Recommended Interesting Articles


Why physical activity is so important for the elderly

Effects of physical activity on older people Physical activity effectively protects the health and psyche of older adults. Physically active older people suffer fewer falls and breaks and are less likely to develop various forms of cancer, dementia and depression.
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Mineral deficiency: symptoms, consequences, home remedies and treatment

A lack of minerals means that there are not enough minerals that the body urgently needs. This can have far-reaching consequences, because without these minerals we cannot form blood and bones, our nerves cannot work and ultimately even our brain “starves”. A lack of certain minerals mainly affects certain groups: pregnant women, toddlers and children, for example, suffer from iron deficiency particularly frequently.
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Home remedies

Home remedies for food moths

This is really gross: A little animal crawls in the flour package, a cereal buzzes out to a vermin - food moths have spread. Help is now needed. In any case, when a moth is sighted, the other foods should be searched and thrown away if infected.
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Heart disease - overview, symptoms and causes

The heart is a hollow organ that mainly consists of muscle mass. It is the blood circulation pump and motor for transport into the blood vessels. In regular relaxation and contraction, the blood pumps into all organs and tissues. The heart and cardiovascular system can be damaged in various ways, but often, for example, constricted coronary arteries or cardiac muscle weakness are the cause of the symptoms.
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Coronavirus: Rapid antibody tests available for risk assessment

Corona antibody tests deliver results in minutes Despite the fact that all the tests carried out so far, an important factor in the spread of the coronavirus is still completely unknown: the number of people who have already been infected. Newly developed rapid tests can now be used to check who already carries antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and who is therefore at best immune.
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10 tips to protect against diabetes - legumes

Scientific studies have shown that legumes can lower blood sugar levels and prevent diabetes. Anyone who consumes 29 g of legumes (e.g. lentils, chickpeas, dried beans and fresh peas) daily has a 35 percent lower risk of type 2 diabetes than people who consume a low 13 g per day the clinical journal "Clinical Nutrition".
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