Recommended Interesting Articles


Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Raspberry Honey

Raspberry Honey tomatoes are ideal for those summer residents who prefer to grow large-fruited pink varieties on their site. The tomato has no significant drawbacks, except that it has poor immunity to diseases of nightshade crops.Description of the Raspberry Honey tomato variety The detailed characteristics and description of the Raspberry Honey tomato variety are presented below.
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Diet - for joy: cottage cheese casserole on your table

Many get upset when circumstances force them to go on a diet. It is even more difficult when doctors prescribe a diet, and it is rigid and categorical. It’s hard to give up your favorite foods. But there are ways to get around the prohibitions without breaking them. Diet curd casserole is an excellent confirmation of this.
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Questions and answers

In the basement of the house, the pipe from the well is filled with water

In the basement of the house, the pipe from the well is filled with water, it is necessary to blow it so that it does not freeze in winter. 488 views | 09/29/2016 15:33 Last questions: There is a picture of moss, but I don’t know the name. Victor asked (at my place) Someone eats red beet leaves and carrot leaves in my dacha. Who is this? and how to deal with them? Thanks for earlier asked Victor What kind of pests and how to cure the plant?
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Is it possible to freeze plums for the winter and how to do it correctly in the freezer, with sugar and with a bone

To enjoy the flavor of the aromatic berries in winter, you can not only preserve them in the traditional way, but also freeze them. This storage method is becoming more and more popular due to its simplicity and affordability. Plums are not just tasty, but also a very healthy berry. These fruits contain extremely useful dietary fiber, as well as acids, minerals, vitamins A, B, E. necessary for the human body.
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