Death Statistics

Filter: The World Today



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Look for death stats of The World today

How Many Deaths in The World Today

The World death stats today

Total deaths today

Total number of residents who die in a particular area during a particular period of time.

Death rate today

Death rate, mortality rate, or crude death rate is the number of people per thousand who die in a particular area during a particular period of time.

Population today

Total number of residents in a particular area during a particular period of time.

Average life expectancy today

Life expectancy or average age of death is the average number of years a hypothetical group of people expect to live.

The World death comparison by year


  • All the numbers and dates are based on Pacific Time (PT) which is Tuesday April 23, 2024 02:39:08 AM now.
  • Each page shows the statistics for a specific location and a specific period of time.
  • All the numbers are retrieved from official government and scientific sources. Check the sources below.
  • The numbers are up to date and as accurate as possible. Our data are cross-checked periodically from their respective sources.
  • Live numbers are calculated based on the recent confirmed numbers and official sources' projection for each metric.
  • Find the definition of each metric by hovering your mouse on the question mark beside each metric.
