Recommended Interesting Articles


Field mouse and city mouse. Stories for children

This is a fable about friendship and humility, and above all about sincerity. The field mouse invited his cousin the city mouse, to spend a few days in the field with him. And then the city mouse invited his cousin to visit his home in the city. Those two visits teach us two very different ways of living.
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Lip exercises to improve children's pronunciation

When children begin to speak, that funny “rag tongue” appears that we all love. That bad pronunciation, which confuses the S with the Z and the C, or eats letters of the words, is very common during the first years of speech learning, but as the child progresses in his language he should improve that pronunciation little by little.
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The impact of negative words on children

Parents always want to educate their children in the best possible way, but they cannot always do it as they would like. There are many factors that affect this educational process, for example: lack of time due to impossible work schedules, the child's own character, the resources that parents have, etc.
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Vegetable croquettes. Recipe for diabetic children

What seemed difficult now may not be. With vegetables we can also make croquettes and thus convince children that vegetables are an exquisite and healthy food at the same time. On our site we propose a very healthy recipe for the whole family. Vegetables, also very digestive, contain various vitamins such as C, E and folic acid, very good not only for children but also for pregnant women, diabetics or not.
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Children's Stories

Bye, pacifier, bye. Story for children who do not want to give up the pacifier

The removal of the pacifier can be, for some children, a traumatic moment. For this event to occur without trauma or prolonged crying for days and, above all, without any setback, we suggest that you sit down one afternoon when you are both calm on the sofa and tell your little one the story of Simón, the protagonist of & 39; Goodbye, pacifier, goodbye & 39 ;, a story for children who do not want to give up the pacifier.
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When the nausea and vomiting ends in pregnancy

When we are pregnant, hormonal changes can cause us a series of symptoms such as fatigue, discomfort, irritability and our sense of smell is sharpened. Another of the discomforts of pregnancy are undoubtedly vomiting and nausea. A very common ailment especially during the first trimester of pregnancy.
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