “en traînant par terre ou en appuyant fortement contre le sol” (Kazimirski, II, 1129); Aram. m®k part. pass. “having crushed genitals” (DTT 816). n. m. ›the one loaded with > he who loads himself with‹, 1.17 II 20; < ®ms (DUL 521). n. f. ›cave, tomb‹ → ›dark place‹, 1.19 III 41 (|| knkt); → Ar. du¢¢at (DUL 527); Ar. du¢¢at “intense darkness” (Lane 852). n. f. ›sandal‹, sg./pl. m¦nt, 5.22,7 ; cf. Akk. meš±nu (DUL 529); Akk. meš±nu “a type of shoe” (CAD M/2, 38); “Sandale, Schuh” (AHw 648). n. m. ›a term military class “watchman, guard”‹, 3.7,2; 4.68,61 passim; Hurro-Akk. ma‰‰°r=u`l; Goetze, JCS 1, 1947, 72, “(soldier of ) the guard”, Akk. ma‰‰°r “guard, watch” + suff. u`lu marks the nomina professionis ; cf. RS Akk. ma-‰a-ar-t[u4 “garrison”, Ug 5, 113, II 10 Huehnergard, UV, 66; cf. Ebla ma‰‰arum/ma-za-lum, Fronzaroli, StEb 7, 1984, 170f. (DUL 529); Akk. ma‰‰°ru, ma‰‰°rtu “guardian, watchman, garrison” (CAD M/1, 341ff., 333f.); “Wächter” (AHw 621); Hurr ma‰‰°ru`li “Nom Professionel” (HLG 169). n. m. ›a weapon “broadsword”‹, pl. m¦rnm, 4.167,11,12 (< m‰r);49 (DUL 530); syll. Ug. ma-am-‰a-ar “knife” PRU 6 141,2 (Huehnergard, UV, 148); Akk. nam‰aru “sword” (CAD N/1, 246); “(großes) Schwert” (AHw 729). n. m. ›a medical plant‹, 1.85,5 ; 1.71,5 passim; cf. Akk. mem÷/±tu (DUL 532); Akk. mem÷/±tu “a plant” (CAD M/2, 18); me-me-/mi-tu/ tú “eine Pflanze” (AHw 644). n. m. ›a type of cup(?)‹, RSOu 14 53 (KTU 9.432), 39 ; cf. Bordreuil/ Pardee, RSOu 14, 403 and no. 46 (DUL 538). n. m. ›machete, type of weapon‹, 1.2 I 39 (|| m`št), (→ m`‰) (DUL 542); syll. Ug. me-`i-[‰]u-ma “member of a certain guild” PRU 6 166,4 (Huehnergard, UV, 146). 46 Cf. Lane 18f. 47 DOSA 354f. 48 Lane 1981f. 49 Huehnergard, UV, 148. 278 mkƒd mkšr mkt mk©r mlŸt mlsm mm˜r mndŸ mnt4 mrdt mrq‰t m‰prt I. K. H. Halayqa [UF 41 n. m. ›one who hides or denies‹, 2.4,16–17 (part. act. D of kƒd); cf. Dietrich, Loretz, JA, 70ff. (DUL 543). n. m. ›semolina, forage or ground wheat‹, 1.71,11; 1.85,12,16 ; cf. Ar. kasara, mukassar;50 diff. Fronzaroli, AGI, 60, 43 no. 31, mkšr “a kind of straw not used as fodder”; Cohen, UF 28, 1996, 127, “leek”51 → Akk. karašu B (DUL 545). n. m. ›immolation, offering‹, in brk. ctx. 1.48,16 (→ nkt); cf. Pardee, Syria 65, 1988, 189 ; Del Olmo, SEL 12, 1995, 40 (DUL 545). n. m. ›expert‹, 1.4 II 30 (part. D of k©r); diff. Caquot/Sznycer, TOu 1, 199 no. n., “chef d’oeuvre” → k©r); De Moor / Spronk, CARTU, 147, “exploit well”; De Moor, ARTU, 48, “explorer”; Van Selms, UF 11, 1979ff., “bondman” → Sem. *k©r (DUL 545). n. f. ›an Egyptian feast or ceremony “anointing”‹, 2.40,17, unc. ctx. → Eg. mrƒt (DUL 548); Eg. mrƒt “Salböl, Öl zum Salben als Opfergabe” (WäS 2, 111). n. m. ›race‹, 1.162,22 (→ lsm); diff. Bordreuil/Pardee, Semitica 41/42, 1993, 52 (DUL 558); syll. Ug. cf. ma-al-sà-mu “course/courier” Ug 5, 137, II 18 passim (Huehnergard UV 143). n. m. ›portico, porch‹, 4.195,11 (→ m˜r); Ar. mim˜ar (DUL 560); Ar. mim˜ar “what is worn in rain to protect, a garment or wool worn in rain by which to protect one”s self from rain” (Lane 2722). n. m. ›a type of fine flour‹, 1.85,4 ; → Hurro-Akk. *mundu=(`)`e?, cf. Sanmartín, AuOr 6, 1988, 232 (DUL 561); Akk. mundu “groats” (CAD M/2, 201ff.); “ein Feinmehl” (AHw 673). n. f. ›destiny, fate‹, 1.4 VII 56 (→ mny); → OSA mnyt; diff. Margalit, MLD, 72, “limb” → Akk. min÷tu “limb, body, shape”52 (DUL 565); OSA mnyt n. f. “fate” (DOSA 279); Ar. maniyyat “fate, decrees (of God)” (Lane 3025). n. f. ›a piece of a garment‹, multihued textile/garment, fringed and embroidered, carpet, 1.123,19; 4.205,4 sg., pl. mrdt (→ rdy(?);53 cf. Mayer, UF 9, 1977, 173ff. (DUL 573-74); syll. Ug. m]ar-de4-tu “a type of fabric/garment”, PRU 3, 206 (RS 15.135),5 (Huehnergard, UV, 177); Akk. mardatu “fabric woven with many colours” (CAD M/1, 277f.); “ein Tepich” (AHw 611); cf. also Mari Akk. mar-da-tum Bonechi Fs. Fleury 11. n. f. ›dance-drum‹, 1.16 I 42 (→ rq‰); cf. Ar. raqa‰a, raqa‰at (DUL 577); Ar. raqa‰a “to dance”; raqa‰at “dance” (Lane 1136). n. f. ›she who rearranges, repairs, takes care‹, 1.23,25 (part. f. D → ‰/špr); cf. OSA šfr; Ar. šafara ; Eth. šafara; diff. Lipiðski, OLP 3, 50 Cf. Lane 2610ff, 2613. 51 CAD K, 212f. 52 CAD M/2, 86. 53 Huehnergard, UV, 177. 2009] mškrt mšlm mšmš mtrt m˜` m˜nt n nkš nnÿ1 A Supplementary Ugaritic Word List for J. Tropper’s KWU 279 1972 117 “pale” → Ar. mu‰far;54 De Moor / Spronk CARTU 165 D “to keep watch”; De Moor, ARTU, 122, “watch (-dog)”; Watson, SEL 11, 1994, 4 no. 13, “trimming, cuts” → Akk. ‰ep±ru “to dress hair, trim away hair”;55 cf. also Watson, SEL 10, 1993, 53 no. 56 (DUL 587); OSA šfr G inf. “to case a well with stone” (DOSA 436); Ar. šafara “to plait, braid (the hair)”, “to make, construct”, š°fara “to aid, league together” (Lane 1795f.); Eth. šafara “to braid, plait, weave, twist” (CDG 148). n. f. ›skin‹, sg./pl. mškrt, 4.781,5; cf. Akk. maškaru (DUL 591); Akk. maškaru “water skin” (CAD M/1, 374); “Schwimmschlauch” (AHw 627). n. m. ›pay‹, 4.778,4 ; 4.782,5 (→ šlm); cf. Akk. našlamtu (DUL 592); Akk. našlamtu “security (for a loan)” (CAD N/2, 65); “Ausgleichszahlung” (AHw 760). n. m. ›marsh‹, 1.12 II 36,55 (→ *mš(š)); → Ar. mušaš/at; cf. Ebla gímaš-maški Pettinato Or 47 1978 50ff.; diff. Aartun, UF 16, 1984, 51, “Schnelles, Schlinge, Fallgrube” → Ar. masm°s, masmasa ; for more see Renfroe, AULS, 132f., “morass, bog, something into which one can fall” → Ar. myš (DUL 592); Ar. mušaš/at “Terre molle et tendre” (Kazimirski, II, 1108f.). n. f. ›chariot with reinforced wheels‹, sg./pl. mtrt, 1.42,62 (→ w/ytr); cf. Akk. attartu; diff. Aartun, StUL, 94f., “mit der Hand gezogen” → * ntr (DUL 602); Akk. attartu “wagon with solid wheels” (CAD A/2, 510); “ein Streitwagen” (AHw 1493). n. m. ›present, gift, offering‹, 4.149,7; cf. Akk. ˜e`û D II “heranbringen”, ˜u``û D II “dargebracht” (AHw 1385, 1394); cf. Huehnergard, UV, 95 ; cf. Sanmartín, UF 21, 1989, 341 (DUL 602). n. f. ›container of mud‹, 1.82,34 (|| m‰rpk); cf. Ar. ˜÷n; cf. De Moor / Spronk, UF 16, 1984, 247 “crucible made of clay” → Ar. ma˜÷n “plastered, coated with clay/mud”;56 De Moor, ARTU, 180, no. 36, “plastered cup” (DUL 603); Ar. ˜÷n “mud, clay” (Lane 1906). n. m. ›accounting, account(s)‹, 6.66,3–4 ; cf. Akk. nikkassu (DUL 631); cf. Akk. nikkassu A “account (record), accounting”57 (CAD N/2, 223ff.); “Abrechnung” (AHw 789). n. m. ›medical plant‹, a plant in hippiatric pharmacopoeia, 1.72,22 ; 1.85,15 passim; cf. Cohen/Sivan, UHT, 29 (DUL 633); Akk. n÷nû “medical plant” (CAD N/2, 241), (AHw 791); Sy. n÷ny° “vegetable, 54 Cf. Lane 1699f. 55 CAD •, 132–133. 