about me

any pronouns
métis / on treaty one land


before you follow

-not spoiler free
-softblock to unfollow :o)
-i tweet about a lot of different things and don’t really have a fixed interest
-feel free to follow if you come across me somewhere (i don’t have a main right now)
-i tweet about rdr but i do not support rupaul’s actions
-im not that strict with my dfi just basic criteria
-PLEASE do not follow me if you stan dreamcatcher



<3 minecraft, cats, anime + manga, makeup, FRIENDS :o)

</3 open water, spiders, bananas, PILLAGERS




watched hunter x hunter, kimetsu no yaiba, bungo stray dogs, black butler, promare, owari no seraph

watching mob psycho 100, haikyuu, kakegurui, noragami



hunter x hunterfeitan, killua, alluka, chrollo, phantom troupe
kimetsu no yaibauzui, muichiro, inosuke, obanai, mitsuri, pillars
bungo stray dogs kyouka, q, kenji, dazai
haikyuukenma, kuroo, lev, akaashi, sugawara
owari no seraph mika, shinya

bolded are ult favs/characters i talk about a lot
