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Posted on 2013 Nov 21 by Zukdeen.

Hello, this is a quick update. I'm still without internet at home, so I haven't been able to update. However, I'll try to upload at least ten new creepypastas this weekend at a friend's house, and I'll compensate the lost time when I get the service back. Sorry for the inconveniences; meanwhile, check the forums: they're still up and ready for you!



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Posted on 2013 Oct 14 by Zukdeen.

Hello. I'm writing this from a cyber café. It's been 11 days since I last had an internet connection in my house, and my ISP says that it'll take about 15 to 20 days to fix it.

Therefore, I will be absent from the website and the forums for a while. Seeing how Dylan will be absent too, I will temporary promote Shadow to forum admin, so that he fixes any problems that happen in our absences. He will go back to a Global Mod when I come back, and I'll let you know of this.

The website updates will have to wait a little bit. I'll prepare a big update for whenever I get the internet connection back.

I'm sorry for the inconveniences, and I hope I can come back soon.

- Zukdeen

P.S.: Shadow is taking over me as the Judge of the Halloween Creepypasta contest.

P.S.2: You can still reach me out at

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Posted on 2013 Oct 01 by Zukdeen.

Hello, everybody! A week after our last update, I'm here again with more content for the website! It's been a long and busy week, and I'm actually starting my Senior year of high school tomorrow, so yeah, I'm struggling with my afk life to be able to invest some of my free time on the website. Not a lot of stuff has been updated, just some minor things. 

We've already got our first entry for the Halloween Creepypasta contest in the forums! And it comes from a new user. I encourage you to participate, you've got 20 more days to write and present your creepy story in the forums. We also re-added the anime and manga section to the forums, which will be in a trial status until the Staff thinks it gets enough content.

Other than that, we have 12 new creepypastas in the archives all ready for you. This is the list of new creepypastas:

  • Cruel Beauty
  • Finally Free
  • Forever Loyal
  • Good Intentions
  • I Promised
  • It's All a Game
  • Like An Animal
  • Pokémon Sapphire
  • Pokémon: Sealed Crystal
  • Soul-Bound
  • Spite
  • Where's Boomer?

That's it for now. I know it's a short update, but I promise to bring more stuff whenever I can, and Dylan is going to take care of the forums. Good night, and remember to share the website, and bring your friends. See you later!

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Posted on 2013 Sep 22 by Zukdeen.

Hello everybody! Welcome back to the Lavender Town. This is a small update I've added today, and I'm sorry for not having posted it before. However, let's name what's new and the stuff!

There's an announcement I have to do: We are hosting another Pokémon creepypasta contest: the Lavender Town Halloween creepypasta contest! I hope you all participate on it, all you need is to read the guidelines and register into the forums. You can read more about it here: Halloween Creepypasta contest. Speaking of which, there's a new project I'm working at that will be announced very soon. You'll see!

We have uploaded 18 creepypastas and 2 theories to the website, for a total amount of 20 new stories that are already in the indexes, which have already been updated. You can check the stories marked as "new", which are the ones of this update. This is the list of new content:

Creepypastas (18)

  • A Mother's Love
  • Absol and Ninetales
  • Amphy
  • An Eye for Gems
  • An Unendurable Mistake
  • Anima Ex Machina: Zero
  • Annabelle
  • Aroma Lady Daisy
  • Broken Silver
  • Celestial Tower
  • Griseous
  • Heartbreak
  • Image
  • Jet-Black
  • Mirage Island
  • Rival
  • Screech
  • Water Blue

Theories (2)

  • Roughneck Kirby
  • Shiny is the Pokémon equivalent of Albinism

Well, this is it. It is a small update while we work on new things. A new theme and other addons are coming, so I invite you to participate in the forums while we bring the new content here. Thanks for reading, remember to share the website with your friends, and come back soon!

Posted in Site, Creepypastas, Theories | Permalink | 0 Comments

Posted on 2013 Sep 12 by Zukdeen.