56 Lane 1906. 57 Cf. NA r°b nikkass÷ “chief of accounts” (CAD N/2, 230). 280 nšlm ntk n˜m p pþl p`ryr pqq pr˜l prÝ p©t2 58 I. K. H. Halayqa [UF 41 ammi copticum, hempen twine” (SD 338). n. m. ›guarantee, deposit, pledge‹, 4.328,1–10 (< šlm); cf. Akk. našlamtu (DUL 649); Akk. našlamtu “security (for a loan)” (CAD N/2 65); “Ausgleichszahlung” (AHw 760). n. m. ›a glass paste‹, 4.278,12 (→ ntk); cf. Akk. nitku; cf. RS Akk. nuut-ki, PRU 4, 222 (RS 17.383), 24 (DUL 651); Akk. nitku B “mineral or frit” (CAD N/2, 299). G ›to arrange‹, 1.82,7,19 (unc. etym.); cf. Ar. naÝama; cf. De Moor / Spronk, UF 16, 1984, 240, rdg. [ý]˜m “I will lay out” (DUL 652); cf. Ar. naÝama “Disposer en ordre, en série” (Kazimirski, II, 1290). n. m. ›of a food‹, in brk. ctx. 4.751,7 ; 4.747,4 (unc. etym.); cf. Heltzer, UF 12, 1980, 414 no. 6, “Wildwein”; → Akk. pillu (DUL 658); Akk. pillu “ein wilder Wein(?)”, pillû “Mandragora, Alraun” (AHw 863). n. m. ›whole, totality‹, 1.14 I 25 (→ p`r); cf. Dietrich /Loretz, Fs. Elliger, 34 (DUL 670); Akk. pu`ru “Versammlung” (AHw 876f.); Palm. pƒr1 pl. cstr. pƒry “assmebly, banquet”, RTP, 24, pl. emph. pƒry¬, RTP 304; Hatra sg. m. emph. pƒr¬ “assmebly” Hatra 282,1, 283,1 (DNSI 907); Sy. p$ƒr° “company, banquet” (SD 436). n. m. ›narrowing > throat‹, 1.114,30 (unc. etym.); cf. MH. pæqæq; diff. Margalit, Maarav 2, 1978/1980, 115, “navel-knot” → BH. p°qaq ; De Moor, UF 16, 1984, 356 no. 16, “the node”; De Moor / Spronk, CARTU, 164, “node of plant” → BH. p°q°q ; Pardee, TPM, 71f., “nom de plante” → Akk. peqqû, peqqûtu “colocynth”58 (DUL 677); MH. pæqæq “anything used to fill up a gap, stop-gap, stopper, knot” (DTT 1212). n. m. ›a herb‹, 1.82,7,19 ; cf. Akk. piriduluš; diff. Virolleaud, PRU 2, 6, variant of br¦l “iron” (DUL 684); Akk. piriduluš “a plant” (CAD P, 395); “eine Pflanze” (AHw 865). n. m. ›decision, verdict‹, 1.111,1,5 ; → Akk. purussû cf. Dietrich/ Mayer, ALASP 7, 19 (DUL 684); Akk. purussû “(legal) decision, verdict by gods” (CAD P, 529f.); “Entschuldigung von Göttern” (AHw 882). n. f. ›box/case for cosmetics‹, 4.247,22; cf. EA Akk. pí-iš-ša-tu4, EA 25, II 43ff.; Ebla ba-ša-sum(-/šu-um), bí-sum, VE 502 ; cf. Akk. piššatu (DUL 688); Akk. piššatu “ointment container” (CAD P, 432); “Salböl” (AHw 869). CAD P, 326) ; “Koloquints” (AHw 845). 2009] q q®l2 qbl qm‰2 qrsÿ q‰m qt qym2 A Supplementary Ugaritic Word List for J. Tropper’s KWU 281 n. m. ›vine blossom‹, 1.22 I 16 (< q®l);59 → Ar. qu®°l; diff. Pope, Fs. Finkelstein, 176, “fig cake” → Ar. *q®l “S’épanouir”;60 MH. qe®÷l÷t “pressed figs, TN”;61 cf. diff. De Moor, ZAW 88, 1976, 32; Healey, UF 10, 1978, 91 no. 21, “hall” → MH. ql® 62 (DUL 691); syll. Ug. qii-lu “type of plant, flower, tree”, “vine blossom”, Ug 5, 137, II 27 (Huehnergard, UV, 175); Ar. qu®°l “Fleur de la vigne” (Kazimirski, II, 784). n. m. ›battle(?)‹, in brk ctx. 1.81,12; cf. Akk. qablu (DUL 692); Akk. qablu B “battle, warfare” (CAD Q, 12ff.); “Kampf, Schlacht” (AHw 888). n. m. ›measure of length‹, in brk and unc. ctx. 4.182,37; cf. Nuzi Akk. kim/n‰u ; < qm‡ (DUL 704); Nuzi Akk. kim/n‰u “a measure of length” (CAD K, 373ff.); Akk. kim/n‰u “ein Längenmaß” (AHw 478f.). n. m. ›fleece, skin, wineskin‹, 4.705,5 ; → Hitt. kurša ; cf. Akk. OAss. gurs°/±num; cf. OB and MB gus°nu /kurš°nu (DUL 711); Hitt. kurša “Vlies” (HEG 654f.); Akk. OAss. gurs°/±num; cf. OB and MB gus°nu/kurš°nu “leather bag and cover” (CAD G, 142f.); “Leder, Ledersack” (AHw 299). n. m. ›grasshopper(s)‹, 1.3 II 10 (|| þrby); → Ar. qa‰°m; cf. De Moor, SP, 91; diff. Gray, LC, 41 no. 4, “piece, fragment” → Ar. qa‰ama “Casser, romper de manière que les deux parties se séparent”, qa‰m “Cassure des dents, dents cassées”, qa‰imu “Frêle, qui se casse ou se rompt facilement”63 (DUL 716). n. m. ›handle‹, in brk. ctx. 4.275,10; cf. MH., Aram. qat(¬); diff. rdg. Emerton, JThS 16, 1965, 439ff., d qt (DUL 719); MH., Aram. qat(¬) “handle, helve” (DDT 1433). adj. m. ›regular, stable‹, said of an offering, 1.115,11 (→ qwm); → Aram. qyym; Sy. qyam°; cf. Ar. qiyam; diff. Del Olmo, CR, 266 no. 35, “guide ram” → Ar. qayyim “a manager, conductor”64 (DUL 722); Aram. qyym adj. “alive, in existence, enduring” (DJPA 490); Sy. qyam° “standing firm, stability” (SD 504); cf. Ar. qiyam “right, correct” (Lane 2996). 59 Huehnergard, UV, 175. 60 Kazimirski, II, 784. 61 DTT 1397. 62 Cf. MH. qæla® “ideelle Grenze des heiligen Bezirks im Tempel” (ANH 380). 63 Kazimirski, II, 755. 64 Or “orderer, regulator, or superintendent, of an affair” (Lane 2996). 