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6 toxic words that you should not use with your child

We are what we say, and we are not aware of all the power that language has. With our words we can sink a person or we can empower them to unexpected levels, so today we are going to talk about the words that I recommend using frequently, and the words, that I do not recommend using.
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Recipes to watch a football game with the family

If in the time of our parents, soccer was a mainly male sport, happily over the years, women have been showing as much or more fans than they. So much so, that now in many homes football matches are watched as a family, together, and it is tremendous fun to get together in front of the television and cheer on our favorite football team all together as a family: father, mother, children and you can even sign up your grandparents and uncles.
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What children learn from frustration

Frustration is the feeling we experience when we cannot satisfy a need or desire that we have. It is a common feeling, we have all felt frustrated at some point in our lives since it is impossible to achieve everything we want or need. It is a very common feeling in childhood, but what can children learn from frustration?
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Children must learn to be bored

& 39; I'm bored mom! What should I do? & 39; ... The monster of boredom peeks out from under the door and when the parents heard this phrase we left terrified as if it were a hurricane. That phrase seems to involve us having to solve the afternoon for the children, it breaks our daily tasks and pushes us to have to safeguard them from boredom.
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Adaptation of the baby to school step by step

Our ability to adapt to new situations cannot be compared with the resources that a baby or child has to adapt. We have a wealth of experiences that allows us to adapt to new situations, in a more comfortable and controlled way. , but young children no, they will have to learn very early.
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