Wasp Nest Removal Barnsley

Simple (And Important) Safety Measures for Wasp Nest Removal in Barnsley


Wasps and other bothersome bugs come out when the weather warms up. Consequently, it is very normal for you to discover a wasp nest in your house or garden.

It’s crucial to make informed selections while removing wasps nests, even though this emergence is not news.

Unless disturbed, wasps typically stay in their own little world and don’t interfere with others.

Wasps can become violent and attack anyone who enters their region after being warned. They can also sting many times.

Therefore, eradicating wasp nests without expert care is a dangerous experiment.

One of the reasons we continue to assist our clients with wasps nest removal in Barnsley and advise them on the best alternatives is to ensure their safety and efficient functioning.

As a result, we’re going to inform you on some crucial dos and don’ts once you find a nest, as well as about some frequent misconceptions and the best way to get rid of wasp nests and avoid future ones.

So let’s begin exploring right away.


Misconceptions about wasp nest removal


A Wasp Nest Can Be Destroyed at Night

Assuming that doing so will be effective, many homeowners attempt to remove wasp nests at night.

There is no doubting that wasps return to their houses at dusk and spend the entire night there, but that is not the whole story.

Bright lights or any other sparkling object can attract wasps, making them swarm in an instant and become aggressive.

The person is frequently attacked by a swarm of wasps until they feel safe once more.

So, getting rid of a wasp nest with this technique is not recommended.



Wasp stings don’t hurt people

Bee and wasp stings are not the same. When they sting, wasps deliver venom to the skin. In addition, although bees only sting once, wasps can sting again after their initial attack.

Wasp stings are painful and extremely irritating, to put it simply.

Wasp stings, albeit uncommon, can be fatal, especially if you are allergic to stings.

More importantly, even if you’ve never had a sting allergy, you can develop one.

In order to protect yourself and your family’s safety, keep a safe distance from the nests.

Last but not least, wasp stings can be quite harmful, so avoid ignoring them.


False Nest Prevent Wasps from Nesting

According to legend, wasps can be repelled by placing false nests in your garden or home.

The rationale behind this treatment is that wasps don’t construct nests nearby.

That is untrue because wasp nests have been seen close together by some specialists.

Furthermore, for this technique to be effective, false nests must be placed in a dozen locations, including areas where nests may naturally occur, such as the attic, garage, eaves, and similar locations.

For accommodating an artificial nest, several of these locations can be challenging to access.

Let’s look at some crucial dos and don’ts now that we have clarified some prevalent misconceptions about wasp nest eradication.

wasp nest removal barnsley in loft


The Most Important Dos and Don’ts for Wasp Nest Removal


Once a wasp nest has been found, you could find yourself considering doing it yourself.

In actuality, that circumstance can endanger not only your safety but also your possessions.

Professionals strongly discourage it as a result, but don’t worry—we’ve included the crucial safety precautions you need to be aware of below.


What Are Your Options?


Talk to a Professional

To address all the safety issues, it is strongly advised that you hire a professional to remove wasp nests from your house.

We assist our clients in removing wasp nests in the most organised and timely manner with our wasp nest removal services in Barnsley and nearby places.

We treat and remove wasp nests all the time because we do this on a daily basis.


Get guidance from professionals

It’s a good idea to get professional guidance as soon as you discover a wasp nest within your house or fear it might be somewhere else.

You’ll not only receive a workable solution, but you’ll also keep yourself out of harm’s way and avoid potential problems.

Many people attempt do-it-yourself techniques, which frequently yield disappointing results.

Taking issues into your own hands is not only an extremely dangerous endeavour, but it might also put your neighbour, taking matters into your own hands is exceedingly unsafe and could put your neighbour, family, children, and pets in danger as well.

Once more, it is preferable to leave the important choice of how to remove wasp nests without getting stung to the experts.


Wearing safety equipment, approach the nest

Extreme circumstances call for extreme action, so if you ever find yourself near the nest, make sure you are safe by donning the proper gear and having a plan for getting out.

Wasp stings can cause significant harm.

When performing the wasp nest removal operation, professionals always wear protective gear, positioning themselves in a secure area where there is zero risk of being stung.


What Can’t You Do?


Let’s now consider a few techniques that should never be used:

Attempt to burn the nest

Are you aware that wasp nests can easily catch fire?

That is true, and they are created by wasps creating nests by chewing the wood, which results in a flammable product.

You should now have a good notion of the potential consequences of burning the wasps’ nest.

The remaining aggressive wasps will attack because this procedure won’t eliminate all of the wasps.

In addition, if your nest is affixed to a tree or a wall, those structures can also catch fire, severely damaging your home.


To try to drown the nest

The wasp nest cannot be drowned without also killing some or all of the insects inside, just like in the case of a fire.

By doing so, you will just encourage wasps’ aggressive behaviour which is unlikely to have a positive outcome.

While it may seem reasonable to spray water on the nest or drown it, in reality, doing so will cause more harm than benefit.

The above method also has the potential to harm your property, particularly in smaller areas like the attic where water can degrade ceiling plaster boards and attic timbers.


Attempt to Strike the Nest

It is also a bad idea to attack the wasp nest in an effort to drive away wasps.

Using a baseball bat or any other hard object suggests that one is in a hazardous situation.

In this manner, the wasps won’t be scared; instead, they’ll turn hostile and attack. Therefore, it is strongly advised to avoid getting too close to the nest and to let professionals handle the job.


Refrain from attempting to catch or wrap it:

Additionally undesirable are attempting to catch the nest or wrapping it. Once freed, the aggressive wasps will stop at nothing to attack the victim, decreasing the likelihood of escape.

Always keep a safe distance from wasps, and if necessary, contact for help from a specialist.

You run the risk of injury by engaging in any of the activities listed above since wasps can still build another nest even after you demolish the first one.

Unnoticed construction of the nest could lead to unintentional contact with it.

Let’s now focus on the positive: the best ways to avoid wasp nests and remove them without getting stung.


How to Avoid Wasp Nests?


  1. Keep your home and landscape up to date and seal any potential entrance points.
  2. Bins have the most potential to draw wasps. Always keep them clean, and keep them away from windows and doorways.
  3. For wasp repellent, plant peppermint or use peppermint oil.
  4. Install fly screens on windows, doors, and other openings to keep wasps at bay.

Now that we know how to remove wasp nests effectively, let’s move on.


The Best Approach to Wasp Nest Removal




It is strongly advised to get professional assistance in order to remove the wasps’ nest without getting stung.

Following our eradication of wasps’ nests in Barnsley, our clients brag about wasp-free summers. Our technicians are skilled in dealing with all varieties of wasps and only use top-notch, environmentally safe treatments.

Along with donning safety equipment, we take all reasonable precautions to keep you, your family, and pets at a safe distance throughout the operation.

Your safety is of utmost importance to us. Let us assist you in getting rid of bothersome invaders.


Barnsley Wasp Nest Elimination


Years of experience have allowed the professionals at Apex Pest Control to provide excellent services, eradicating all pest problems while maintaining a high standard of client satisfaction.

For assistance with removing wasp nests in Barnsley, South Yorkshire, UK, or any other pest issues, give us a call.

Keep yourself and your family on safe ground this summer by getting rid of wasps from your home.

Any other inquiries? Dial 01226 397691 to reach us right away.