282 r rþdn1 rÿš rbt2 rpš1 ršy r˜ s/¹ s`l skr I. K. H. Halayqa [UF 41 n. m. ›a metal container, lager cup›, 1.3 I 12 (|| bk, ks, krpn) (unc. etym.); cf. Dietrich/Loretz, UF 19, 1987, 29 ; “drinking vessel”; diff. Caquot/Sznycer, TOu 1, 155 no. m., “DN Ra¬id°n “Baal’s cupbearer”; diff. rdg. De Moor, ARTU, 3, ®Ým rþ dn mt šmm “grand to behold, the vat of the men of the heaven” (DUL 723). n. m. ›disease of the head‹, 2.63,9 ;cf. Ar. ra¬$/÷s; Akk. r°š°nu (ra¬š°nu, r°s°nu) (DUL 726); cf. Ar. ra¬$/÷s “hit or hurt in the head” (Lane 996); Akk. r°š°nu (ra¬š°nu, r°s°nu) “a disease” and cf. rašû (rešû) v. “to itch” (CAD R, 191, 207). n. f. ›seine, trawl‹, 1.4 II 33 (|| r©t) (→ rb I); diff. Watson, NABU 2001, 8, Akk. rubbû “increase, additional payment”65 (DUL 732). n. m. ›open country, unmarked territory‹, 4.348,1,20; syll. Ug. rap-ši PRU 3, 189 (RS 11.790),5 ; cf. Ebla ra-ba-šum Krebernik, QuSe 18, 1108; Akk. rapšu (DUL 744); Akk. rapšu “wide, broad (said of the earth, plains, meadows and rivers)” (CAD R, 161ff.); “breit, weit” said of heaven, earth, netherworld (AHw 956f.); tarpašum “Freifläche, Freigelände” (AHw 1331). G ›to receive, have‹, 2.41,14; → Akk. rašû A; cf. JAram. ršy; Sy. rašše (DUL 748); Akk. rašû A “to obtain, acquire”, CAD R, 193f.; “bekommen, erhalten, erwerben” (AHw 961); cf. JAram. ršy “to have power” (DTT 1500); Sy. rašše Pa “to present” (SD 550). n. m. ›cloth or garment with fine texture‹, pl. r˜m, 4.203,8 ; cf. Ar. r÷˜, ray˜a; cf. Akk. raddidu, raddi/adu; diff. Watson, NABU 2000, 84, → Akk. urƒû “Urƒa-Planze, -Farbe”66 (DUL 749); Ar. r÷˜, ray˜a “any covering for the body, any garment or piece of cloth” (Lane 1200); Akk. raddidu “garment” (CAD R, 60); raddi/adu “ein Kleidungsstück” (AHw 941). n. m. ›a social or professional group‹, pl. s`lm, 2.73,16,18 (unc. etym.); cf. Caquot, Ug 7, 132, “chasse, ravir par ruse” → Ar. sa`ala; Cunchillos, TOu 2, 419 no. 24, “perceurs” → Akk. sa`°lu “to pierce, stab, prick”;67 diff. Watson, JSS 47, 2002, 206 no. 27, “(gemstone) grinder, polisher/engraver” → Mehri sƒl (DUL 756). n. m. ›bolt‹, 1.148,42 (→ sg/kr); Akk. sikk$ru (DUL 760); syll. Ug. sú-KU(QU)-ri “bolt, bar” Ug 5 83,9 (Huehnergard, UV, 155); Akk. sikk$ru “bar, bolt (as locking device)” (CAD S, 256ff.); “Riegel an Türen, an Pflug” (AHw 1042). 65 CAD R, 394 ; rubbû I “großgezogen”, rubbû II “Zuwachs” (AHw 991). 66 AHw 1434. 67 CAD S, 28f. ; AHw 1003. 2009] sl`1 ¹st ‰ ‰®‰ ‰d2 ‰ml1 ‰ml3 ‰mt A Supplementary Ugaritic Word List for J. Tropper’s KWU 283 n. m. ›material for sacrifice‹, 1.46,1 ; 1.168,9 ; cf. Akk. sal`u or sulu``u, sulum`u ; diff. Bordereuil/Caquot, Syria 56, 1979, 300 “TN”; Gray, LC, 193 ; Al Yasin, LRUA, 55, “forgiveness (of soul)” → BH. slƒ G “to forgive, be indulgent towards”;68 Gray, SVT 15, 1966, 191, “end of the month” → Ar. sala`u “the last, end of the month”;69 (DUL 761); Akk. sal`u “ein Lamm mit feuchten Ohren”, “eine Sumpfwiese” (AHw 1015); or sulu``u, sulum`u “a long-fleeced breed of sheep” (CAD S, 371f.); “ein Edelschaf” (AHw 1056f.). n. f. ›baseboard, floor (of a chariot)‹, du. ¹stm, 4.158,6 ; cf. Akk. sassu ; diff. De Moor, Frustula, 362, “horse-fodder” → Akk. sisatu ; sis°tu ;70 cf. Segert, UF 15, 1983, 206.211, “an object or (two) horse(s)” (DUL 772); Akk. sassu “floorboard of a chariot, base” (CAD S, 195); “Boden, Basis, Bodenbrett des Wagens” (AHw 1032). n. m. ›agitation‹, 1.82,18,41 (|| `rp, m®m®) (unc. etym.); cf. Ar. ‰a®‰a ; diff. Caquot, TOu 2, 67 no. 139, “piailleur” → Ar. ‰a®‰a® (DUL 776); Ar. ‰a®‰a “Remuer” (Kazimirski, I, 1339). n. m. ›roamer, with no fixed abode‹, 4.408,5 (→ ‰yd); Akk. ‰°¬idu (DUL 778); Akk. ‰°¬idu “roving, prowling” (CAD •, 65f.); “Streuner, Landstreicher” (AHw 1075). adj. m. ›hard, dry > with a bad taste‹, 1.169,7 (|| Ým) (unc. etym.); cf. Ar. ‰amala; diff. Watson, UF 24, 1992, 367f., “cup” → Akk. sam°lu “cup”71 (DUL 785–786); Ar. ‰amala “être dur, ferme”, “Se durcir, devenir dur pour n’avoir pas été arrosé (se dit des arbres) (Kazimirski, I, 1373). n. m. ›a commodity‹, 4.158,10 ; 4.341,12 (unc. etym.); cf. Dietrich/ Loretz, BiOr 23, 1966, 132, “Wolle” → BH. ‰æmær “wool”;72 Greenfield, JCS 21, 1967, 90, “ripe fig” → MH. ‰°m±l, ‰æmæl “volle Reife”;73 De Moor, UF 12, 1980, 431, “dried fig(s), pea(s)(?) → Ar. ‰°mil, ‰am÷l, “dry” said of plant; Sanmartín, UF 21, 1989, 343, “an aromatic plant” → Akk. ‰umlalû “an aromatic (plant(?))”74 (DUL 786). n. m. ›destruction‹, 1.18 IV 38 (→ ‰mt) (DUL 787); cf. BH. ‰mt G “to destroy”, N “to disappear, vanish”, D (cj. rd.) “to destroy”, K “to de- 68 Also sel÷ƒ°h “pardon from God” (HAL 757). 69 Lane 1403f. 70 “[E]ine Pflanze” (AHw 1050) ; sis°tu, sassatu “grass” (CAD S, 194, 321) ; sassatu “Grass” (AHw 1032). 71 CAD S, 110 ; zamaltu “a household utensil” (CAD Z, 33f.). 72 HAL 1034. 73 ANH 364, 365. 74 CAD •, 245 ; “eine Gewürzpflanze” (AHw 1111f.) 284 ‰p3 ‰q ‰rr š šÿrt šbr šbš š`p I. K. H. Halayqa [UF 41 stroy, bring into ruin” (HAL 1035–1036); Cf. Ar. ¬a‰‰matat “alreted, hard, untilled, rugged” said of land (Lane 1725). n. m. ›white ewe‹, 1.105,2; → Akk. ‰uppu ; diff. De Moor, UF 2, 1970, 321, “the choise part (said of grease or melted fat)”, “dainty bit” → Ar. ‰af°(w) “clearness, purity”;75 Xella, TRU, 41, “placato” → Akk. ‰uppu “solid, massive (said of objects)”76 (DUL 787); Akk. ‰uppu “sheep of a special breed” (CAD •, 249); “weißes Schaf” (AHw 1113). adj. m. ›distressed‹, 1.22 I 25; 1.82,25 (→ ‰wq); → Sy. ®ay÷q; Akk. s÷qu ; Ar. šayyiq; Eth. ˜Nwwuq; diff. rdg. Caquot/Sznycer, TOu 2, 68 no. 202, ‰q ‰d[r] “angine (de poitrine)” (DUL 789); Sy. ®ay÷q “distressed, sad” (SD 411); Akk. s÷qu “narrow” (CAD S, 305); “schmal, eng” (AHw 1049); Ar. šayyiq “an evil state, poverty, narrow, strait” (Lane 1816); Eth. ˜Nwwuq “oppressed, afflicted, constrained, compressed” (CDG 599). n. m. ›young ear of corn‹ 1.19 I 17 ( unc. etym.); cf. Ar. ‰arar (DUL 791); Ar. ‰arar “ears of corn after the culm is produced or ears of corn while the farina has not come forth into them” (Lane 1672). n. f. ›dagger or poniard (weapon)‹, sg./pl. šÿrt, du. šÿrtm, 4.44,1–17; → Hurr. šauri diff. Ribichini/Xella, Tessili, 