Why Manchester United’s transfer policy has failed so badly since Sir Alex Ferguson left

In the second part of our series on the club’s decline, Paul Hirst reveals where it has all gone wrong in terms of recruiting the right players

The Times

Not long after Marcos Rojo had signed his five-year contract to join Manchester United from Sporting Lisbon in 2014, and posed for pictures with the manager Louis van Gaal, the club received a phone call from a national newspaper. The journalist was asking for a reaction to the news that a judge in Argentina was considering calling Rojo back to his homeland to answer charges of actual bodily harm in relation to a scuffle with his former neighbour.

The incident happened in 2010, but United knew nothing about it. Somehow the club had spent £16 million on a player without knowing that he was the subject of a criminal investigation. Rojo was never charged, but he had to wait a month to be given his