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Effective tips to take care of your skin post Covid-19 recovery

If one has pre-existent conditions like atopic dermatitis, acne, psoriasis, they are likely to get amplified. This is because, at this stage, the body goes into a state of shock and is deprived of vital nutrients and micronutrients with a heightening of stress hormones.

Summer skincare, skincare tips,, indianexpress, summer season, skincare essentials, basic skincare guide,Dermatologist Dr Jaishree Sharad spoke about skincare during covid19 recovery. (Source: Pixabay)

What happens to the skin post-Covid-19? According to dermatologist Dr Jaishree Sharad, skin cells tend to get dehydrated, dull, uneven, patchy, and rough. And if one has pre-existent conditions like atopic dermatitis, acne, psoriasis, they are likely to get amplified. This is because, at this stage, the body goes into a state of shock and is deprived of vital nutrients and micronutrients with a heightening of stress hormones.

However, there is no reason to panic, she added. The intake of vital vitamin supplements such as vitamin A, vitamin B, 1000mg of vitamin C, 400 International Units (IU) of vitamin E along with omega 3 fatty acids, 500 mg of curcumin, which is anti-inflammatory, 500 mg glutathione which is an antioxidant, will boost the recovery of your skin. Most importantly, one is advised to drink 3-4.5 litres of water every day.

She also emphasised the importance of a diet abundant in green leafy vegetables and bright colour fruits which are very rich in antioxidants. Aerated drinks, junk food, sugar in any form — jaggery, coconut sugar, date palm — must be avoided.



Some form of exercising or yoga and pranayam is “highly recommended for a holistic recovery”. Also, developing a hobby and sleeping well adds pace to the process of recovery.

Further, for skincare, Dr Sharad said that it is a good idea to cleanse the skin in the morning after which one can use a vitamin C serum or a vitamin C ferulic acid-based serum topped with a moisturiser and sunscreen (even if one is keeping indoors.) At bedtime, the application of an AHA serum or a BHA to improve skin health can do wonders.

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In case one has acne, then a suitable alternative would be the Beta Hydroxy serum. Again, if someone has oily skin, they can use an AHA serum. This routine should be followed 2-3 times a week and on the remaining days, a hyaluronic acid-based serum is advisable. Over this serum, a layer of moisturiser or anti-ageing cream (depending on one’s requirement) is highly recommended, she mentioned in an Instagram post.

Lastly, dabbing a vitamin K/vitamin C or retinol-based serum under the eye is essential.  One’s arms, legs, neck, and back must also be moisturised thoroughly.


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First uploaded on: 28-06-2021 at 19:10 IST
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