Recommended Interesting Articles


Is it normal for my baby to crawl backward?

Definitely. When your baby starts crawling — which usually happens between the ages of 7 and 10 months — she& 39;ll choose the most energy-efficient way to do it, says pediatrician Tanya Remer Altmann, editor of The Wonder Years: Helping Your Baby and Young Child Successfully Negotiate the Major Developmental Milestones.
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What can you do to get pregnant?

In case of a problem in the anatomy of the male and female, uterus, ovary or testes, normal pregnancy cannot be expected and pregnancy can be provided by external interventions (IVF). However, although all conditions are suitable for pregnancy, it has been observed that a slice such as -15 encounters the problem of not developing pregnancy.
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Hypertension during pregnancy

During pregnancy, there is an increase in the amount of blood pumped into the heart in accordance with this period. Again, depending on this period, a decrease in the blood pressure of mothers up to about 2 units occurs. For example, your small blood pressure can be from 9 to 7. This condition returns to normal after birth. Similarly, the blood pressure of the mothers is variable because the mother provides the necessary nutrients and oxygen for the baby's development.
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My 8-month-old is overweight for his age. Should I be worried?

While overweight infants often grow up to be overweight olderchildren and adults, many do not. Some babies who are totally breastfed can be very overweight, but in my experience most of them trim down as they begin solid foods.An overweight 8-month-old probably put on most of his weight as a consequence of drinking a lot of formula or breast milk.
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When Does Asthma Increase in Children?

No direct contact with cold weather Children develop, especially after playing, running, exercising, breathing, coughing, wheezing are the most important symptoms of asthma. The lungs of children with asthma are much more sensitive than other children. Therefore, children with asthma are more often ill than other children.
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Don't give up poetry

I wonder what I couldn't give up before. Now I'm the one I can't give up, at least now I know it! I couldn't throw you into the fire, and I jumped with you, side by side… Then I went into an empty, white room. There was a huge mirror in the room. When I looked in the mirror, I saw my tears first. Sadness on my face, loneliness on me.
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