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  美國資深武器專家和軍事圖書作者諾曼‧弗裡德曼(Norman Friedman)博士是國際知名的戰略學者、軍事裝備發展史專家,尤其擅長於綜合歷史、技術以及戰略等諸方面因素全面透徹地分析當代問題。

  在軍事研究領域,弗裡德曼先生著有33本專著,長年為各類軍事學術研究機構、知名軍事期刊撰稿,亦多次作為嘉賓參加電視評論節目。2001年他所著的有關冷戰歷史研究的著作《50年戰爭:冷戰時期的衝突和戰略》,獲得當年英國皇家聯合服務研究所(Royal United Services Institute,RUSI)評選出的最佳軍事歷史類威斯敏斯特獎金(Westminstar Prize);2002年11月,他的另一本著作《作為戰略力量的海軍》(Seapower as Strategy)亦獲得美國海軍勳章和撒母耳 艾略特 莫里森獎.他的另外一本重要著作<網路中心戰>中文版也即將出版





1  無人機/ 遙控駕駛飛機和無人飛行器
2  無人飛行器分類
3  新出現的無人飛行器類型
4  自動起降和空中防碰撞
5  火砲目標指示和戰場監視
6  實時戰術偵察
7  短程海軍無人飛行器
8  戰術偵察: 替代有人戰機
9  高空偵察
10 攻擊前電子對抗
11 攻擊型無人飛行器
12 以色列無人機使用經驗
13 美軍無人機使用經驗
14 RQ/MQ-1「掠食者」(Predator)/「天空勇士」
15( SkyWarrior)/「蚊蚋」750(Gnat)
16 RQ-2「先鋒」(Pioneer)
17 RQ-3「暗星」(Dark Star) /「臭鼬」(Polecat)
18 RQ-170「哨兵」(Sentinel)
19 RQ-4「全球鷹」(Globa lHawk) /「歐洲鷹」(Euro Hawk)
20 RQ-5「獵手」(Hunter) / EX-BQM-155/MQ-5B
21 RQ-6A「警衛」(OutRider)
22 RQ-7「陰影」(Shadow)
23 RQ-8/MQ-8「火力偵察兵(Fire Scout)/XM-157」
24 MQ-9「收割者」(Reaper)
25 CQ-10「雪雁」(Snow Goose)
26 RQ-11B「大鴉」(Raven)
27 YMQ-12A
28 RQ-14「龍眼」(Dragon Eye)/「雨燕」( Swift)/ Sea ALL / X-63
29 RQ-15「海王星」(Neptune)
30 RQ-16「狼蛛—鷹」( Tarantula-Hawk)/
31 XM-156 Class I
32 XMQ-17A「間諜鷹(Spy Hawk)/T-20」
33 XMQ-18A [A-160T「蜂雀」(Hummingbird)]
34 X-47B UCAS-D
35 MQ-X
36 AD-150 「 航空探測(AeroSonde)Mk4」
37 MQM-171「寬劍」(Broad Sword)
38 「 破壞者」(Buster)「 黑光」(Black Light)
39 「 鸕茲」(Cormorant) /「 變形」(Morphing)UAV
40  DP-5X「黃蜂」(Wasp)DP-5XT/「 短鼻鱷」(Gator)
41  DP-7「蝙蝠」(Bat)/ DP-10X「飛鏢」( Boomerang)/ DP-11「 刺刀」(Bayonet)
42 「 達科他」(Dakota)
43 「 沙漠鷹」(Desert Hawk)
44 「 鷹眼」(Eagle Eye)
45 「 亞瑟王神劍」(Excalibur)
46  BQM-147「可消耗無人機」(Exdrone)
47 「 發現者」(Finder)
48 「 全球觀察者(Global Observer)GO-1」
49 「 金眼(Golden Eye)80/50」
50 「 高昇限飛艇」(HAA)
51 「 混合動力無人飛行器」(HUAV)
52 「 獵人—殺手」 ( Hunter-Killer)
53 「 殺手蜜蜂」(Killer Bee)/「 蝙蝠」(Bat)
54 「 翠鳥 II」(Kingfisher)
55 「 合成者」(Integrator)
56 「 ISIS 高空飛艇」
57 「 L15 高空監視飛艇」
58 「 長航時多情報收集飛行器」 ( LEMV)
59 「 灰鯖鯊」(Mako)/ XPV-2
60 「 幼畜」(Maverick)
61 「 走狗」(Minion)
62 「 奧德賽」(Odysseus)
63 「 獵戶座HALL」(Orion HALL)
64 「 精確(目標)獲取武器系統」(PAWS)
65 「 幻影射線」(Phantom Ray)
66 「 指示器」(Pointer)/FQM-151A/PUMA
67 「 掃瞄鷹」(Scan Eagle)「/ 洞察力」(Insight)/
68 「 夜鷹」(Night Eagle)
69 「 聖甲蟲(Scarab)/324 型」
70 「 寂靜眼」(Slient Eye)
71 「 銀狐」(Silver Fox)/「 蝠□」(Manta)
72 「 天空」系列(Sky Series)
73 「 天空之眼」(Sky Eye)
74 「 空中山貓」(Sky Lynx II)
75  SL-UAV[「叢林狼」(Coyote)/「探祕者」( Voyeur)]
76 「 追捕者」(Stalker)
77 「 魔爪」輕型攻擊和監視直升飛行器(Talon Lash)
78 「 燕鷗(Tern)/ XPV-1」
79 「 虎鯊」(Tiger Shark)/「 狐車」(FoxCar)
80 「 警戒者」(Vigilante 502)
81 「 海盜」(Viking)
82 「 黃蜂」(Wasp)/ BATMAV
83  WBBL-UAV「貓頭鷹」(Owl)/「圖瑞斯」(Turais)


