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Man's best friend: why are dogs so loyal?

Dog Keeping Man's Best Friend: Why Are Dogs So Faithful? The dog is often referred to as man's best friend, but why are dogs so loyal? One reason: They are pack animals and instinctively develop a close bond with their caregivers. Dogs are extremely loyal to "their" people.
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Maine Coon Muffin and Cornish Rex Patrick struggle all day

Play Maine Coon Muffin and Cornish Rex Patrick shuffle all day Maine Coon Muffin and Cornish Rex Patrick are two real rock'n rollers. Their trick: they make their actions look like mere shuffling, but involve complex forms of practice for perfect choreography. How can the two velvety paws do it?
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How to Keep Dogs From Jumping on the Window

If Fido constantly jumps on the window, you might not be a happy camper when you discover the damage he& 39;s done with his nails. Your dog& 39;s jumping might be triggered by people passing by or a teasing bird, cat or squirrel he sees on the other side of the glass or screen. To prevent further damage, discourage his jumping behavior and redirect his attention to an acceptable activity.
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