Thomas H Zunder
Cited by
Cited by
Logistics and supply chain management
DMZ Islam, JF Meier, PT Aditjandra, TH Zunder, G Pace
Research in transportation economics 41 (1), 3-16, 2013
The role of a structured stakeholder consultation process within the establishment of a sustainable urban supply chain
I Österle, PT Aditjandra, C Vaghi, G Grea, TH Zunder
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 20 (3), 284-299, 2015
Evaluating the impacts of urban freight traffic: application of micro-simulation at a large establishment
PT Aditjandra, F Galatioto, MC Bell, TH Zunder
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 2016
Urban freight logistics in the European Union
TH Zunder, JN Ibanez
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2004
Performance evaluation of an online benchmarking tool for European freight transport chains
DMZ Islam, TH Zunder, R Jorna
Benchmarking: An International Journal 20 (2), 233-250, 2013
Time series analysis of rail freight services by the private sector in Europe
C Woroniuk, M Marinov, TH Zunder, P Mortimer
Transport Policy 25, 81-93, 2013
A semi-systematic literature review, identifying research opportunities for more sustainable, receiver-led inbound urban logistics flows to large higher education institutions
TH Zunder
European Transport Research Review 13, 1-14, 2021
Developing a local research strategy for city logistics on an academic campus
TH Zunder, PT Aditjandra, B Carnaby
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 125, 226-238, 2014
The potential of alternative rail freight transport corridors between Central Europe and China
D Islam, T Zunder, R Jackson, N Nesterova, A Burgess
Transport problems 8, 2013
Assessing the impact of the 2011 EU Transport White Paper-a rail freight demand forecast up to 2050 for the EU27
DMZ Islam, R Jackson, TH Zunder, A Burgess
European Transport Research Review 7, 1-9, 2015
How far has open access enabled the growth of cross border pan European rail freight? A case study
TH Zunder, DMZ Islam, PN Mortimer, PT Aditjandra
Research in Transportation Business & Management 6, 71-80, 2013
Increase urban freight efficiency with delivery and servicing plan
J Leonardi, M Browne, J Allen, T Zunder, PT Aditjandra
Research in Transportation Business & Management 12, 73-79, 2014
Adapted cost-benefit analysis methodology for innovative railway services
G Siciliano, F Barontini, DMZ Islam, TH Zunder, S Mahler, I Grossoni
European transport research review 8, 1-14, 2016
The necessity for a new quality standard for freight transport and logistics in Europe
DMZ Islam, TH Zunder
European Transport Research Review 6, 397-410, 2014
The purchasing behavior of public organizations and its impact on city logistics
S Balm, WP Van Amstel, J Habers, P Aditjandra, TH Zunder
Transportation Research Procedia 12, 252-262, 2016
Green rail transportation: improving rail freight to support green corridors
PT Aditjandra, TH Zunder, DMZ Islam, R Palacin
Green Transportation Logistics: The Quest for Win-Win Solutions, 413-454, 2016
Experiences of rail intermodal freight transport for low-density high value (LDHV) goods in Europe
DMZ Islam, TH Zunder
European Transport Research Review 10, 1-14, 2018
Assessment of existing and future rail freight services and Technologies for low Density High Value Goods in Europe
TH Zunder, DMZ Islam
European Transport Research Review 10, 1-12, 2018
Pan-European Rail freight transport; Evidence from a pilot demonstration result
TH Zunder, DMZ Islam, PN Mortimer
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 48, 1346-1355, 2012
Exploring the relationship between urban freight demand and the purchasing behaviour of a University
PT Aditjandra, TH Zunder
European Transport Research Review 10, 1-12, 2018
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Articles 1–20