Is Your Cell Phone Making You Sick?

Rob Cortinas
6 min readNov 12, 2022

A recent study from the National Toxicology Program (NTP) found that exposure to cell phone radiation may increase the risk of cancer. The researchers exposed rats to cell phone radiation for several hours a day before birth and for the duration of their lives. Some rats developed cancerous tumors after the exposure. These results suggest that the RF radiation is causing increased cancer risk. However, these studies have many limitations. It is difficult to determine the exact cause of the increased cancer risk.

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RF radiation

Research shows that cell phone radiation is similar to that produced by microwaves. The radiation from a cell phone is particularly dangerous for the eyes and testes. Unfortunately, the federal government allows cell phones to emit such high levels of radiation because of standards set by the FCC in 1996. While these standards may have been based on the average usage patterns of a 200-pound man in 1996, they do not represent current conditions of health.

The RF radiation from a cell phone causes a localised increase in temperature. RF radiation from cell phones raises local brain temperatures by a fraction of a degree. However, this does not necessarily cause a health effect. This is because the human body is able to deal with large changes in temperature. The risk of RF radiation is small in a home, but increases in a classroom setting. In addition, children are much more susceptible to any form of radiation than adults.


Your cellphone is a constant companion. You’re likely to touch it with your hands, transferring bacteria and viruses. In fact, a recent study found that mobile phones have more bacteria than toilet handles. Fortunately, most of these microbes are harmless. Still, it’s important to wash your hands after touching your cellphone.

Scientists are investigating a possible link between cell phone usage and brain tumors. One tumor type is known as an acoustic neuroma, which grows on the nerve connecting the ear to the brain. This type of tumor is noncancerous, but it can lead to hearing loss and other symptoms. Another tumor is a glioma, which develops in the brain and central nervous system.

Why Does EMF Radiation Harm Us?

There is much controversy surrounding the effects of electromagnetic fields, but the facts are pretty clear. In this article, we’ll discuss health effects, mechanisms of action, exposure levels, and ways to reduce our exposure. This information will help you make an informed decision about EMF exposure. It’s important to understand the risks before you decide to reduce your exposure.

Health effects

The health effects of EMF radiation are not immediately noticeable. However, over time, these symptoms may become more apparent. This is especially true for children. As their bodies are smaller, the effects of exposure to EMF radiation may be more apparent than they are in adults. Fortunately, there are ways to protect yourself from the damaging effects of EMF radiation.

One way to protect yourself is to avoid devices that emit these fields. Many man-made and natural devices emit electromagnetic fields. Some of these fields are higher frequency, and these are harmful to human health. Others emit lower frequency EMFs. Scientific studies have found a correlation between EMF exposure and a number of negative health effects, including cancer and brain tumors. Other effects include sleep disorders, memory and cognitive problems, and even DNA damage.

EMF radiation can also interfere with the ability of children to sleep at night. Exposure to EMFs can delay the production of melatonin, a hormone needed for a good night’s sleep. In addition, EMFs may damage DNA and sperm integrity. This leads to infertility in both men and women. Children are particularly vulnerable to EMF radiation exposure, as they absorb more of it than adults do. In addition, children have weaker immune systems than adults, making them more susceptible to EMF effects.

Mechanisms of action

To date, we know little about the mechanisms of action of EMF radiation on our health. Most recent studies have focused on the nervous system and reproduction. The most common cell types in cell studies were neurons. RF-EMF has also been shown to affect immune responses and phagocytosis. However, more studies are needed to evaluate the risks of man-made EMF exposure to humans and animals.

Several studies have shown that EMF increases the levels of ROS and impairs the body’s antioxidative defenses. Some studies have shown that EMF affects neural cell cultures, which are known for their oxidative balances. These studies also found that tumor cells have intrinsically disturbed oxidative balances and may therefore react differently to treatments. One study showed that repeated exposure to 50 Hz ELF-MF at 2 mT caused increased ROS production and increased oxidative stress markers in human brain cells. In addition, this exposure also accelerated neuronal cell death.

These studies also showed that age was a major risk factor for oxidative stress. Older humans have lower antioxidative capacity in the brain and have less efficient adaptive processes to counteract increased ROS formation. Furthermore, newborns are especially susceptible to oxidative stress, since their antioxidative protection mechanisms do not fully develop in the first few weeks of life.

Exposure levels

Studies have shown that EMF radiation exposure increases the risk of certain types of cancer. Those exposed to high levels of EMF radiation have a 5.3-fold increased risk of developing brain cancer. Other types of cancer are not affected as adversely. The World Health Organization and US Environmental Protection Agency offer additional information about EMF exposures and their effects on human health.

Exposure to EMFs is also linked to increased levels of oxidative stress in the body. Oxidative stress causes damage to cells by impairing the body’s antioxidant defenses. Excess ROS can cause damage to DNA and cellular structures. Research also suggests that EMFs may lead to DNA damage and neuronal disorders.

However, it is important to remember that the intensity of ELF radiation decreases as you move further away from the source. It is highest under a power line, and decreases in strength as you move away from it. Therefore, people should avoid being exposed to this radiation by adjusting their living or working space.

Ways to reduce exposure

If you’re worried about exposure to EMF radiation, there are many ways to reduce your exposure. The first is to move your bed to a lower position. This will help reduce your exposure to the EMFs that are produced by electrical devices in your house, such as cell phones and WiFi hot spots.

Another good way to limit your exposure is to place devices as far away from you as possible. People four inches or more away from an EMF source only experience one-sixth the amount that people four feet away experience. If you are pregnant or have compromised health, use a cellular phone in airplane mode and avoid holding your cell phone too close to your body. Also, don’t forget to turn off Bluetooth in your car and other smart appliances.

Another way to reduce your exposure to EMF radiation is to turn off electronics before bed. This includes cell phones, laptops, and wifi routers. Keeping your cell phone at least four feet away from your bed will help reduce your exposure. Keeping your phone in a different room can also help you get a better night’s sleep.

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