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Fat plants

Fertilizer succulent plants

Fertilizer for succulent plants: how to choose it The fertilizer for succulents must be chosen according to the variety. Coming from areas characterized by a dry, arid and hot climate, succulent plants, also called succulent plants, need fertilizers rich in organic substances, able to favor their development.
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Garden furniture

Garden furniture

INTRODUCTION The exterior of the houses needs to be treated in detail as the interior, because the external appearance is the first thing that catches the eye of the guests who will have the pleasure of being welcomed in a well-furnished environment. For this reason it is good to choose the right garden furniture, in order to obtain a liveable space outside the home that is in harmony with the architectural style and interior furnishings.
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The absinthe The botanical name is artemisia absintium, it is a rhizomatous perennial plant, widespread in nature throughout Europe and used since ancient times for its tonic and purifying properties. From the rhizomatous roots thin erect stems develop, well branched, which with time tend to become woody in the part closest to the ground, the plants grow for about 50-70 cm each year, and with the arrival of cold they dry up, in late autumn.
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12 delicious Chinese cabbage and chicken salads

Peking cabbage or Chinese cabbage and chicken salads combine almost all the necessary micronutrients for humans. Cabbage is a source of healthy fiber that improves digestion and general intestinal health. Chicken is a long recognized source of protein, both among athletes and among ordinary people.
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