--- title: "Nominal house prices data in Luxembourg - Data cleaning" author: "Bruno Rodrigues" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" --- ```{r development, include=FALSE} library(testthat) ``` ```{r, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE} library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) library(janitor) library(purrr) library(readxl) library(rvest) library(stringr) library(housing) ``` ## Downloading the data This data is downloaded from the luxembourguish [Open Data Portal](https://data.public.lu/fr/datasets/prix-annonces-des-logements-par-commune/) (the data set called *Série rétrospective des prix annoncés des maisons par commune, de 2010 à 2021*), and the original data is from the "Observatoire de l'habitat". This data contains prices for houses sold since 2010 for each luxembourguish commune. The function below uses the permanent URL from the Open Data Portal to access the data, but I have also rehosted the data, and use my link to download the data (for archival purposes): ```{r function-get_raw_data} #' get_raw_data Gets raw nominal house price data from LU Open Data Portal #' #' @param url Optional: Persistent url to the data #' @importFrom readxl excel_sheets read_excel #' @importFrom utils download.file #' @importFrom dplyr mutate rename select #' @importFrom stringr str_trim #' @importFrom janitor clean_names #' @importFrom purrr map_dfr #' @return A data frame #' @export get_raw_data <- function(url = "https://github.com/b-rodrigues/rap4all/raw/master/datasets/vente-maison-2010-2021.xlsx"){ raw_data <- tempfile(fileext = ".xlsx") download.file(url, raw_data, mode = "wb") # for compatibility with Windows sheets <- excel_sheets(raw_data) read_clean <- function(..., sheet){ read_excel(..., sheet = sheet) |> mutate(year = sheet) } raw_data <- map_dfr(sheets, ~read_clean(raw_data, skip = 10, sheet = .)) |> clean_names() raw_data |> rename(locality = commune, n_offers = nombre_doffres, average_price_nominal_euros = prix_moyen_annonce_en_courant, average_price_m2_nominal_euros = prix_moyen_annonce_au_m2_en_courant, average_price_m2_nominal_euros = prix_moyen_annonce_au_m2_en_courant ) |> mutate(locality = str_trim(locality)) |> select(year, locality, n_offers, starts_with("average")) } ``` ```{r} raw_data <- get_raw_data(url = "https://github.com/b-rodrigues/rap4all/raw/master/datasets/vente-maison-2010-2021.xlsx") ``` We need clean the data: "Luxembourg" is "Luxembourg-ville" in 2010 and 2011, then "Luxembourg". "Pétange" is also spelled non-consistently, and we also need to convert columns to right type. We also directly remove rows where the locality contains information on the "Source": ```{r function-clean_raw_data} #' clean_raw_data Cleans the raw data #' #' @param raw_data The raw data to clean (the output of get_raw_data) #' @details Removes uneeded rows, renames localities to make their names consistent across years and converts columns with prices to numeric columns #' @importFrom dplyr mutate filter across starts_with #' @return A data frame #' @export clean_raw_data <- function(raw_data){ raw_data |> mutate(locality = ifelse(grepl("Luxembourg-Ville", locality), "Luxembourg", locality), locality = ifelse(grepl("P.tange", locality), "Pétange", locality) ) |> filter(!grepl("Source", locality)) |> mutate(across(starts_with("average"), as.numeric)) } ``` ```{r} flat_data <- clean_raw_data(raw_data) ``` We now need to make sure that we got all the communes/localities in there. There were mergers in 2011, 2015 and 2018. So we need to account for these localities. We’re now scraping data from wikipedia of former Luxembourguish communes: ```{r function-get_former_communes} #' get_former_communes Downloads list of former communes from Wikipedia #' #' @param url Optional: Persistent url to the data #' @param min_year Optional: Minimum year to consider. Defaults to 2009 because price data starts in 2010 #' @param table_position Optional: Scraping returns a list of tables, so users need to specify the correct table. Defaults to 3, the position of the table as of writing. #' @importFrom rvest read_html html_table #' @importFrom dplyr filter #' @importFrom purrr pluck #' @importFrom janitor clean_names #' @return A data frame #' @export get_former_communes <- function(url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communes_of_Luxembourg#Former_communes", min_year = 2009, table_position = 3){ read_html(url) |> html_table() |> pluck(table_position) |> clean_names() |> filter(year_dissolved > min_year) } ``` ```{r} former_communes <- get_former_communes() ``` We can scrape current communes: ```{r function-get_current_communes} #' get_current_communes Downloads list of current communes from Wikipedia #' #' @param url Optional: Persistent url to the data #' @param table_position Optional: Scraping returns a list of tables, so users need to specify the correct table. Defaults to 1, the position of the table as of writing. #' @importFrom rvest read_html html_table #' @importFrom purrr pluck #' @importFrom janitor clean_names #' @return A data frame #' @export get_current_communes <- function(url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_communes_of_Luxembourg", table_position = 1){ read_html(url) |> html_table() |> pluck(table_position) |> clean_names() } ``` ```{r} current_communes <- get_current_communes() ``` Let’s now create a list of all communes: ```{r function-get_test_communes} #' get_test_communes Creates list of communes that should be in the data #' #' @param former_communes Former communes df as returned by get_former_communes() #' @param current_communes Current communes df as returned by get_current_communes() #' @return A data frame #' @export get_test_communes <- function(former_communes, current_communes){ communes <- unique(c(former_communes$name, current_communes$commune)) # we need to rename some communes # Different spelling of these communes between wikipedia and the data communes[which(communes == "Clemency")] <- "Clémency" communes[which(communes == "Redange")] <- "Redange-sur-Attert" communes[which(communes == "Erpeldange-sur-Sûre")] <- "Erpeldange" communes[which(communes == "Luxembourg-City")] <- "Luxembourg" communes[which(communes == "Käerjeng")] <- "Kaerjeng" communes[which(communes == "Petange")] <- "Pétange" communes } ``` ```{r} former_communes <- get_former_communes() current_communes <- get_current_communes() communes <- get_test_communes(former_communes, current_communes) ``` Let’s test to see if all the communes from our dataset are represented. ```{r tests-clean_flat_data} # We now need to check if we have them all in the data. The test needs to be self-contained, hence # why we need to redefine the required variables: former_communes <- get_former_communes() current_communes <- get_current_communes() communes <- get_test_communes(former_communes, current_communes) raw_data <- get_raw_data(url = "https://github.com/b-rodrigues/rap4all/raw/master/datasets/vente-maison-2010-2021.xlsx") flat_data <- clean_raw_data(raw_data) testthat::expect_true( all(communes %in% unique(flat_data$locality)) ) ``` If the above code doesn’t show any communes, then this means that we are accounting for every commune. Let’s keep the national average in another dataset: ```{r function-make_country_level_data} #' make_country_level_data Makes the final data at country level #' #' @param flat_data Flat data df as returned by clean_flat_data() #' @importFrom dplyr filter select mutate full_join #' @return A data frame #' @export make_country_level_data <- function(flat_data){ country_level <- flat_data |> filter(grepl("nationale", locality)) |> select(-n_offers) offers_country <- flat_data |> filter(grepl("Total d.offres", locality)) |> select(year, n_offers) full_join(country_level, offers_country) |> select(year, locality, n_offers, everything()) |> mutate(locality = "Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg") } ``` ```{r} country_level_data <- make_country_level_data(flat_data) ``` We can finish cleaning the commune data: ```{r function-make_commune_level_data} #' make_commune_level_data Makes the final data at commune level #' #' @param flat_data Flat data df as returned by clean_flat_data() #' @importFrom dplyr filter #' @return A data frame #' @export make_commune_level_data <- function(flat_data){ flat_data |> filter(!grepl("nationale|offres", locality), !is.na(locality)) } ``` ```{r} commune_level_data <- make_commune_level_data(flat_data) ``` We now save the dataset in a folder for further analysis (keep chunk option to `eval = F` to avoid running it when knitting): ## Functions used for analysis The following function compute the Laspeyeres prices index: ```{r function-get_laspyeres} #' Draw some plots #' #' @param dataset The dataset for which the index needs to be computed #' @importFrom dplyr group_by ungroup mutate #' @importFrom rlang quo #' @importFrom tidyr fill #' @return The input dataset with added columns: p0, p0_m2, pl and pl_m2. p0 are prices at year 0 (2010), and pl are the index. #' @export get_laspeyeres <- function(dataset){ which_dataset <- deparse(substitute(dataset)) group_var <- if(grepl("commune", which_dataset)){ quo(locality) } else { NULL } dataset |> group_by(!!group_var) |> mutate(p0 = ifelse(year == "2010", average_price_nominal_euros, NA)) |> fill(p0, .direction = "down") |> mutate(p0_m2 = ifelse(year == "2010", average_price_m2_nominal_euros, NA)) |> fill(p0_m2, .direction = "down") |> ungroup() |> mutate(pl = average_price_nominal_euros/p0*100, pl_m2 = average_price_m2_nominal_euros/p0_m2*100) } ``` ```{r examples-get_laspeyeres, eval = FALSE} #' \dontrun{ #' commune_level_data_laspeyeres <- get_laspeyeres(commune_level_data) #' } ``` and this function plots the data: ```{r function-make_plot} #' Draw some plots #' #' @param country_level_data The country level data frame. #' @param commune_level_data The commune level data frame. #' @param commune The commune to plot. #' @importFrom dplyr filter bind_rows #' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_line aes #' @return A ggplot #' @export make_plot <- function(country_level_data, commune_level_data, commune){ commune_data <- commune_level_data |> filter(locality == commune) data_to_plot <- bind_rows( country_level_data, commune_data ) ggplot(data_to_plot) + geom_line(aes(y = pl_m2, x = year, group = locality, colour = locality)) } ``` ```{r examples-make_plot, eval = FALSE} #' \dontrun{ #'commune_level_data_laspeyeres <- get_laspeyeres(commune_level_data) #'make_plot(commune_level_data_laspeyeres, "Luxembourg") #' } ```