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Food and exercise blogger Helen Foster has made some interesting

discoveries recently, having investigated bars made from insects,

sugar-free chocolate, and what her 'Marmite face' looks like.


here was much

excitement in Not Normal

Towers this week when

the postman arrived as

one of the packages he

was a carrying contained samples of

Crobar - aka the first product for sale in

the UK made from …….drumroll ……

cricket flour. Yes that's right, our first bug

bar has arrived. Let the insect eating

revolution begin!

I would however defy you to tell it's

made of insects by looking at it out of

the packet. It looks like every other clean

eating nut bar out there. There are no

stray wings, no lurking legs, not even a

stray antenna to act like dental floss. The

reason is that it's not made from whole

insects but a finely milled cricket flour

mixed with things like peanuts, dates,

sultanas, sunflower seeds, goji berries

and cacao to make a bar.

Regular readers will know I'm no

stranger to the bug eating idea and when

you've eaten actual silkworm larvae,

spiders, giant snails etc, a bit of milled

JUST THE TICKET. The cricket flour (right) used in Crobars.

cricket holds no fear. I've also had bug

bars before in the US. I do have to say

though, this one is actually really, really

good - especially the Cacao and Cricket

Flour one. I'd actually go as far as to say

they are nicer than some of the other

natural bars I've tried. If you can get past

the whole OMG I'M EATING BUGS thing.

We should be eating insects as an

alternative protein source to meat (read

more here , but I did learn a few extra

cricket specific facts from the Crobar

team…like 10g of crickets contain your

daily dose of vitamin B12. They have

twice the iron of spinach, and they contain

omega-3 fats too. I'm also strangely

fascinated by the fact that the crickets

used in the flour have, and I quote here,

"been fed a diet or organic nuts and seeds

and fruits to give them a nutty flavour."

Blimey, they eat better than me - but the

bars are super-tasty, so it works.

As for nutrition, you're looking

at a smidge over 180 calories a bar,

there's between 10-13g of sugar (from

fruit sources) and 10g of fat - mostly

unsaturated, so not bad. Peanut and

Cricket Flour is 16.1g carbs, 13.3g sugar

per 40g bar. Cacao and Cricket Flour

is 18g, 10.3g sugar per 40g bar. If you

want to give them a try, you'll find them

in Wholefoods and Nutricentre at £2.29 a


Chocolate logic

This blogging lark is really hard. The other

week I had to eat three bars of chocolate

I wanted to tell you about, just to make

sure that all of them were as good as

the first one. You can thank me later for

all my hard research - right now I'm still

trying to run off the effects. The bars in

question are made by a company called

Chocologic and their USP is that they

have between 60-90% less sugar than

normal, comparable, chocolate bars.

continued over

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