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The link you followed has been shortened with Shortened links can go anywhere on the Internet so you shouldn't continue if you got the link from a suspicious source e.g. junk email.

The full original link is shown below. Click the link if you'd like to proceed to the destination shown: -,34.059696,-118.260762&saddr=S+Broadway+%26+W+7th+St,+Los+Angeles,+Los+Angeles,+California+90014,+United+States&daddr=Lucas+Ave+%4034.059696,+-118.260762+to:34.073422,-118.258724+to:2029+avon,+90026&mra=dpe&mrcr=0&mrsp=2&sz=13&via=1,2&sll=34.060624,-118.264046&sspn=0.071817,0.166168&ie=UTF8&z=13

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