This statement provides information about how the University of Birmingham uses your personal data provided by completing the ESCP / University of Birmingham 2019 / 2020 Cohort Studies and Audits Survey. It supplements the page on our website 'Data Protection - How the University Uses Your Data'.

On this survey, we collect your name, email address, and areas of special interest. This information, together with the other data provided on the survey, will be processed for research purposes by the University of Birmingham who collaborate with the ESCP Cohort Studies and Audit Committee. The information you provide on the survey will enable to University of Birmingham to contact you with information on the 2019 and 2020 ESCP cohort studies and audits and how to take part in them.

The data collected in this survey will not be shared outside the University of Birmingham or the ESCP Cohort Studies and Audit Committee. The data will be kept as long as it is still useful to disseminate information on the 2019 and 2020 ESCP studies and how to take part in them, or if you tell us you no longer want us to hold your details. If you want your data removed from our database please contact

By completing this survey you consent for your information to be processed in this way and for the purpose stated above.

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