Networking with other system building and early childhood leaders is an essential element of the HMG Annual Forum. As we transition to hosting a virtual event, networking and maintaining connection remains of the upmost importance for the HMG National Affiliate Network. This year’s HMG Virtual Forum will offer a variety of networking opportunities for the HMG community, including a Topic-Based Networking period where attendees will be able to select from different topics and join the conversation that interests them the most. Topic-Based Networking Sessions are designed to bring affiliates together for facilitated networking discussions on a variety of relevant, engaging topics. Forum attendees interested in facilitating a structured Networking Session on a specific topic should submit an application with information about the topic, a brief description of its relevance to Help Me Grow efforts, and proposed discussion questions for attendees.

If you are interested in facilitating a structured Networking Session on a specific topic please complete the following application. Accepted Networking Sessions will require presenters to register for the virtual Forum for (at least) the day of the session. Applicants will be notified of their acceptance no later than early August.

All applicants submitting an application to lead topic based networking sessions must be available on

Monday, September 20, 2021 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM.

Topic-Based Networking Session Facilitator Experience

During the Virtual Forum, Topic-Based Networking facilitators will join a Zoom meeting room hosted on the Forum's virtual attendee hub, where conference attendees can enter to engage in the discussion and connect with others who are interested in this topic area. During the live presentation, a facilitator and their visitors will be able to utilize the Zoom chat, Q&A, audio and visual capabilities to interact with one another. Presenters will receive guidance and resources in advance of the event on the technical features of their Zoom meeting room as well as 24/7 tech support from CVENT, Inc., should it be needed.

Please direct questions regarding the application or application process to Noshin Ahmed at Applicants will be notified of their acceptance after the Help Me Grow Forum Planning Committee reviews all proposals by early August.

For more details on topic based networking requirements please visit the National Center website:

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