63, “gormitolo, benda, fascia” → Akk. šur¬itu, šuru77 (Hurr. šauri “arme” (GLH 219). n. m. ›stick, staff‹, 1.92,13 (|| mrƒ); → Akk. šibirru cf. De Moor, UF 11, 1979, 644f. (DUL 806). Akk. šibirru “a staff” (CAD Š/2, 377ff.); “Hirtenstab, Szepter” (AHw 1227). D ›attract, seduce, collect‹, 1.5 I 16; 1.133,6 (unc. etym. < šbš(?); cf. Ar. šabi©a, tašabba©a; Sy. šabbeš; cf. Akk. šab°šu, š/sab°šu (DUL 806); Ar. šabi©a, tašabba©a “to cling, catch, adhere”, “to hold upon” (Lane 1494f.); Sy. šabbeš pael “to wheedle” (SD 557); cf. Akk. šab°šu “to colletc, gather” (CAD Š/1, 6ff.); š/sab°šu “sich zornig abwenden, zürnen” (AHw 1118). n. m. ›colostrums, first milk‹, 1.10 III 25–26 (< š`p); cf. Sy. šƒap°; diff. Aatrun, WO 4, 1967 /1968, 291, “(war) fein(er)” → Ar. sa`ufa “to be/become thin, flimsy” said of garment or piece of cloth”;78 (DUL 813); Sy. šƒap° “first milk after parturition, flow of milk” (SD 572); but cf. Ar. saƒfat “a piece or portion of fat, portion of fat that is upon the back” (Lane 1318f.). 75 Lane 1703f. ; cf. also ‡affwat “pure, clear part, choise/best of (a thing)” (Lane 1704). 76 CAD •, 248. 77 Cf. CAD Š/3, 349 . 368. 78 Lane 1325. 2009] škm šlƒmt šml1 šr® šrk št3 š˜p šzr A Supplementary Ugaritic Word List for J. Tropper’s KWU 285 n. m. ›donkey‹, 4.14,6,12,18 ; → Akk. š°gimu ; diff. Aartun, UF 17, 1985, 32f., “Lohn, Besoldung” → škm → Ar. šukm/a79 (DUL 815); Akk. š°gimu “roaring (said of animals)” (CAD Š/1, 73); š°g÷mu “Gebrüll” (AHw 1127). n. f. ›provision, victuals‹, sg./pl. šlƒmt, 1.106,25,28 (→ lƒm) (DUL 817). n. m. ›commercial agent‹, 2.17,5 ; 7.69,3 ; cf. Akk. šamallû (DUL 825); Akk. šamallû “agent of merchant / trading agent, assistant” (CAD Š/1, 291ff.); “Beutelträger, Gehilfe, Agent, Handlungsgehilfe” (AHw 1153f.). n. m. ›flow‹, 1.19 I 45; 1.148,21 (unc. etym.); cf. BH. šr®; Ar. šar÷®at; cf. Ginsberg, JBL 57, 1938, 212, “to strech out, extend”→ BH. ¹r®;80 Ar. šara®a “to be/become apparent, manifest, plain”;81 diff. Speiser JBL 1950, 377ff. “crest, cresting” (DUL 843); BH. *šr® (cj.) “foaming, bubbling” (HAL 1655); Ar. šar÷®at “watering-place, a resort of drinkness, permanent watering- place, river” (Lane 1535); še/ir¬$ “Saatfurche” (AHw 1219); šurrû “Anfang, Beginn” (AHw 1285). G ›to team up with, to join‹, 1.15 V 17 unc. ctx. → Sy. sra/ek; Ar. šarika ; cf. De Moor / Spronk, UF 14, 1982, 179, “to join” → Ar. šrk IV; Aartun, UF 17, 1985, 36 “Freund” → Ar. šar÷k “partner, an associate”82 (DUL 844); Sy. sra/ek “to adhere, stick, cohere, combine” (SD 392); Ar. šarika “to share, participate partake” (Lane 1541ff.). n. f. ›separation, desolation‹, 1.18 IV 27; 1.19 IV 59; → Ar. šatta, šatt; diff. Dijkstra / De Moor, UF 7, 1975, 713, “lady” → Ar. sitt;83 Margalit, UF 15, 1983, 97ff., “Sutean warrior” → Akk. sutu (DUL 851); Ar. šatta, šatt “discomposed, deranged, broken, scattered” (Lane 1501). n. m. ›a commodity‹, pl. š˜pm, 4.150,1 (unc. etym. a possible spelling mistake of *š`!p); cf. MA, Nuzi Akk. EA šu`uppatu (DUL 853); MA, Nuzi Akk. EA šu`uppatu “Stiefel” (AHw 1054); šu`uppatu “boot” (CAD Š/3, 210f. 221); cf. Akk. ša˜°pu “to save, preserve life” (CAD Š/2, 221); ša˜°pu “Leben erhalten, retten” (AHw 1203). n. m. ›cord‹, pl. šzrm, in brk. ctx. 1.82,11 (unc. etym.); cf. Ar. šazara, mašz$r (DUL 854); Ar. šazara “Tordre, donner un tour de droite á gauche á la corde” (Kazimirski, II, 1213 .1225); mašz$r “a rope or cored twisted from left” (Lane 1546–1547). 79 “Benefaction, bounty, gratuity” (Lane 1589). 80 HAL 1358. 81 Lane 1534. 82 Lane 1542. 83 “Dame” (Kazimirski, I, 1049). 286 t tbk tbl tb‰r tdgr tdŸl tŸp© tl® tmtt tm©l I. K. H. Halayqa [UF 41 n. m. ›a type of leather‹, 4.167,16 ; Nuzi Akk. tubku; diff. Aartun, StUL, 159f., “Umhang” → Akk. tubbuku “Stoffe”84 (DUL 858); Nuzi Akk. tubku “eine Lederart” (AHw 1365). n. m. ›blacksmith, smelter (of metal)‹, pl. tblm, 4.790,15; → Hurr. tabali- cf. Neu, Das Hurr., 45; cf. Dietrich/Loretz, UF 22, 1990, 87f.; cf. BH. PN t$b°lqen85 (DUL 858). n. m. ›examination/expropriation‹, 6.24,1 (cf. b‰r I or b‰r II); cf. Dijkstra, UF 22, 1990, 97f.; diff. Van Soldt, UF 21, 389ff., “f. PN” (DUL 858). n. m. ›chief, one responsible‹, 4.625,22; cf. Akk. dag°lu; BH. d°g÷l; cf. Watson, UF 32, 518, tdgr < dgl “chief, one in charge” RS Akk. dagi5-il, PRU 4, 77 (RS 17.368), 4 passim (DUL 859); Akk. dag°lu “to see, own” (CAD D, 21ff.); “schauen, blicken, ansehen” (AHw 149f.); BH. d°g÷l G part. “visible, outstanding” (HAL 213). n. m. ›a craftsman, maker of bronze for armour‹, 4.147,4 ; 4.183 II 20; cf. Hurro-Ug *tu?(V)=(u)Ÿ(u)li; cf. Hurr-Akk. tutiwe; diff. Dietrich/ Loretz/Sanmartín, UF 5, 1973, 102f., “PN” (DUL 859); Hurro-Ug * ? tu (V)=(u)Ÿ(u)li; cf. Hurr-Akk. tutiwe “ein Bronzestück am Panzer” (AHw 1374); cf. Akk. t/dudittu(m) “ein Brustschmuck für Frauen” (AHw 1365f.). ›a packsaddle, nosebag/felt‹, pl./du. tŸp©m, 4.183 II 10 ; 4.370,13 passim; cf. Akk. ta`apšu (DUL 863); Akk. ta`apšu “eine Decke für Pferde” (AHw 1301). n. m. ›neck, nape‹, ›chest, thorax‹, 1.2 IV 4 ; 1.24,14–15 ; → Ar. tala®, tal÷t®; diff. Van Selms, UF 2, 1970, 264, “height” → Ar. tal®a “high, elevated land”;86 Driver, CML, 153, “success” → Ar. tala®a; Oldenberg, CEB, 194, 159, “long” → Ar. tal÷®u; De Moor, SP, 133 ; Gibson, CML, 159, “maggots, gnawing creature” → BH. t÷l°® I “crimsonworm”;87 (DUL 869); Ar. tala® “Longueur, élévation, monticule”, tal÷t®u “Grand (de taille)”, “Qui a le cou long, l’enclure longue (ce qui est un avantage)” (Kazimirski, I, 204); Akk. tulû “Brust(warze)” (AHw 1369f.); Eth. tall°® “breast” (CDG 574). n. f. ›team, group of men, crew‹, 2.38,16,22; in brk. ctx. 4.231,9 (→ mt III); cf. Dietrich/Loretz, BiOr 23, 1966, 132, “Mannschaft” → mt; diff. Lipiðski, Syria 44, 1967, 282, “amarrage, port” → *mwt; Hoftijzer, UF 11, 1979, 386, “navire naufragé” → *mt (DUL 872). n. m. ›equal amount, equivalent, just as much‹, 1.71,23 ; 1.72,30 passim; → Ar. tama©©al; Akk. tamš÷lu ; diff. Pardee, TH, 66, “a 84 AHw 1365. 