Does Mylar Block EMF?

Rob Cortinas
3 min readNov 15, 2022

You can use an EMF meter to test whether or not mylar blocks electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Compare readings with and without mylar and compare them to see how much radiation is blocked. An effective barrier should be 95% or greater. This test video shows how effective mylar is. It is considered to be more effective than shielding paint and is considered by some to be the best material for blocking EMFs.

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Radia Smart EMF Blanket

The Radia Smart EMF Blanket is intended to protect you from electromagnetic fields. However, it doesn’t actually block them completely. It’s a thin throw-size blanket, about 35 by 35 inches, and it’s not made to block all kinds of EMFs. It is a gray color, with a striped cream backing. Despite its small size, the blanket is incredibly soft. It also has a small pocket, suitable for storing a TV remote. It’s a warm blanket, but it could have been made a bit thicker and warmer.

The Radia Smart EMF Blanket is a popular EMF blanket for people who want to protect themselves from the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields. It’s made of two layers, one made of organic cotton and the other from a silver-lined textile. Both layers are breathable and machine-washable.

The Radia Smart EMF Blanket also protects babies from harmful EMF radiation. It has been certified to shield 99.9% of all radio and wireless radiation. The Radia Smart EMF Blanket can be purchased online or at a store near you.


Mylar is an insulating material that can be used to block harmful electromagnetic radiation. This material is inexpensive and lightweight, and is effective at blocking EMFs. Depending on its thickness, it can attenuate up to 20 dB. It can be used in many different applications, including in electronics.

Another way to protect yourself from RF radiation is to paint your walls with RF-blocking paint. Although this product does not block all frequencies, it is effective at blocking 90% of RF that enters the home. It can be a temporary fix, and it can be painted over windows and walls.

Another inexpensive way to protect yourself from EMF radiation is to buy a mylar blanket. These blankets are inexpensive and light, making them convenient to use both at home and on vacation. They can be purchased from online retailers such as Amazon and can be easily transported.


Mylar blocks EMF radiation by attenuating the energy from nearby devices. The attenuation process reduces the radiation by absorbing or diffusing photons from the radiation. Depending on its thickness and quality, Mylar can reduce up to 20dB of radiation.

Mylar is a versatile and inexpensive shielding material that blocks EMF radiation. Depending on its thickness, different types of Mylar have different degrees of attenuation. It can also be used to make protective products for the body, such as a blanket or paint.

Several types of blankets are made of Mylar. Some are inexpensive, lightweight, and convenient and are good for home or travel protection. You can find them cheaply on Amazon. They can be used for emergency situations or to protect yourself and your family from EMF radiation. In case of a power outage or a power cut, you can use a blanket with Mylar to block EMF radiation.

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