Recommended Interesting Articles


How to improve children's attention in the classroom

One of the situations in which education is being influenced lately is how to improve the attention of children in the classroom. It is common to find students who stop attending, who cut or get lost in the middle of class, teachers who complain or scold when this occurs and parents who do not know how to help or what to do with their children.
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Popular Argentine sayings for children

Do you know any popular saying from Argentina? On our site we have compiled a selection of sayings for children to learn about the popular wisdom of the country, and that is, sayings are short phrases that contain traditions that have passed from generation to generation and that have a meaning as advice.
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Fairy tales for children

Fairy tales stimulate children's imaginations. Fairies, elves and wizards have always been characters that make the imagination of the little ones fly. Elves are mythological beings, very small and very clever. They are almost always depicted with pointed ears and a green or red cap.
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The 4 most popular home pregnancy tests

Our grandmothers already used them and although they are not 100% reliable, some women say they work. You only need a little of your first urine in the morning and some ingredients that we all have at home such as oil, vinegar, soap or toothpaste, to do these tests and know if you are pregnant or not.
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What do we do wrong so that so many teenagers are tired of living

A reflection has surprised me this morning; It is not mine, but that of a controversial juvenile judge named Emilio Calatayud. In his article he announced that more and more 14-year-old children pass through his court to whom he has to apply the anti-suicide protocol because they have lost the will to live, something that makes anyone's hair stand on end.
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