The following research survey was developed to assess the health of UCI graduate students. Responses to this survey will help researchers identify students’ health concerns and make recommendations on how to improve the graduate student experience.

Instructions: Please complete the survey to the best of your abilities. There are no right or wrong answers so answer the questions to the best of your knowledge. We just ask that you answer the questions honestly to reflect how you are feeling right now.

This questionnaire consists of several different sections and the instructions are given for each one at the beginning of the section. If you have questions with any section of the survey, please feel free to contact the survey administrator: Michelle Chan (

Responses to the survey will be completely anonymous and will not impact your academic prospects at UC Irvine. We want to assure you that all answers you give will be completely confidential and will not be linked with your identity.

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To save your responses and end the survey, click the 'End Survey' button below. If you have selected the wrong option by accident and/or wish to return to the survey, click the 'Return and Edit Response' button.