La televisión es una droga [poema en imágenes]

«Television is a drug» es el tí­tulo del inquietante ví­deo que Beth Fulton ha realizado inspirada en el poema de Todd Alcott «Television».

Todd creó el texto para un monólogo y se puso en el lugar de la televisión ¿qué dirí­a la caja tonta?

Este es el resultado en ví­deo:

Y este el texto original (fuente). Recuerda: el que te habla es el televisor

Look at me.
Look at me. Look at me, look at me, look at me.
Look at me.
No, no, no, don»™t look over there, look at me, look at me, look at me.
Are you looking at me? Is everyone looking at me? Do I have your attention? Good.
Don»™t get the wrong idea. I»™m not trying to take over your life.
You need, what? What do you need? You need to, what? Go to the bathroom? Fine.
Get up, goto the bathroom, come back, look at me.
You need, what? You need to get something to eat? Fine.
Get up, go to the kitchen, get something to eat, come back, look at me.
You need to, what, sleep? Fine, get up, go to bed, go to sleep, get up, come back, look at me.
Okay. So we have an agreement.
You will do what you absolutely need to do, and when you»™re done, you will come back and look at me.
Don»™t worry about your schedule. I am here for you. I am here for you.
Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, I am here for you. I am here for you.
You need me, I’m here. Fair and foul, thick and thin, I am here for you.
I am here for you.
People try to tell you I’m bad? You tell them that I am here for you.
Twenty-four hours a day, fair and foul, thick and thin, I am here for you. I am here for you.
People try to tell you I’m bad, know what that sounds like to me? Sour Grapes.
You see what I–hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, no, don»™t look over there, there»™s nothing going on over there, look at me, look at me, look at me.
I’ve got stuff you wouldn»™t believe.
Danger? Sex? Action? Death? Thrills? Comedy? All here, all in the next eight minutes.
Can you believe it? You can’t. It’s unbelievable.
You can’t believe it because its unbelievable! It’s a miracle.
Just keep looking at me. Just keep looking at me. Just keep looking at me.
Look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me.


Y cómo no podí­a ser de otra manera, si Elisabeth Fulton le ha puesto audio e imágenes al texto a mi me ha inspirado la siguiente dicotomí­a:

¿Eres adicto a la televisión?

image Hay quienes encienden la televisión por inercia y simplemente ven televisión, consume la mayor parte del tiempo de ocio, la TV es el electrodoméstico rey, preside el salón y se propaga por la casa. En cambio para otros es la TV es una caja tonta, un lavado de cerebro, cuidan mucho qué ver y no suelen «tragarse cualquier programa».

Según un estudio de Scientific American de 2006 dedicamos tres horas al dí­a a ver la TV. El 10% de los adultos se denominan, a sí­ mismos, adictos televisivos.

«Odio el televisor como odio al maní­. Pero no puedo dejar de comer maní­.» – Orson Wells

¿Eres o no eres adicto a la televisión? ¿Por qué? <– Debate

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