Hello everyone, and welcome again to the Lavender Town! It's been a week since the last post, and we are again going to name the latest updates performed to the website, and the newest content uploaded. It's going to be a big post, because to celebrate our spiritual 3rd Anniversary, we did a lot of stuff here. The biggest change is the new domain - (remember to update your bookmarks) -, but there's more. Let's start:

We got two new affiliates for the website. They are Legendary Birds and Pokémon Rebirth, two old affiliates of the 6th Floor that we contacted and re- affiliated with. Going on with the actual website changes, I bet you have already noticed the "Stats" (or Statistics) box in the left sidebar. It was recently added, and it shows the amount of creepypastas and theories online, and the days that have passed since our actual start as the Lavender Town website (6 months ago).

The creepypastas index has been rearranged, with the order of some stories fixed according to the alphabet, to fix some previous mistakes. Also, if you go to the creepypastas and theories index, you'll now find a "NEW!" signal next to the most recently updated stories. It'll be updated with every update, so you can find the newest stories easier! I also fixed the "Cold as Flames" creepypastas, which was not rendered accordingly. I will mention this again, later on.

In the forums, we have a great amount of changes and updates. First off, we have increased the income of Lavenders in the whole forums, in what we call the "Lavender Craze", so that you gain more Lavenders while posting in the various sections. We added a new section called "Pokémon Trade and Battle Station", thanks to the feedback of some of the users, where you can look for and accept Pokémon battles and Pokémon trades for the various wi-fi and online connection enabled Pokémon games, whether official, spin-offs or unofficial. We are also paying 1000 Lavenders for every referred user you bring to the forums.

We added 2 more Pokémon and 2 new categories to the forum shop, with more stuff coming shortly. We added a new custom profile field for your Favorite Creepypastas in the forums. We added the ability to add certain prefixes to your threads in some of the forums, and we added new smilies. You can check the rest of the forum changes by clicking here.

We're bringing some of the old content from the 6th Floor to the forums. We contacted some of the old users to let them know of the new address, and we've got an unusual burst of activity in the forums. Now, we want to let you know of two things: a new creepypasta contest is coming up, now that Halloween and October are right around the corner, and we'll also be bringing up a new theme pretty soon. You've got to keep an eye on the forums for that!

Before getting to the biggest part of the update, I want to remind you that we have an e-mail address where you can let us know of ANYTHING that does not work. A lot of users accessed the Cold as Flames creepypasta, but no one let me know that it was not working properly, and I only find out by accident. So, remember you can send any errors in the website, or any feedback you have. Okay, now the great stuff: we have 50 creepypastas and 5 theories that are now in the website. They've been available for a couple of days, but I'll list them here nonetheless. You can find them in the archives, they're labeled as "NEW!". Here they are:

Creepypastas (50)

  • #02035 and #10092 Scizor
  • A Hardened Heart
  • A Very Black Soul
  • A Walk in the Park
  • Attack of Letucifur
  • Betrayal
  • Black's Secret
  • Buddy
  • Case 9515: Cinnabar Anomaly
  • Cheaters Never Prosper
  • Figments of Delusions
  • Forever Mine
  • Forgotten Alice
  • Frustration
  • Give Us Back
  • Glitchett
  • Gold's Time of Dying
  • How IT came to life
  • I Have no Voice
  • iNsAnE
  • Lugia
  • Mama says
  • MiSsInGnO wAnTs YoU
  • Mt. Silver
  • My Guardian Angel
  • No one is safe
  • Not meant to be seen
  • Otis
  • Penance of Chance
  • Pest Control
  • Pokédex Number 137
  • Pokémon Blood Version
  • Pokémon Revenge Red
  • Return
  • Said it with a Bullet
  • Shiny Machop
  • Signal Lost
  • Six Hundred and Sixty Six
  • Terror in Blackthorn
  • The End begins with the Start
  • The Night Shift
  • The Ninetales Curse
  • The Radio Signal is Dead
  • The Snow fell Thick
  • The Warrior
  • Top Percentage
  • Trapped
  • Unhinged
  • Whirl Islands
  • Your Soul is Mine

Theories (5)

  • Aerodactyl and Zubat
  • Magikarp is really Relicanth
  • Pokétopia and Cipher
  • Satan is Cute
  • Snowpoint Hauntings

Well, that's it for now. I hope you liked today's update! It's a lot of stuff done for you. Thanks for reading. Remember to like, follow, share, spread the word, and come back soon.

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