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Diet science: Discovered phytonutrient supports weight loss

Plant matter influences the feeling of hunger If the permanent feeling of hunger was not, most willing people could lose weight quickly. When we crave food, our brain tells us that we need to replenish our stores. Quite a few relapse - mostly in the evening - and the fight against the excess is lost.
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Prejudice - psychology and stereotypes

"People are bad at recognizing lies" (Victoria Rubin). Social psychology sees a prejudice as a generalized attitude towards a group of people, a person, but also the subject of a discussion or an object, which is neither based on source analysis nor on real experience and is also not critically examined.
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Natural plant extracts for breast cancer?

Can Herbal Substances Help Breast Cancer Aside from cardiovascular disease, cancer is the leading cause of death in western civilization. Breast cancer in women worldwide is the cancer that kills the most fatalities, and since conventional treatment often has serious side effects, scientists are trying to find gentler herbal alternatives or supplements.
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Universal flu vaccine should enable long-term protection

Will there be no more flu soon, will there be a universal flu vaccine in the future? A group of international scientists has now made a discovery that could enable the development of a universal flu vaccine. The annual vaccinations could thus be replaced by long-term protective vaccinations.
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