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Stuffing or stuffing for Thanksgiving turkey

Thanksgiving Day is a traditional holiday in the United States and Canada. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of the month of November and is related to the ancient European tradition of celebrating the harvest harvest.On Thanksgiving, families and friends gather around a table to share a good meal whose plate star is the stuffed turkey.
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Calm children by cleaning and treating their wounds

& 39; Sana sanita, frog's ass, if it is not cured today, it will be cured tomorrow ... & 39; How many times do we say these magic words to reassure our children when they appear crying for some damage, pupa or wound that they have done, right? As painful as the children's wound may be, nothing better than a few good words, said with affection, to calm them.
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The best fruits to take in the children's recess snack

In an attempt to improve the quality of our children's diet, and focus or educate them towards a healthier and more balanced diet, many schools have chosen to require parents to, at least one or two days a week and for snack of your children's recess, select only and exclusively a piece of fruit.
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22 positive phrases that sport transmits to children

Sport is a great teacher for children. Through sport you learn values, skills that you can use in other areas and of course, you learn to develop positive thinking, essential to achieve goals and gain in social skills. Sport leaves us very didactic thoughts, and phrases that you can use In the day to day with your child, phrases with which you can educate in values.
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Giraffes. Answers to children's questions

Why does the giraffe have such a long tongue? How long is your neck? What do they eat and how do they sleep and reproduce? Children are naturally curious and ask great questions about their favorite animals. Don't miss this fun and educational giraffe video, in which our site interviewed a zoo keeper for giraffes.
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