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Description of the painting Arkady Plastov "Tanya"

The canvases of the great Soviet artist Arkady Plastov always had a distinct difference, due to their simplicity and a certain amount of artlessness. His work, entitled “Tanya,” is no exception. The picture shows a young girl who is rather warmly dressed, which symbolizes the cold season.
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Description of the painting by Stanislav Zhukovsky "Interior"

Stanislav Zhukovsky is one of the most famous landscape painters of the late 19th century who worked in the style of impressionism and realism. Firstly, all his works were made “from nature”, that is, each creation accurately reflects the nature of those parts of that time. Secondly, he used the original technique of applying strokes and chose warm, bright, rich colors that cause only positive emotions.
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Description of the painting Isaac Levitan “Boat on the shore”

The painting “Boat on the Shore” was painted by I. This unusually beautiful oil painting is stored in the regional museum of Omsk, named after Mikhail Vrubel. Despite the seeming simplicity of the landscape, the painting is beautifully written, Levitan’s mastery is shown here at the highest level. In the painting “Boat on the Shore” the viewer sees a simple seascape: shore, water, mountainous terrain behind.
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Description of the painting by Isaac Levitan "Vladimirka"

Levitan wrote his famous "Vladimirka" in 1892. This picture is distinguished by the expressive depth of semantic content and a special poetic sadness. Today she is called one of the best landscape paintings of this painter, but immediately after her writing, the critic recognized the work as boring and nondescript and did not attach much importance.
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Description of the painting by Peter Bruegel "Flemish proverbs"

The picture is saturated with a large number of different subjects and figures. This is a parable painting dedicated to Flemish folklore. The picture depicts Dutch proverbs, which include more than 100 metaphoric scenes on the canvas, which ridiculed folk wit. The canvas shows the likeness of a village, namely a large house with extensions to it.
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