85 HAL 1694. 86 Lane 312f. 87 HAL 1701. 2009] tnmy tph tpnr tpšlt tqnt tr® tr‰ trÝÝ tšlm tšt A Supplementary Ugaritic Word List for J. Tropper’s KWU 287 container” → Akk. tamš÷lu ;88 Sanmartín, AuOr 6, 1988, 235, “una resina” → Akk. DAM-ši-lum (DUL 873); Ar. tama©©al “to be like”, tam©÷l, mi©÷l “a like, a similar person or thing” (Lane 3017); Akk. tamš÷lu “image, resemblance, counrerpart, equivalent” (CAD T, 147ff.); “Abbild” (AHw 1316). n. m. ›overflow‹, 1.1 IV 9; → OSA nmw; Ar. nam° ; diff. rdg. Caquot/Sznycer, TOu 1, 308 no. h., tn my “donne l’eau” (DUL 873); OSA nmw G “to increase” (DOSA 306); Ar. nam° “to increase, become abundant or plentiful” (Lane 3038). n. m. ›appearance, manifestation‹, in brk. ctx. 1.103+,19 (→ phy) (DUL 874). n. m. ›Hittite dignitary, commissioner‹, 4.44,23,28 ; → Hitt. tuppas-, tuppa(la) “scribe”; cf. Laroche, RHA 58, 1956, 26ff., 31 ; cf. RS Akk. tup-pa(la)-nu-ri, PRU 4, 47f. (RS 11.732), A7 passim (DUL 875). n. f. ›oppression‹, 1.103+,45 (tqtlt pattern → Akk. paš°lu); Akk. paš°lu (DUL 875); Akk. paš°lu I “kriechen” (AHw 841). n. f. ›(assignment) of property‹, 5.23,10 (→ qny); cf. Akk. tiqnu; cf. Zeeb, Fs. von Soden, 1995, 541ff. (DUL 875); Akk. tiqnu “etwa ordentliche Ausstattung, Schmuck” (AHW 1360). G ›to crack‹, 1.12 II 42 (|| ‰ƒrr); → Aram. tr®; Ar. tari®a ;89 diff. Kapelrud, Ug 6, 327 no. 25, “to be destroyed” → *r®/r®® (DUL 876); Aram. tr® pe. “to breach”, itpe. “to be broken” (DJPA 593); MH. tera® → r®® “to break, shatter, make a breach” (DTT 1700). adj. m. ›correct‹, 2.282,17; cf. Akk. tar°‰u (DUL 880); Akk. tar°‰u “in Ordnung sein, korrekt sein”, tar‰u II “richtig, angemessen” (AHw 1327; 1331). n. m. ›light march, speed‹, 1.16 I 49 (→ rÝ); diff. Driver, CML, 153, “desire” → Aram. rgg¬; De Moor / Spronk, UF 14, 1982, 184, “pool” → Ar. raw‡at “a verdant tract of land, somewhat watery, verdant land, a place where water collects”90 (DUL 880). n. m. ›redemption, ransom‹, 1.111,23 (→ šlm); cf. Akk. tašlimtu ; cf. OffAram. mšlmw (DUL 882); Akk. tašlimtu “vollständige Übergabe, Vervollständigung” (AHw 1338f.); cf. OffAram. mšlmw n. f. + 3. sg. pers. suff. mšlmth “payment” Ahiq 131 (DNSI 703). n. f. ›wish < proposal‹, 1.108,20 (unc. etym. possibly → šyt); cf. Aram. taš$t°; cf. Del Olmo, CR, 108 no. 67; diff. Dietrich/Loretz, UF 12 1980, 178, “Zuversicht” → BH. t$/ušiy°h “success, good result”91 (DUL 882); cf. Aram. taš$t° “weakness” → *tšš (DTT 1703). 88 “A drinking vessel” (CAD T, 147 . 149). 89 Cf. Lane 303. 90 Lane 1187. 91 HAL 1713ff. 288 t©nt tznt ˜ ˜m© © ©dr ©mr ©nŸly ©nŸlyt ©prt ©pš ©˜ 92 I. K. H. Halayqa [UF 41 n. f. ›container‹, in brk. ctx.1.148,22 ; cf. Hurr. tišnu(``u) (DUL 884); Hurr. tišnu(``u) “ein Metallgefäß” (AHw 1362) n. f. ›provisions, administration‹, 4.203,16, in unc. ctx. 4.721,6 (→ * zwn); cf. Akk. zinn°tu; cf. OffAram.; Nab. zwn; diff. Van Selms, UF 2, 1970, 263 no. 26, “to utter” → zwn ; Aartun, UF 16, 1984, 16f., “eine Art (linsenähnliches) Gemüse/Früchte” → Ar. zinn “Légume apple autrement semblable aux lentilles”;92 (DUL 885); cf. OffAram. zwn2 n. m. “provisions”, Cowl, 10,10,17. Nab. zwn n. m., BASOR cclxiii, 77,1 (DNSI 308); cf. Akk. zinn°tu “support, maintenance (of a sanctuary)” (CAD Z, 123); “Vorsorgung, Ausstattung” (AHw 1529). G. ›to bleed‹, 1.82,7 unc. ctx. → Ar. ƒama©a; Sy. ˜maš (DUL 889); Ar. ˜ama©a “to menstruate”, said of a woman “coition with the causing to bleed” (Lane 1878); Sy. ˜maš “to dip, moisten, wet, soak” (SD 177). n. f. ›waitress, girl‹, 1.42,30; cf. Hurro-Hitt. šiduri; Akk. šiduri (DUL 900); Hurro-Hitt. šiduri “Mädchen, Tochter”, Friedrich, HW, 325 ; “jeune fille” (GLH 229); Akk. šiduri “Mädchen” (AHw 1230); “young woman” (CAD Š/2, 408). n. f. ›fennel‹, 1.85,25; cf. Akk. šimru; Ar. šam°r (DUL 917); Akk. šimru “fennel” (CAD Š/3, 8f.); “Fenchel” (AHw 1238); Ar. šam°r “faeniculum/fennel” (Lane 1596). n. m. ›deputy, second‹, 4.128,9 ; → Hurro-Akk. šina`ilu (DUL 922); Hurro-Akk. šina`ilu gloss for Akk. lú tartennu “second, commandant en second, lieutenant” (GLH 233f.); “second in command” (CAD Š/3, 36f.); “zweitstellig, zweitrangig von Personen, Vertreter” (AHw 1241). n. f. ›substitution, representative‹, 4.339,10 (→ ©nŸly) (DUL 922). n. f. ›garment‹, sg. ©prt, 4.146,4, du. ©prtm 4.341,10 (unc. etym.); cf. Akk. i/ušparu; cf. RS Akk. UŠ.BAR, PRU 3, 205 (RS 15.172) A7 passim (DUL 926); Akk. i/ušparu “weaver” (CAD I/J, 254); “Weber” (AHw 397); cf. Aram. ¬æšp°r° → špr “the scourer of dresses” (DTT 130). n. m. ›a kind of bird‹, 1.48,7 (unc. etym.); cf. Del Olmo, CR, 89 (DUL 926). n. f. ›a piece of cloth or garment‹, a type of wool, 4.205,3 ; → Akk. šim/n˜u, šam˜u, šim˜u (DUL 936); Akk. šam˜u “eine Dornpflanze”, “ein Stoff”, šim/n˜u “ausgezupfte Wolle, Flocken” (AHw 1159, 1239), šim˜u “plucked wool” (CAD Š/3, 20). Kazimirski, I, 1015. 2009] w wƒy wry y ydt2 ydyt ygb yh(y) y‰ÿ1 ytmt yt(n) A Supplementary Ugaritic Word List for J. Tropper’s KWU 289 Gt ›to hasten‹, 1.12 I 35 (|| tslmn); → Ar. waƒa; Aram. yƒy (DUL 942); Ar. waƒa “Insinuer, suggérer”, tawaƒƒa “Inspirer à quelqu’un une idée (se dit de dieu), se dépêcher, aller vite” (Kazimirski II 1502f.); Aram. yƒy “to hurry” (DJPA 238). n. m. ›a type of boat‹, in brk. ctx. 4.81,7 ; diff. GrÝndahl, PTU, 314, “PN” (DUL 943). n. f. ›a commodity‹ of wood or plants, 4.158,9 (unc. etym.); diff. meaning Heltzer, GPOTU, 52, “unidentified object”; Stieglitz, JAOS 99, 1979, 20, “handle” → yd I (DUL 958); Akk. ittû IV “ein Gewand” (AHw 406). n. f. ›untilled, barren‹, sg./pl. ydyt, 4.348,1 ; cf. Akk. nid÷/ûtu, nidûtu; cf. Dietrich/Loretz/Sanmatrín, UF 20, 1988, 265f.; diff. rdg. Tropper/Vereet, UF 20, 1988, 341, ydy “Gelände, das man (nicht) brachliegen lässt” → ndy (DUL 959); Akk. nid÷/ûtu “uncultivated (plot of) land, uninhabited land” (CAD N/2, 208 .212); nidûtu “unbehautes Land” (AHw 787f.). n. m. ›a commodity‹ 4.247,23; cf. Nuzi Akk. a-KAB-pu; cf. De Moor, UF 28, 1996, 155f., “pairs of split (dried fish)” → Ar. wa¢bah, Syrian Ar. wa¢be93 (DUL 959); cf. Nuzi Akk. akabbu “a tree” (CAD A/1, 238). G ›to wane‹, 1.163,4 ; → Ar. wah°; cf. Dietrich/Loretz, MU, 168. 