Recommended Interesting Articles


Language of pink flowers

Language of pink flowers The rose is a flower originating from the European continent and the Asian continent, it belongs to the Rosaceae family and includes 150 species and numerous varieties. The origin of the name derives from the Sanskrit "vrad" or "vrod", which means "flexible", or from the Celtic "rhood" or "rhuud", which means "red".
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How to cook tarragon tincture at home and what is the use of it?

Tarragon, or tarragon, or tarragon wormwood, contains a rich set of elements useful for human health. On the basis of the plant, homemade medicinal infusions and tinctures are made. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages with tarragon are prepared quickly and easily, have a refreshing taste and a spicy smell. In this article, we will tell you how best to insist on tarragon and what contraindications may be.
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The care of geraniums

Geranium Originally from South Africa, geranium is easily cured without special care, even if it needs some care to grow luxuriantly. The beauty of this plant lies in the fact that it has flowers with variegated colors and sometimes with very fragrant leaves. Furthermore the geranium can be climbing or hanging and it helps a lot to decorate balconies and terraces.
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Palermo Botanical Garden

Visit to the Botanical Garden of Palermo We decided this month to visit an important and ancient garden that, thanks to its particular geographical positioning, contains in itself the charm of the tropical and continental flora: the Botanical Garden of Palermo. It is an institution that since the first years of life has represented an important reference for the cultural and scientific life of the Sicilian capital.
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Garden furniture

Iron gazebos

"Title =" GAZEBO IN IRON: A SOLID AND ELEGANT STRUCTURE - IRON GAZEBO "> GAZEBO IN IRON: A SOLID AND ELEGANT STRUCTURE If you intend to create a romantic corner in your garden or on your balcony, a corner that will allow you to enjoy the best of the summer, a gazebo is what we need for you.
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Basil cultivation

Basil cultivation Suitable for forming lively groups in the meadows or as an ornament in floral compositions in this case we speak of the Basilicum green ruffles which has green and long leaves and is not edible. Currently the most well-known is the Basilicum sweet which is of an intense and edible green.
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