

泰瑞斯拉酒莊 灰皮諾白酒

原價:$ 580/瓶




TORRESELLA Pinot Grigio,
Veneto IGT,Italy

產區/Region: Veneto

品種/Grapes: Pinot Grigio

酒質/Tasting Notes: 酒色呈現淺黃麥稈色澤的一款干型(不甜)白酒。細緻均衡的酒體結合持久的香氣與風味最讓人印象深刻,是為一款高雅平衡的帶有迷人果香的灰皮諾白酒。

In eastern Veneto, bordering on Friuli, there is a zone of especially fine vineyards with a wine-making tradition extending back to Roman times. The climate, without sharp seasonal variations, and the clay soils of medium structure, rich in salts and well-fertilized, yield some of the world's most sought-after grapes and high-quality wines. Cantine Torresella's wines are distinguished by their freshness and fruit complexity.

COLOR:Pale Straw
AROMA:Intense, white-fleshed, pear and apple-like fruit
TASTE:Smooth, delicate, fresh and well-balanced. Excellent with fish and light soups.

酒精濃度/ Alcohol: 12%

適飲溫度/ Serving temperature: 8-10°

建議搭配/ Food matches:適合當作餐前的開胃酒,或是搭配以蔬菜或是魚肉做成的開胃菜



酒廠 winery 發表品酒心得

    TORRESELLA -泰瑞斯拉酒莊

    泰瑞斯拉酒莊,建立於1870年,出產的葡萄酒曾受到王宮貴族的青睞。但酒園曾一度因病蟲害而衰敗,19世紀末被政府接管。 1993年後,該園就由政府指定管理,所有收入用於對莊園的維護。經歷了五代人後的今天,在意大利利維內多,清晨上空飄著霧氣,這霧氣與下午的微風使這裡的氣溫較低,使成熟期較長,葡萄中的各種精緻的味道也就孕育得很好,這裡的土質良好,受海拔高度影響而形成寒冷氣候,對釀酒具有很大的潛力,於是其創始人不遺餘力收集能得到的最佳葡萄藤,葡萄支係法國引進,聘用法國的釀酒師為莊園建造理想的釀酒廠。葡萄採摘都用人工進行。

    TORRESELLA, established in 1870, the wines have been favored aristocratic palace. But once winery decline due to pests and diseases, the late 19th century was taken over by the government. After 1993, the estate was designated management by the government, all income for its maintenance. Today, after five generations in Veneto of Italy, floating over the early morning mist, fog and afternoon breezes that make the low temperatures here, so the longer maturity, the grape variety of exquisite taste will nurture well, here's the good soil, altitude, cold climate by affecting the formation of the wine has great potential, so spare no effort to collect its founder can get the best vines, grape branches in France to introduce, hiring French wine ideal for the construction division estate wineries. Grape picking is carried out using artificial.


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