174, “Lichtschwäche” → *yhy “(licht- leucht-)schwach sein” (DUL 960); Ar. wah° “être délabré et menacé(?) ruine (se dit d’un mur)”, “être faible” (Kazimirski, II, 1618f.). n. m. ›exit, departure‹, 1.15 II 10 ; 3.8,9 (|| ®rb I) (→ y‰¬); cf. Hoftijzer/Van Soldt, UF 23, 1991, 192 (DUL 986). n. f. ›orphan girl‹, in brk. ctx. 1.82,22 (→ ytm); → Sy. yatm°t°; Ar. yat÷mat (DUL 989); Sy. yatm°t° “orphan female” (SD 200); Ar. yat÷mat “Orpheline” (Kazimirski, II, 1623). n. m. ›foreman, person in charge‹ sg. ytn 4.618,3 ; du. ytnm 4.93,1, 4.339,28; → Akk. atû; cf. Nuzi Akk. atu`lu; cf. Dietrich/Loretz, UF 9 1977 338 “Aufseher, Türhüter” → Akk. atû II;94 cf. RS Akk. LÚ.I:DU PRU 6 93,17 (DUL 989); Akk. atû “doorkeeper” (CAD A/2 516ff.); “Pförtner, Türhüter” (AHw 88); cf. Nuzi Akk. atu`lu “Aufseher” (AHw 88). 93 Cf. also Ar. wa¢bat (Lane 2923). 94 AHw 88 ; CAD A/2, 516ff. 290 I. K. H. Halayqa [UF 41 List II: Disputed Ugaritic lexemes between DUL and KWU ¬ ¬(a)bd ¬d ¬dr ÿdbr ¬m‰ ¬nš ýbd1 n. m. ›ruin, destruction‹, 1.107,7 (|| ƒmt “wall”, ©mdl “exhaustion, destruction”); 1.100,5 (|| ƒmt “wall”); diff. Del Olmo CR 361 “to destroy” (< ¬bd) → Mo. ¬bd2 (DUL 6); Mo. ¬bd2 “destruction, downfall, ruin”, “perishing” KAI 181,7 (DNSI 5). Diff. Tropper, KWU, 1, ¬bd G ›zugrunde gehen‹ 1.2 IV 3f.; Gt ›vollkommen zugrunde gehen‹ 1.14 I 8.24; D ›vernichten‹ 1.100,5f; cf. syll. Ug. na-bati/dì-šu-nu ›ihre Flucht‹ RS 16.267,8 → Nwsem. ¬bd ›zugrunde gehen‹ → Akk. ab°tu; Ar./Eth. ¬bd Akk. ab°tu “to destroy” (CAD A/1, 41f.); Ar. ¬abada “to run away, take fright, flee” (Lane 4f.). Eth. K ¬a¬bada “to lead away” (CDG 25f.). G ›to overcharge, levy, exact‹, 2.26,19,20; cf. Ar. ¬°da “to incline towards something, have a pity”;95 Tigr. ¬awwada; cf. Eg. ®dd “bedrängen”96 (DUL 15). Diff. Tropper, KWU, 2, ¬wd G ›(Geld) verleihen(?)‹ or ›(Geld) einfordern‹ 2.26,19–20; cf. Ug. ud ›Darlehen, Kredit(?)‹; unc. etym. But cf. → Ar. ¬awida “to burden, press heavily, oppress” (Lane 124f.). adj. m. ›noble, worthy‹, 1. adj. m. ›noble‹, 1.176,19 ; 2. ›worthy‹, 1.17 V 7 ; 4.246,7, in brk. ctxs. 1.12 II 29, 2.83,10 (DUL 20–22); Pun. ¬dr7 adj. m. “notable, chief”, KAI 119,4, 126,7 passim; ®dr, KAI 162,2, ¬dr “chief” KAI 101,4 ; 62,4, 121,1f. passim (DNSI 19); BH. ¬add÷r adj. m. “mighty, magnificent”; said of God, vine, trees, and water: “prominent” said of people (HAL 13–14). Diff. Tropper, KWU, 3, ýdr = syll. Ug. a-du-rù 1. ›groß, mächtig, vornehm‹ f. ýdrt, 1.12 II 29, 1.17 VI 20.21f.; RS 94.2406,17 ; 2. ›alt‹ 4.102,4f. (f. ýdrt) → BH. ¬add÷r, Ph. ¬dr.97 n. m. ›a certain object‹, 4.312,5 ; in brk. ctx. 4.248,4 (unc. etym) (DUL 16). Diff. Tropper, KWU, 12, ÿdbr ›Verwalter, Wirtschafter(?)‹ RS 94.2050+,52.56 ; cf. Sy. dbar G “to lead, guide, manage”; d°b÷r° sg. m. “leader, guide” (SD 81, 82); Ar. dabbara “to manage, conduct, regulate affairs”, mudabbir “one who manages, conducts, regulates the affairs” (Lane 844, 848). adj. m. ›strong‹, 2.33,5 ; 1.82,14 ; cf. BH. ¬amm÷‰ (DUL 74); BH. ¬amm÷‡ adj. m. “strong” (HAL 63); cf. EpHeb. ¬m‰ D “to strengthen, to make strong” TA-H 88,2 brk. ctx. (DNSI 73). Diff. Tropper, KWU, 1, ¬m‰ G ›stark sein, hart sein‹ 2.33,5.39, 1.82,14 → BH. ¬m‰. G ›to languish, fall ill‹, 1.16 VI 36,51, ›to become livid or sick‹ 1.3 V 27 (DUL 83), 2 (RS 2.[014]+) iii 35 ; cf. BH. ¬nš; Akk. en±šu (DUL 95 Lane 124. 96 GHw 165. 97 HAL 13–14 ; DNSI 19. 2009] ¬pq ¬zr ® ®bt ®dn1 A Supplementary Ugaritic Word List for J. Tropper’s KWU 291 83); BH. ¬nš I N “to be sickly” (HAL 73); Akk. en±šu “to become weak, impoverished, shaky” (CAD E, 166f.); “kränkeln” (AHw 217f.). Diff. Tropper, KWU, 1, ¬nš G ›unnachgiebig sein‹ or ›unerbittlich sein‹, 1.2 I 38.43 (ýnš), 1.3 V 27f. (ýnšt), cf. BH. ¬°n$š “incurable”.98 D ›to escape, make oneself scarce, leave‹, 1.169,12; cf. Ar. ¬af°q, ¬affaq, ¬afaqa; diff. Loretz/Xella, MLE 1, 1982, 44, “davonlaufen” → BH. ¬bq;99 Ar. ¬abaqa “to run away, flee”;100 Watson, NUS 30, 1983 12, “to be massive, solid” → Akk. ep±qu “to be massive, solid”101 (DUL 91); Ar. ¬af°q, ¬affaq, ¬afaqa “to go away” (Lane 68f.). Diff. Tropper, KWU, 2, ¬pq PK-Form tapq (1.169,12: al tapq apq), N (or D), unc. meaning possibly ›sich zusammennehmen‹ or ›in Schranken gewiesen werden‹ cf. BH. ¬pq tD “to pluck up courage”;102 or derived from Ug. ýpq “river bed, spring”. G ›to gird, bind‹, 1.116,9, yýzr in brk. ctx. 1.82,13 (DUL 137); BH. ¬zr G “to put on the gird”, “to tie up”, D “embrace closely”, tD “to gird oneself” (HAL 28). Diff. Tropper, KWU, 2, ¬zr G ›umhüllen, (Gesicht) verschleiern‹ 1.116,9; D-PK yazr 1.82,13 brk. ctx.; cf. BH. ¬zr G “to put on the gird” (HAL 28); Ar. ¬azara “to surround, encompass”, ¬azzara “to put on, clad with” (Lane 52f.). G ›to drain‹, 1.107,7 (→ ®bd); cf. Caquot TOu 2 97 no. 300; Pardee, TPM, 245 → *®bt (DUL 146). Diff. Tropper, KWU, 15, ®bt G/D ›zusammendrehen, binden(?)‹ 1.107,7. n. m. a. ›store, silo‹, 1.16 III 14 (|| ƒmthm); b. ›abundance‹ 1.4 V 7 ; → Ar. ®addana, ma®din (DUL 150); Ar. addana “to add, to become full (said of a drinker)”, ma®din “mine of gold/silver” (Lane 1976). Diff. Tropper, KWU, 16, ®dn3 ›ein Vorratsbehälter für Brot‹ 1.16 III 14 (unc. etym.), and also ®dn D ›angenehm, üppig, reichlich machen‹ 1.4 V 7; cf. BH. ®dn I tD “to live a life of luxury, to let things go well”;103 Ar. Ÿdn; Ug. ®dn2 “to assemble, store, stock up”;104 alternatively: ›Termin festsetzen‹ < y®d.105 98 HAL 70. 