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Ovulation Period Symptoms

Ovulation Symptoms In general, most women do not follow the symptoms that occur in the body due to the effect of the egg that is matured and released every month. Until pregnancy is planned… Ovulation is part of the menstrual cycle and one or more ovulation can occur each month.
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When will my toddler stop needing a nap?

Most children under the age of 1 take two naps a day — usually one in the morning and another in the afternoon. By 18 months, most have given up the morning nap but still need an afternoon snooze to make it through dinner without a meltdown.Even when you& 39;ve kissed the morning nap goodbye, your toddler& 39;s likely to continue needing her afternoon nap for quite some time.
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Should Fathers Enter Birth?

Should Fathers Enter Birth? Birth is a very different and beautiful experience for many women that they cannot compare to any other experience in their lives. It is an indescribable feeling that a part of you and your loved ones grow up in you and when a little individual joins your family when the time comes. Is it just the mother?
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Mouth sores during pregnancy

During pregnancy, hormonal activity in the body is maximized. In particular, the hormone estrogen has a direct effect on the formation of gingivitis. However, oral dental care in women, puberty, which takes a certain part of their lives, baby breastfeeding, pregnancy, menstruation and menopause, shows privilege in the slices.
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I’m 43 years old and suddenly want another baby

“We’re one and done,” my husband and I would tell anyone who asked us about having another baby. I was 41 when our son was born. We were happy with our family.Until we decided we weren’t.It was a slow progression. We spent so much time saying no it almost became ingrained in our minds. Eventually I began to wonder if that& 39;s really what we want, or if that& 39;s just what we got used to telling ourselves.
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Vaccine prevention of pneumococcal diseases

Diseases caused by pneumococcal bacteria are among the most common diseases seen in children during the winter months. Diseases such as meningitis and pneumonia caused by this bacteria can cause death or permanent damage to children. Every year, nearly one million children under the age of 5 die in the world.
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