Submitting Your Application for Operational Approval (OA)

Please read before you begin:

Research studies requiring access to SHA resources or patients (including their personal health information) must obtain two types of approval: Research Ethics Approval and Operational Approval. 
Do not submit your application for Operational Approval until AFTER the research ethics application has been submitted.

Note that a waiver of REB approval does not guarantee a waiver of the need for OA. If your research study is exempt from REB review, you must contact the Research Approval Coordinator to determine if an application for OA is required.

Using the Online System:

REDCap is the on-line server used to complete the OA application process. Your application may be saved and accessed at a later date for completion. To do so, please ensure you record the unique LINK in order to access the form to make changes.

The link to your application can be shared with other members of the research team to facilitate the completion of the form.

Please note that the PI must acknowledge or confirm submission of the form prior to processing the Operational Approval application.


For additional information, please refer to the Operational Approval Guidance Notes on our website.

Research Approval Coordinators Contact Information:

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