99 HAL 9. 100 “To run away, flee, go away” said of a slave who runs away from his master, without [being induced to do or by] fear, or severity of work (Lane 7). 101 CAD E, 183. 102 HAL 80. 103 HAL 792. 104 DUL 150f. 105 Cf. BH. y®d (HAL 419). 292 d ¦rq Ÿ Ÿr I. K. H. Halayqa [UF 41 n. m. ›fragment, lump‹, 1.5 I 6 (→ ¦rq); cf. BH. zrq; Akk. zar°qu ; Ebla za-lu-ga-am, MEE 3, 61, rev. III 11; za-a-lú-gú-um, VE 157; diff. Del Olmo IMC 158 no. 380 → Akk. DN dZ°riqum; Watson, SEL 12, 1995, 222f. “to cook meat” → Akk. šar°qu106 (DUL 289); BH. z°raq “to toss, strew, sprinkle” (HAL 283); Akk. zar°qu “to sprinkle (liquids)” (CAD Z, 65f.); “(be)sprengen, streuen” (AHw 1515). Diff. Tropper, KWU, 33, ¦rq*, pl./du. ¦rqm ›Innereien(?)‹ 1.5 I 6, 1.18 IV 3 (unc. etym.) cf. Akk. sarq/katu “part of ruminant”s stomach” (CAD S, 177, 178). G ›to tumble, fall, hurry‹, 1.2 IV 6 ; → Ar. Ÿ°ra ; diff. Caquot/Sznycer, TOu 1, 136 no. 1 “grogner” → waŸr “rancour, malevolence, enmity”;107 Gaster, Thespis 1, 447 “to watch for, to lie in wait” → BH. n‡r I G “to keep watch”;108 cf. Renfroe, AULS, 110f. (DUL 323); Ar. Ÿ°ra “to come to a low land, to take one”s self way to a low region”, “to senk, go down” (Lane 2306ff.). Diff. Tropper, KWU, 39, Ÿwr1 G ›niedersinken‹, 1.2 IV 6; RS 20.398A.7,1 → Ar. Ÿwr. ƒ ƒr‰ ƒr‰2 G ›to cut, bite‹, 1.19 I 8,10; cf. Ar. ƒara‰a ; Akk. `ar°‰u (DUL 369); syll. Ug. `a-ar-‰a-ti “a term? used in field designations” PRU 3 95f. (RS 16.246), 11,20 (Huehnergard, UV, 190); Ar. ƒara‰a “to scrap, strip off, rub, cleave, to make holes by beating” (Lane 547f.); Akk. `ar°‰u A “to cut down, cut off, incise” (CAD …, 92f.); “ab-, einschneiden” (AHw 323f.); cf. BH. ƒ°ra‰ I G “to dig a cavity, cut a trench, cut in” (HAL 356); MH. ƒ°ra‰ “eingraben, einschneiden” (ANH 161); JBA ƒr‰ “to dig, cut into” (DJBA 484); cf. Sy. ƒra˜ G “to scrape, scratch” (SD 157). Diff. Tropper, KWU, 47, ƒr‰3 1.19 I 8.10, unc. eytm. and meaning cf. Sem. ƒr‡ ›einkerben, einschneiden‹. n. m. ›milk of lime‹, 1.17 VI 37 (|| spsg); → Ar. ƒuršu ; cf. Renfroe AULS 118ff.; diff. Goetze, JCS 1, 1947, 314f., “fine oil” → Akk. `ar‰u ;109 Merlis, AUL, 7ff., “whiteness” → Ar. ƒuršu ;110 Dietrich/ Loretz, UF 11, 1979, 194ff., “Beigabe”; Caquot/Sznycer, TOu 1, 433, “corruption” → Ar. ƒarašu ;111 Dijkstra/De Moor, UF 7, 1975, 190, 106 “To cook (to dry) meat” (CAD Š/2, 57). 107 Lane 2954. 108 HAL 718. 109 An adjective with unknown meaning but said of a field, beer or soda (CAD …, 115). 110 “Trees or plant from which potash is obtained, glasswort” (Lane 548). 111 “Corruptness in the body and in the intellect” (Lane 548). 2009] A Supplementary Ugaritic Word List for J. Tropper’s KWU 293 “gold” → BH. `°r$‰ I;112 Watson, UF 22, 1990, 423, “a stone, a mineral” → Akk. (`)ur÷zu113 (DUL 369–370); Ar. ƒuršu “glasswort, quick lime” (Lane 548). Diff. Tropper, KWU, 46, `r‰2 1.17 VI 37 (|| spsg); unc. etym. and meaning. ` `bt1 k kndpn© m mlƒ mltƒ mm1 n. m. ›pillager, destroyer‹, 1.40,21 (|| mdll) (part G of `bt); cf. Akk. `ab°tu (DUL 385); Akk. `ab°tu A “to rob, take away by force, commit a robbery” (CAD …, 9f.); “rauben, plündern” (AHw 303f.). Diff. Tropper, KWU, 50, `bt G ›rauben, plündern(?)‹ or ›bedrücken, schlecht behandeln(?)‹, 1.40,21.30.38f.; part. RS 94.2284,8 ; unc. etym. and meaning but usually connected with Akk. `ab°tu “to rob”. n. m. ›a garment “woman’s underclothes”‹, 4.4,3 ; cf. Akk. kindabašše (DUL 449); Akk. kindabašše “a garment” (CAD K, 384); unexplained (AHw 480). Diff. Tropper, KWU, 56, rdg. kdw©, kndw© ›eine Kleidungsart‹ 4.4.3; 4.152,6.11f. loan cf. Hurr. kindabašše. n. m. ›beauty‹, in brk. ctxs. 4.17,17 ; 4.197,24 ; cf. Ar. mal÷ƒ (DUL 548); Ar. mal÷ƒ “beautiful, pretty” (Lane 2733). Diff. Tropper, KWU, 73, mlƒ2 /mal÷ƒu/ ›gesalzen, eingesalzen (haltbar gemachtes Fleisch)‹, 4.17,17(?); 4.247,20 cf. MH. part. G pass. m°l÷aƒ ›eingesalzen; Eingesalzenes (Fleisch)‹ (ANH 238); Ar. m°liƒ “salty” (Lane 2732f.). n. m. ›measure of capacity and area‹, fraction or multiple of the ltƒ measuer, 4.778,7 ; 4.782,12 passim; cf. Heltzer, UF 21, 1989, 201, variant of ltƒ (DUL 558). Diff. Tropper, KWU, 74, mltƒ /ma/iltaƒu/ ›Hälfte(?)‹ or ›kleinere Teilmenge‹, 4.282,14f.; mltƒm ›die Hälfte davon‹ or ›zwei m.-Teilmengen‹, 4.778,7 || 4.782,12 (for that cf. UG § 64.21) < ltƒ ›spalten, halbieren(?)‹; cf. Akk. letû adj. “split”; v. “to split, divide” (CAD L 148) n. m. ›winter‹, 4.786,13 ; 4.91,14 passim; cf. Akk. mammû, m°m$; cf. also mamm÷tu; diff. Heltzer, GPOTU, 18 no. 11, “a measure of olives mm” (DUL 559); Akk. mammû “frost”, m°m$ “water” (CAD M/1, 202); “Frost, Eis” (AHw 601); cf. also mamm÷tu “a name of month” (CAD M/1, 201f.); “ein Wintermonat” (AHw 602). Diff. Tropper, KWU, 74, mm attested in the expresion zt mm, 4.91,14, 4.786,13, RS 94.2479,19 ; unc. meaning possibly ›flüssige Oliven‹ = ›Olivenöl‹ or ›Winteroliven‹ = ›gereifte Oliven‹ possible pl. of my1 ›Wasser‹ or mm ›Winter, Frost‹; cf. Akk. m°m$ ›Wasser‹ also Akk. mammû ›Frost, 112 HAL 352. 113 Akk. `ur÷zu “shed (for cattle)” (CAD …, 251) ; ur÷zu “ein Stein” (AHw 1431). 