As the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign continues to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are committed to providing agile and efficient oversight of all COVID-19 data and samples that may be used for research purposes.

The COVID-19 Research Oversight Committee (C-ROC) is charged to assess, provide guidance, and make recommendations to the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation on requests for access to the University’s COVID-19 data and related biological samples collected at the Champaign-Urbana campus. Please complete the form on the next pages to initiate your request with the Illinois National COVID-19 Registry.

If your request is to validate the SHIELD saliva testing protocol, and you are located within the United States, then please contact Jay Walsh, Vice President for Economic Development and Innovation. Do not fill out this form.

If you are looking to recruit subjects from the registry for research studies within your lab email or more details. Do not fill out this form.

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