Recommended Interesting Articles


Necrobacteriosis in cattle: treatment and prevention

Bovine necrobacteriosis is a fairly common disease in all regions and regions of the Russian Federation, where livestock is engaged. Pathology causes serious economic damage to farms, since during the period of illness, livestock loses milk production and up to 40 body weight. Farm animals and humans are susceptible to necrobacteriosis.
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Pruning and transplanting spirea in the fall to a new place

Spirea is well known to many flower growers, landscape designers and ordinary lovers of decorative flowers. Caring for it is simple, and most of the growing operations, which include pruning spirea in the fall, can be performed even by a novice gardener. This will take a very small amount of time and the simplest tools.
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Hammocks for a summer residence: which hammock to choose

For many years, we have been using various leisure furniture in the cottages, which helps to take a breath, take a comfortable position during lunch, or even take a little nap in the shade of a branchy garden. Today we want to introduce to this list hammocks, which are very popular, convenient and practical. Naturally, many people in the country already have hammocks - new from the sports store or old, knitted by hand from the rope, but a certain part of our summer residents have not yet identified and equipped a place to relax in the summer cottage.
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How to make a scarecrow for a summer residence with your own hands

How to protect spring crops from birds? How to scare off entire flocks that are ready to spoil many days of planting flowers, herbaceous plants and vegetable seedlings in literally an hour? You can solve the problem by the classical method - to build a scarecrow for a summer residence. A scarecrow in a garden or garden is a tool for intimidating birds, but we can say from our own experience that a scarecrow that was originally designed and installed in the right place is also a fear for summer robbers.
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Slime webcap: photo and description

Slime cobweb is a conditionally edible forest inhabitant of the Spiderweb family, but due to the lack of mushroom taste and smell, it is rarely used in cooking. Grows in mixed forests, begins bearing fruit from June to September. Since the species has inedible counterparts, you need to study the external data and be able to recognize it from its poisonous counterparts.
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How bees collect pollen

Collecting pollen by bees is an important process both in the operation of the hive and in the beekeeping industry. Bees transfer pollen from one honey plant to another and pollinate plants. Nutrient mixtures and other components of the hive are created from the shredding. Therefore, any beekeeper should know how the collection takes place, whose duties in the hive include it and how the insects process pollen.
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