Having access to your medical records allows us to better understand your TP53 result. This form is one way you or your healthcare provider can upload medical records. All records will be kept completely confidential and stored in a secure database.

Records that are helpful for our study team include:

1. Genetic testing report(s)

2. Notes related to your cancer history or treatment

3. Notes from your genetic counselor

4. Pathology Report(s)

5. Most recent CBC blood test result, if applicable

Records can be uploaded all together or as seperate files. Once you have uploaded all your records, please press the submit button at the bottom of this page.

If you would prefer to submit your medical records through email, fax, or mail, or if you have any questions please contact our study team at 617-632-4795.

Thanks for your help with this important research!

The LiFT UP Study Team

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