Kenyan Msurvey Launches In Nigeria, Promises Customer Retainership Through Feedbacks.


    How do you evaluate your services? How do know if you are delivering top-notch products and services to your customers? How do you know if your product/service has driven home the joy and satisfaction required? How can you get feedback from your customers in real time?

    Because it’s important to have the answers to the How To questions above and more, Msurvey, a kenya-based launches in Nigeria to help businesses gauge customer loyalty.

    Msurvey in collaboration with safaricom is leveraging on the growing number and reach of mobile phones to change data collection for businesses from a time-consuming process to a real-time mobile conversation.

    How it works

    Msurvey will use NPS (Net Promoter Score) to gauge customers’ satisfaction. For instance, when a customer walks into a bank, supermarket, coffee shop etc. At the end of his transaction or probably on his way out, the customer is prompted to give feedback via the mobile phone.


    Beyond the traditional ways of applying NPS such as using pamphlets, receipts etc to get feedback from customers which most times are not effective and also carries elements of biasness. Msurvey creates an online platform where customers feedback would be submitted directly to appropriate channels where they can be treated.

    How do companies and businesses come Onboard.

    With paid services, companies and business owners subscribe to the Msurvey platform to use their services. So all they need do is log on each day to their email to access feedback specific to them.