  Naval weapons expert Norman Friedman presents Unmanned Combat Air Systems: A New Kind of Carrier Aviation, a detailed examination of how the U.S. Navy's Unmanned Combat Air System aircraft, currently in development, will have enormous repercussions on naval aviation. The unmanned combat air vehicle is the size of a strike fighter, and can potentially complete intelligence missions, surveillance, reconnaissance, and time-sensitive targeting. The X-47B is the first attempt to create such an aircraft; Friedman studies how this aircraft might be used, and compares it to certain current missiles controlled by remote human operators. Black-and-white photographs illustrate this technical, in-depth study of a crucial facet of changing modern warfare.

  Nothing truly no match to what's mentioned in this book form facts and experience. But when it comes to the futuristic X-47 Umannned Combat Air System, this book is the lead in this field.

  I highly recommend this book for any Air power researcher.

  Also, pay attention to the notes in the back pages of this book it has a lot of important information and clarifications

  Norman Friedman introduces readers to the newest generation of weapon systems to join the inventories of nations around the world. As early as World War II, German scientists began experimenting with unmanned aerial weapons to attack allied aircraft and ships. Throughout the second half of the twentieth century, many nations have taken those original concepts and turned them into a new breed of combat system. Friedman exposes to the readers to that transformation and to the new systems in his latest book "Unmanned Combat Air Systems".

  The most serious mistake a nation can make is to try and fight the next war like the last. After World War I, the French assumed that the next war would be fought in trenches - so they built the Maginot line. Meanwhile, the Germans revolutionized combat by introducing maneuver warfare. Friedman persuades the reader of the need for militaries to transform their way of conducting combat.

  Friedman also explains that as commanders changed their concept for the employment of combat forces, changes are also necessary in forming an effective picture of the battlefield. In the days of Napoleonic warfare, commanders would seek the high ground to see how his adversary arrayed his opposing forces. With this picture in his mind, the commander would then send messages to his units to execute the attack. The author continues that as the speed of combat increased, new methods were needed to create the picture of the battlefield and to control subordinate forces. It is in this role, that Unmanned Aerial Systems began to prove their worth over the last thirty years.

  Some readers may be tempted to skip right to Appendix II, where Friedman focuses only on the evolution of the aerial systems in various countries. Comprising almost 180 pages, this section of the book is a by-nation description of the various unmanned aerial systems that have been used in each country. This section is enhanced with numerous black and white photographs.

  In the past few years, we have witnessed the employment of weapons from these vehicles. As we move forward into the twenty-first century, Friedman explains the new capabilities to be included in the next generation of these systems. The first section of the book is certainly targeted for military leaders, but casual readers looking to learn more about the various UASs will find Appendix II to be an absolute treasure.

  For readers wanting to learn more about Friedman's concepts on transformation, I highly recommend his book "Network-Centric Warfare: How Navies Learned to Fight Smarter Through Three World Wars".



  • ISBN:9781606335291
  • 叢書系列:美軍最尖端武器
  • 規格:平裝 / 224頁 / 17 x 23 x 1.12 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:香港




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