Why Psychic Readings Cannot Be Free – Crossing Into the Friend Zone

It is really hard sometimes in a psychic-client relationship to maintain a distance. After talking to someone about intimate details in their lives, it may look natural to become friends with them, and to a degree you are, however there are several traps that could destroy the connection.

It isn’t uncommon for a client to ask their reader for their personal phone number or ask them out for coffee. To the client, their psychic is often perceived as a reliable friend that gives good advice, someone who isn’t too busy to listen to them, rather than lecture them- at least this is how a fantastic psychic should make all their clients feel. So what changes if the psychic and the client slip into the friend zone? Lines get blurred and things change.

Paying for any kind of psychic reading is an exchange based on a couple of unwritten rules, which we can saw form a kind of an unspoken contract. The reader promises to use their gifts, wisdom and insight to help their client with whatever obstacles they are facing, have faced, or may face in the future. The other side of that contract is that the customer will balance the scales with money as means for the exhaust of your psychic energy. Once that bond has crossed in the friend zone, that contract is torn up and often can’t be mended. A new dynamic occurs between the parties and it leaves to getting free readings, because after all how can you charge your friend any money?
This isn’t the same as giving promotional or thank you minutes. These minutes get to encourage new clients to use the psychic’s services relatively risk-free and if your psychic really wants to give a little to your client chances are they can send a couple of minutes. The expectation is still that the client will call back and pay more income beyond their free minutes, but sometimes clients believe they are able to require free minutes without spending any money. The reason is usually an economic one, even though this is quite understandable, it then nullifies that unspoken contract since the exchange isn’t balanced at all. Would the people who require free readings walk into a cafe or restaurant, and suggest that they have got nothing but want to be served a smaller meal? Not likely, however some restaurants may offer discount coupons for a appetizer or drinks at the bar, but rarely do they offer coupons for free of charge meals.

The other thing, when crossing the professional line between a psychic and client, that comes about is that the psychic becomes too involved with the clients life and also this leads to some unexpected consequences. First, the psychic may begin giving advice simply relying on their gift for answers. They develop opinions on subjects and provide these instead of distancing themselves from the person and their situation and going for a true psychic reading. This is really only natural because as a friend the psychic can have an individual stake in the resolution of the problem.

This brings us to the 2nd point of why psychics cannot cross the professional line – part of that unspoken contract is that the psychic will provide accurate and unbiased information. They are sitting on the outside looking in, but being a personal friend moves them to the inside. Having a different point of view is why clients reach to psychics in the first place and they want that outside perspective. This cannot happen if your client is also your BFF.

Thirdly there is always the danger of romantic attachment. People will talk to psychics about the most intimate specifics of their lives as well as their most sacred thoughts. They reveal their inner soul in such a way, that they will often never do with anybody else in their life. This generates a sacred bond that needs to be respected, but sometimes this connection can be mistaken for as a romantic attraction. This should be avoided at any cost because if the line is crossed between a psychic and a client, there is often a violation occurring that will really hurt both psychic and client. The trust that’s instilled into the connection isn’t only destroyed but its destruction can lead to deep emotional problems for the customer. If the psychic conducts themselves as a professional at all times, this would never happen.

There should be some form of a connection or bond between the client and the psychic to ensure the clarity of the reading, but it also must make the psychic to keep things in the right perspective and follow the ethical code that protects both client and psychic. The friend zone only leads to wrong readings, albeit free ones, and the danger of romantic involvement.

Caffeine and Psychic Ability – Is There a Link?

There are a lot of individuals who claim that caffeine increases psychic ability. Many experts state that caffeine opens the sixth chakra which is located on the forehead where the two optic nerves cross each other. It is the point where the nose meets the forehead and it is commonly referred to as the Third Eye. Through the Third Eye, we can see and interpret a lot of things that we couldn’t if it had been closed.
The Third Eye is just one of the many chakras on your body. It is often blocked, as well as a lot of the other chakras. As we grow and develop spiritually the Third Eye starts to open and a natural psychic ability actually starts to develop. The teaching s on chakras dates back thousands of years towards the ancient teachings from the Indian subcontinent. Opening the sixth chakra or Third Eye is one feat that comes about only after practicing meditation for a long time and making a significant progress in ones spiritual growth.
Caffeine makes the mind more alert and able to sustain razor-like focus for a long time. It can also help the Third Eye connect to the spirit world by receiving messages from high energy spirits of light. Caffeine will help the 3rd eye focus narrowly while listening for the answers that we want to know. Many people think that the Third Eye should be completely open to be psychic, but this is simply not the truth. It actually must narrow enough to allow the psychic to be fully directed and focused on the task at hand.

Many psychics with genuine gifts claim that caffeine enables them to connect easier with the spiritual world. Doing psychic readings for others can be quite emotionally draining. It takes energy to concentrate fully on what the client is saying. The psychic must also then try and open the Third Eye to receive the messages which are pertinent to the person’s concerns or problems. All of this can take a large amount of energy from a genuine psychic. A walk several times a day or a glass of soda can refresh the body and mind which helps to focus the Third Eye.
There is an additional large part of psychics and people, who’re interested in other dimensions and developing our spiritual growth, which say that caffeine is not good for building psychic abilities. They believe it must be avoided the same way we avoid alcohol, drugs, and smoking. Many of these higher-level psychics do not eat meat either. They are vegans who eat only vegetables, but some later become vegetarians who eat eggs and milk products. They believe keeping in mind one’s body pure, and point out that caffeine disrupts the natural flow of time through their body.
With much controversy surrounding caffeine, each individual must decide how it affects them. Psychic abilities are obviously diminished when people feel nervous and shaky, and caffeine has this effect on some individuals. Almost anyone is impacted by drinking a lot of coffee or soda. The answer seems to be in finding a balance with the amount of caffeine consumed. Some psychics drink coffee all through the day and point out that it does not distract them at all. Others drink merely a half cup of coffee and say that it’s just enough to help them be a little more psychically aware.
If caffeine has been doing little to help your psychic abilities develop, a minimum of it will also help you stay attentive to read books and articles about psychical ability and spiritual growth. There are so many materials written about this subject which will take a lifetime to read all of them. You may want to begin by reading about the chakras and learn more about how to control with them. Another good starting point is to understanding how psychics use tools like tarot cards and crystals.