294 mrŸ© mt® p pýlt q qb¬ r r¬š rgbt I. K. H. Halayqa [UF 41 Eis‹. n. m. ›suckling‹, said of lambs, 1.4 III 41 ; 1.5 IV 13 (|| mru) passim (part. D → *rŸ©); cf. Ar. raŸa©a (DUL 574); Ar. raŸa©a “to suck” (Lane 1112). Diff. Tropper, KWU, 77, mrŸt 1.13,24 (|| bir) unc. meaning. G ›to remove, shed‹, 1.4 II 6 ; cf. Ar. mata®a, Wehr/Cowan 1045; diff. De Moor / Spronk, CARTU, 153, “to carry off”; Margalit, MLD, 29, “to crumple” → Gt of Heb. m®h; Ar. mi®a, ma®y114 (DUL 599). Diff. Tropper, KWU, 84, my®/mw® Gt ›in Wasser einweichen ; waschen‹ 1.4 II 6; cf. Ar. my/w®, Eth. m®w. Ar. my® K ¬am°®a “to flow” (Lane 3026); Eth. ma®awa “to be humid, wet, moist” (CDG 328). n. f. ›waste land‹, 1.19 II 13 (unc. etym. → p¬l); cf. Dijkstra / De Moor, UF 7, 1975, 203, “fissured land, parched ground” (DUL 658). Diff. Tropper, KWU, 94, pþlt* /pa¬latu/ ›Gezweig, Gestrüpp‹, pl. pýlt of pþlt 1.19 II 12f.; cf. BH. *po¬r°h (with change from r to l) “shoots, branches” (HAL 909). G a. ›to send someone to say, summon‹, 1.6 VI 40; b. ›to invoke‹ 1.161,2,10 (|| qr¬); → Akk. qabû (DUL 691); Akk. qabû “to say, call, have someone say, give an order, enjoin” (CAD Q, 22ff.), (AHw 889f.) Diff. Tropper, KWU, 98, qb¬ Gp ›herbeigerufen werden‹ 1.161,3f. (|| qr¬ Gp) → Akk. qabû. G ›to toss the head‹ 1.85,18,30 (from rþš); cf. Dietrich/Loretz/Sanmartín, UF 6, 1974, 45 ; diff. Cohen/Sivan, UHT, 32f., “skin-disease” → Akk. r°š°nu/ra¬š°nu “something relating to a skin disease/ disease”115 (DUL 724). Diff. Tropper, KWU, 103, r¬š unc. meaning and it decribes (eine Pferdekrankheit, PK yrýš), 1.71,26, 1.72,36, 1.85,30, 1.97,6. n. f. ›respect, fear‹, 1.112,4,25; 1.133,19, passim; cf. Ar. ra¢iba; diff. Herdner, Ug 7, 24, 26 “mottes de terre” → BH. *rægæb pl. reg°b÷m “clod from the grave shaft”;116 Aartun, UF 17, 1985, 24f. “Schlinge, Falle” → Ar. ruŸbat/raŸab÷yat (DUL 732); Ar. ra¢iba “to fear, honour” (Lane 1033ff.). Diff. Tropper, KWU, 105, rgbt ›Erdscholle, Erde, Lehm(?)‹, 1.92,31, 1.133,19, 1.112,4 ; → JAram. rigb°; Sy. rg°b°; BH. reg°b÷m pl. JAram. rigb° “clod, bowlder” (DTT 1446); 114 “A narrow, depressed place” (Lane 3022). 115 CAD R, 191 ; “eine Hautkrankheit” (AHw 960). 116 HAL 1182. 2009] rm‰ š š®tq šmrr ššlmt t trr 295 JPA rgb “clod of earth” (DJPA 515); Sy. rg°b° sg.m. “mire, slime out of a well” (SD 528). G ›to roast‹, part. G f. rm‰t, 1.39,9; 4.668,3 ; → Ar. ramaša; Eth. ramaša “to scorch, burn”, K ¬armaša (DUL 741); Ar. ramaša “to become heated by sun, burn” (Lane 1156ff.); Eth. ramaša “to scorch, burn”, K ¬armaša “burnt, consumed” (CDG 470). Diff. Tropper, KWU, 107, rm‰t ›Röstopfer‹ 1.39,9 (lb rm‰t ›ein Herz als Röstopfer‹), cf. Ar. rmš, Eth. rmš, cf. also MH. ræmæ‰ and JAram. ram‰° I ›glühende Asche‹ (ANH 405). n. m. ›noble‹, 2.82,5 (šqtl pattern of ®tq); cf. Akk. š$tuqu (DUL 800); cf. Akk. š$tuqu “surpassing, outstanding” (CAD Š/3 414f.); “im Rang erhöht über” (AHw 1294). Diff. Tropper, KWU, 117, š®tqt “f. DN” 1.16 VI 1.2 .13 < ®tq Š ›erhöhen‹, cf. Akk. š$tuqu ›im Rang erhöht‹ also Ug. š®tq, 2.82,5, or ›(Krankheit) vorübergehen lassen, abwenden‹. n. m. ›poisoning, poison‹, 1.100,4 (|| n©k) (šqtl/šqll → *mrr II); cf. Pardee, UF 10, 1978, 256 (DUL 830). Diff. Tropper, KWU, 121, šmrr ›Vertreibung, (magische) Bannung(?)‹ 1.100,4f.; cf. UG. 601 Š-Verbalsubst. from mrr1(?). n. f. ›supplementary delivery/ration‹, sg./pl. ššlmt, in the administrative texts: 4.153,6–11 ; 4.786,5, passim; cf. Sanmartín, UF 20, 1988, 267ff., nominal pattern ša/uqtulat → šlm; diff. Dietrich/Loretz/Sanmartín, UF 5, 1973, 115 ; Caquot/Masson, Semitica 27, 1977, 13 “a type of cloth” (DUL 847). Diff. Tropper, KWU, 124, ššlmt ›eine Textil- oder Stoffbezeichnung‹ 4.46,1–3f. (mostly with š®rt ›Schurwolle‹), a loan word cf. Nuzi Akk. sa(s)sullu (eine Textilbezeichnung); sa(s)sullu Nuzi “ein Stoff” (AHw 1032). D ›to make tremble‹, in brk. ctx. 1.4 VII 31; → Akk. tar°ru ; cf. De Moor SP 162; Margalit, UF 15, 1983, 87f. (DUL 879); Akk. tar°ru “to tremble, cause to tremble” (CAD T 207f.); “zittern” (AHw 1325f.). Diff. Tropper, KWU, 129, trr G ›vertreiben, wegtreiben‹ 1.6 VI 53 (ytr || yd [ydy4]); cf. Ar. trr G ›to keep away”. © ©nt1 117 A Supplementary Ugaritic Word List for J. Tropper’s KWU n. f. ›a commodity‹, 4.305,4 ; in brk. ctx. 7.177,2 passim (unc. etym.); cf. Mari Akk. šinuntum; cf. Dietrich/Loretz/Sanmartín, UF 5, 1973, 103 ; diff. Sivan, GUL, 88, “pair”; Heltzer, GOPTU, 49f. no. 451, variant of ©n II “red-dyed garment” → BH. š°n÷ “crimson (cord or garment)”117 (DUL 924); Mari Akk. šinuntum “a kind of leather / lather “A coloured fabric named after the nests of eggs of the scale-louse” (HAL 1603f.). 296 I. K. H. Halayqa [UF 41 object” (CAD Š/3, 55). Diff. Tropper, KWU, 134, ©nt2 ›ein Textilerzeugnis‹ possibly Scheuklappen für Zugtiere” 4.203,9f., cf. Mari Akk. šinuntum› Abbreviations I. Sigla / || < > * = + [...] <...> “...” → or parallel to derived from developed etymologically and semantically to hypothetical or not attested form equal plus reconstructed context omitted letters/signs by mistake citation referring/related to II. Technical abbreviations act. adj. adv. Akk. Ar. Aram. BH brk. cf. cj. cstr. ctx. D diff. DN Dp du. EA Eg. emph. EpHeb Eth. active adjective adverb Akkadian Arabic Aramaic Biblical Hebrew broken confirm, compare, see conjectural construct state context verbal stem with doubled second radical (intensive) = Biblical Hebrew pi®®el different divine name verbal stem with doubled second radical and passive of D = Biblical Hebrew pu®®al dual El-Amarna letter(s) Egyptian emphatic Epigraphic Hebrew Ethiopic eytm. f. G Gp Gt Hitt. Hurr. inf. itpe. JPA K Luw. m. MA MB MH MN Mo Myc. N etymology feminine basic stem (Grundstamm) = Biblical Hebrew qal basic stem (Grundstamm) passive basic stem with infixed -treflexive Hittite Hurrian infinitive itpe®el stem Jewish Palestinian Aramaic Canaanite causative active stem with prefix, Š in Ugaritic = Y in Phoenician and H in Biblical Hebrew Luwian masculine Middle Assyrian Middle Babylonian Middle Hebrew month name Moabite Mycenaean verbal stem with N- prefix (passive) = Biblical Hebrew 2009] n. NA Nab neg. no. Nwsem. OB OffAram. 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